How to clean the well at the dacha: instructions for manual and automated cleaning


We are talking about the reasons, signs of pollution of water in the well and methods of cleaning it.

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How to clean the well at the dacha: instructions for manual and automated cleaning

Water quality should be impeccable. It depends on the health of everyone who drinks it and uses in domestic needs. Therefore, it is very important to follow the technical condition of the source from which it takes. Periodically, he needs cleaning. We'll figure it out how to clean your own hands and how to understand what it is necessary to do it.

All about cleaning a well mine

Why water pollutes

Signs of pollution

When it is better to clean

Two methods of cleaning

- Automated

- Handheld

Why water in the tank becomes dirty

Pollution well, unfortunately, a normal phenomenon. This happens for a variety of reasons. Most often it is irregular use, which is normal for giving seasonal accommodation. During the "idle time", the reservoir gradually overcomes or, as experts say, is styled. This is reflected not only on the quality of the liquid, but also in the state of the equipment. Therefore, the pumps and filters are removed from the mine. Otherwise, they will quickly fail.

Frequent causes of pollution

  • Lovely fitted reservoir cover. The mine can only be opened while it is lowered and rises a bucket. Everything else, it should be hermetically closed. Otherwise, dust, organic and dirt will fall into the trunk. In addition, ultraviolet activates the growth of algae, which is extremely undesirable.
  • Violation of sealing seams. In winter, the soil freezes, then melts. Such annual movements gradually destroy the joints of the shafts. Dirt falls through the cracked cracks inside the trunk.
  • Destruction or error in the arrangement of the clay castle. This is a waterproof capital "layer" with a thickness of 50-100 cm, posted around the ring. When it is destruction of the ripper falls into the reservoir and brings fragments of the soil, waste of life, etc.
  • Displacement of well rings. The top is shifted under the influence of soil swelling due to the freezing. The bottom moves floating. In any case, repair will be repaired.

To minimize labor costs, repair work, if necessary, it is advisable to carry out simultaneously with cleaning.

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How to understand that cleaning the well in the country is needed

Not always the owner understands that the source is polluted. They continue to use and expose their health. There are signs, the appearance of which indicates the presence of a problem. You should not ignore them.


  • Live clouds. It occurs due to the penetration of soil or yals into the tank. Most likely, the seam is disturbed or the rings have shifted.
  • Yellow. Signals the presence of an excessive amount of iron. In addition to chroma, an unpleasant flavor will appear. Manual cleaning is not needed. After laboratory analysis confirming the "diagnosis", an appropriate filter is established.
  • Green shade. Reports that microscopic algae actively multiply in the fluid. If there is a characteristic smell of rot, it means that hydrogen sulfide hits the source.
  • A black color and an unpleasant smell, but it may not be, indicate that an organ fell in the container and has already begun to decompose.

Sometimes outwardly clean and transparent water acquires a sweet taste. This indicates the possible presence of an excessive amount of nitrogen. Most often it happens when nitrates fall into the source. It is necessary to find and eliminate the reason for their appearance. A large amount of scale on household appliances and dishes testifies to the increased content of lime. It is necessary to stop its receipt. All this is performed during cleaning and partial repair.

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  • How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence

When it is better to clean the well in the country

There are no rules defining the timing of the tank cleaning. It all depends on the individual conditions. Dirt in it may appear literally a few weeks after the arrangement or after several years of operation. The owner is important to monitor the quality of water, regularly give samples to control the laboratory. It will cost this a little compared to medicines that will be required to restore health in an unfavorable coating of circumstances.

Laboratory quality samples in normal conditions are made once a year. Usually in the offseason. According to their results, decide on the planned cleaning. For constantly exploited wells, it takes once every five to seven years. Seasonal sources are desirable to clean annually. An unscheduled clearance is usually carried out forced. For example, if a bird or an animal got into the mine.

The best time for scheduled work is the mid-end of August.

At this time, in underground sources, the amount of moisture is reduced to minimum values. Therefore, it will be much easier to prepare the cleaning trunk. It can be done with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists.

It is categorically not recommended to clean the spring in the field of flood. Liquefied, saturated moisture ground can fill in the mine after pumping.

