9 non-obvious items you have home to disinfect


Door handles, facades of cabinets and mixers - list items that you should treat with antiseptics.

9 non-obvious items you have home to disinfect 3873_1

9 non-obvious items you have home to disinfect

Recently, Rospotrebnadzor issued a list of recommendations for disinfection of residential premises during the coronavirus pandemic. We expanded this check list and added a few more things that you probably forget to disinfect, although you use it almost daily.

1 door handles

Imagine that you came home and immediately went to the bathroom to wash your hands. During this time, you could not get around the door handles - you touched the front door handle when it was closed, and then to the door handle in the bathroom. However, even if you already put a bottle with an antiseptic bottle in the hallway and disinfect your hands immediately after entering the house, clean the door handles are still needed. While you spend time at home, it is easy to touch the source of potential infection, and then spread it around the house while touching the door handles. In short, do not neglect them with cleaning.

9 non-obvious items you have home to disinfect 3873_3

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2 handles and facades of furniture

The same thing we said about door handles, applicable to handles and facades of furniture. You probably forgot, when the last time was wiped up with antiseptic napkins. Next time during cleaning at home, be sure to do it.

3 valve (handle) mixer

Another items that do not occur to disinfect, along with handles of doors and cabinets. But after all, we let water before washing with dirty hands, which means that there is exactly the reason for disinfection. Rospotrebnadzor recommends completely wash the mixer once a day, and if there is a patient in the house, then in general after each use.

9 non-obvious items you have home to disinfect 3873_5

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4 nose on a dispenser with liquid soap

By analogy with the mixer handle, we touch the spout of the dispenser with liquid soap. Do not forget to clean and it too, then you do not have to worry about bacteria and cleanliness of the house.

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5 home appliances that you use daily

Namely: the remote control for the TV, the button on the electric kettle, on the coffee maker, if you have, the keyboard of a laptop or a stationary computer and, of course, a smartphone. By the way, the buttons on the cooking panels also belong to those surfaces to which you touch daily. Do not forget to disinfect all these items, but also do not pour alcohol, the technique can suffer from this. Carefully go through the surface with napkins.

9 non-obvious items you have home to disinfect 3873_8

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6 Switches

Buttons on the switches forget to wash almost everything, although they use them daily. So there is no reason for which they do not need to be included in the checklist of objects for regular cleansing, and during the period of a viral pandemic you need to disinfect.

  • 9 small things in the house that you probably did not wash for a long time (and it's time)

7 bags with whom you go for products

If you abandon plastic bags and brought a bag for products, then it will certainly collect a lot of microbes along the way to the store. In addition, you put it on the table at the box office, while folding products. Wipe the bottom of the bag with antiseptic napkins, and if it is from the fabric, use the antiseptic from the spray gun. And it will not be superfluous to erase such a bag in hot water.

9 non-obvious items you have home to disinfect 3873_11

8 shelves

Together with dust on open shelves, pathogenic bacteria can be seen, with which not to cope with a simple wet cleaning. So take the rule to pass by antiseptic napkins on the shelves during housekeeping.

9 table tops

Countertops of the written and dining tables and the working surface of the kitchen headset should also be cleaned with the use of disinfectants.

No need to turn the desire to clean in the manic intention to disinfect everything around. But take care of your health and pay a very little time to clean the items of daily use in your home - exactly worth it.

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