4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!)


If you, like most people today, are forced to be at home, do something helpful. We recommend starting with the parsing of the antlesole, the freezer and the box in the hallway.

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_1

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!)

The time of forced isolation contributes to the analysis of the most litory corners of the apartment. Places where all the trash folds and almost nothing can be found, there is almost every house.

1 balcony

What we just do not meet on the balcony of the average Russian: construction materials are stored there after repair, bicycles, old clothes and shoes, which served their furniture, winter tires, broken technique and other good. It is time to disassemble the ruins. First of all, it is worth assessing the disaster scale and make a list of things there.

Divide things into three categories

  • Unnecessary. All valuable to anticipate through acquaintances or place on special advertisements for sale. You can give in a gift needing through groups in social networks. We have lost the importance of things, not looking at, take into the garbage tanks.
  • Needed, used rarely. Think what accommodation options are available to you. You can buy onto a balcony dresser suitable in size and place things in it. Or find a place in the already existing closet. The main task is to make storage compact as possible.
  • Necessary, but lost in the pile of Skarba. Reprove the finds. Place them in the area available for daily use and enjoy old new items.

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_3
4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_4
4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_5

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_6

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_7

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_8

  • 7 seats in the apartment for which you can immediately see how often you make cleaning

2 freezer

When was the last time you spent a revision in the freezer? It's time to clean up. Get rid of products with an expired storage period and those that look suspiciously. If it is impossible to determine the shelf life and you do not remember when you bought the supplies - boldly throw out, the provisioning spoiled with a probability of 90%.

Keep the tearing stickers and the handle next to the refrigerator. Check on the products the date of placement in the freezer, just as they do in the kitchens of restaurants, it will help in the future to control the freshness of reserves.

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_10
4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_11
4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_12
4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_13

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_14

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_15

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_16

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_17

Check the video in which we listed products that do not freeze at home

3 Andresol and the top shelves of the cabinet

Inaccessible places - another rampant fittings that you have forgotten several years ago. Disassemble by analogy with a balcony, mercilessly getting rid of extra. Think up new storage areas if things have become too much. Or take a step on the way to conscious consumption and arrange general cleaning according to the Marie Condo method: Leave only the joy of things and feel free to throw out the rest. After such cleaning, you will feel the freedom of home and in life.

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_18
4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_19

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_20

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_21

4 drawer in the corridor (hallway)

Soberly appreciate the contents of the box. Objects that clearly should not be in the corridor, put in place. To organize small items to break the box on the sections with special separators, or buy small containers. Do not leave a big free space, otherwise you will be folded into this separation too many things and the dump is formed again.

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_22
4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_23

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_24

4 places in the apartment where you have not done cleaning for a long time (and now it's time to fix it!) 3995_25

It is simple to clean up one time - much more difficult to support it on an ongoing basis. Each item in the house takes to a certain category with its storage area, do not be lazy to immediately remove everything in places. And the reward will be constant order and visual purity in the house.

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