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Two methods of cleaning

Clean the well in the country can be manually or using pumping equipment. The first method is the most time-consuming, but it is the most effective. The second requires smaller labor, but with severe pollution it is unlikely to cope. We will analyze both options in detail.

1. Automated

The technology involves the use of a drainage pump, whose task is to raise or the bottom deposits. They are suused with equipment and are fed upwards where the liquid is cleaned by the filter. Then it is reset down under pressure and the cycle is repeated.

For manipulations, two pumps will be required: the pressure forms a dense stream that cleans the walls of the barrel; Drainage pumps the resulting liquid dirt.

Deleting sediments from the bottom and walls is made by a special hydroacade. It is possible to manage it with a staircase installed inside the tank or from the surface. To clean the source using the pumping equipment, you must perform the following steps.

Instructions for cleaning

  1. Pump water from the mine. We assign it to the maximum possible removal. Otherwise, after a short time it will return.
  2. On the revealed bottom we put a drainage device, plug it. So that the working unit does not delay in Il, put it on a small stand or platform. The removal device of the device is displayed in a cumulative container. It can be a small barrel or an old bath.
  3. At the top of the trunk, we install the pressure pump. It will form a tight thread that cleans the walls.
  4. Run the equipment. Gradually, we clean the inner surfaces by manipulating the hydroacade.

As the filters are contaminated, the drainage unit must be stopped and cleaned. After the filter elements cease to settle the dirt, stop the work.

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2. Manual cleaning

The essence of the procedure is to purify the walls from dirt and mucus with a metal scraper or a rigid brush. For this, a person descends into a pre-dry trunk.

We need to know about the rules of security, the disregard of them threatens not only the health, but also the life of the employee. At the depth of over 3 meters, oxygen starvation be felt. Therefore, alone is categorically prohibited.

Assistants should remain on the surface. They will help descend, and if necessary, raise an employee. It must necessarily wear a safety belt, with the help of which it can be removed to the surface in case of loss of consciousness. Before descent, the presence of oxygen is checked inside the casing. To do this, the burning candle is lowered in the bucket. If it goes out, the oxygen is not at the bottom. We will analyze step by step, how to clean the well with water in the country.

Manual cleaning instructions

  1. We dry the tank. The easiest way to do this drainage pump. You can simply learn all the moisture, provided that the source is not deep and is filled very slowly.
  2. At the bottom install the staircase. It is advisable to make support for it in the form of small platforms so that they are not sucking into IL.
  3. Berm scraper or a rigid brush and carefully renounce the flare on the inner surface. At the junctions, we work carefully to not damage them.
  4. Clean the bottom filter consisting of gravel and sand. To do this, raise it to the surface. Top layers replace. What was the bottom is rinsed well and envy. Then lay in place.
  5. We inspect the purified surfaces. All found defects repair. Seams in joints with a solution with hydrophobic components.
  6. Disinfect all inner surfaces. To do this, carefully wore them with a 10% chlorine solution, mangartan or drug type "White". Be sure to process the bottom filter. All works related to chemicals are performed only in the respirator.
  7. We put the pump. Rinse its filters under pressure or special needs.
  8. We wait until the mine is filled. We leave it in this form for a day or two. Then we drag and fill again. Let us settle day or two, after which you can use.

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How to clean the well at the dacha: instructions for manual and automated cleaning 4060_18

Disinfection applies to manual cleaning. It is carried out before the start of seasonal use of the source and for urgent disinfection. We tell how to clean the well, not going down. To do this, the powder chlorine lime or divorced manganese is falling asleep. Be sure to require an accurate calculation, how many grams of the drug will be required. Overdose is invalid. It is possible to use chlorine-based disinfecting tablets or similar means.

The calculated amount of the substance dissolves in a small amount of liquid, poured into the water, thoroughly mixed. Do it usually long sixth. Then the tank is covered with a dense film or a cloth so that chlorine does not evaporate. Waiting for the time specified in the instruction. Several times pumped up and fill until even the weak smell of the chemical will remain.

As we have convinced, clean the well structure in the country is not so difficult. If desired, the owner will be able to do this.

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