If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check!


A huge mirror, a large carpet and a lone chandelier under the ceiling - we list objects that are contraindicated with small apartments.

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_1

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check!

1 large carpet

The carpet is very affected by the visual partitioning of the room. Therefore, if you choose a large model, it can break the space unsuccessfully, for example, input, making it even less.

Than replaced

Stay on miniature versions with an interesting pattern and texture. Such mats can be seized in front of the bed, under the desktop or in front of the sofa in the living room. At the same time, they should be entirely in sight and act as an accessory.

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_3
If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_4

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_5

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_6

2 large and medium paintings

Choose a wall decor into a small room - the task is not easy. If, for example, you have a small bedroom, but it is not forced and you want to bring some memorable feature into the interior, you can play on the contrast and lean the large modern canvas to the wall.

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If the situation described above does not like your, it is better to stop on neatly calculated compositions from small elements. It can be posters, photos in concise framework, plates or your own drawings.

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_7
If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_8

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_9

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_10

3 sets of furniture

Not the most successful idea - to furnish a small space of furniture from the same collection, it is easy to get not only an outdated interior, but also littered. Most often it concerns children's: parents pick up the bed at once, the cabinet, the workplace in one color and from one material, hoping that it will look thought out and gently. But in fact, this approach kills individuality and very quickly bored.

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Items from different collections. Try to find the time to visit different stores and showrooms, take pictures of your favorite items, and then try to imagine how they could combine.

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_11
If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_12

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_13

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_14

  • What if the small apartment is clogged with things: 6 useful ideas

4 Massive chandelier

The large, decorated large bright elements, the chandelier will attract too much attention to the ceiling, especially if it is low, and too clearly denotes the center of the room.

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Instead of one chandelier, it is better to use point lighting around the perimeter and add additional light sources into poorly lit parts of the room. You can use for this sconce, flooring, desktop or floor lamps.

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_16
If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_17

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_18

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_19

5 Miniature Accessories

It may seem that in a small space it is better to use many small statuettes, vases and similar details so as not to take too much space. But it is not.

Than replaced

A steam-three more or less large parts will look more harmonious, for example, an elongated vertical vase or mirror in an interesting frame. Pay attention to how they fit into the room, whether in color with some major elements, are it withstanding a common style direction.

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_20
If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_21

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_22

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_23

6 Huge mirror

Many people are familiar: the mirror visually expands the space. This is true, but the extremes here should not be: a huge mirror in the whole wall or completely mirror doors of a large wardrobe will be inappropriate and look too catchy in a really small room. In addition, such a decorative solution can cause psychological inconvenience: not everyone likes to sleep or work, constantly reflecting in the mirror.

Than replaced

Try using a mirror as an accessory: find an elongated oval or rectangular model in an interesting frame and hang on the wall alone or surrounded by a relevant decor.

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_24
If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_25

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_26

If you have a small apartment, these are 6 things in it definitely not a place: check! 4035_27

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