7 tips for the kitchen countertop always clean


Remove the rarely used technique, refuse to dry dryer and hang rails - elementary actions will help to make a snack countertop clean, even if you have a small kitchen and constantly lacking space.

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7 tips for the kitchen countertop always clean

1 Remove household appliances

What you do not use every day - a blender, a toamer, a multicooker - load a worktop, and it looks much more grown than it could. If you take a multicooker once a week, then find her place in the kitchen cabinet.

A frequent problem occurs with a microwave. Alas, if the kitchen is already designed, remove it somewhere in another place is unlikely to succeed. But if you are now in the stage of repair and ordering kitchen headset, think over the microwave furnace to build so that it does not occupy the place on the worktop.

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  • How to survive repair in the kitchen with comfort: 7 tips to help

2 Discard the dryer for dishes

The bulky dryer for dishes, which stands next to the sink on the table top, does not exactly decorate it and takes quite a lot of space. There are several ways to refuse her. The first, the easiest, but also requiring efforts - wash the dishes and wipe it right away, and then hide in the closet. Not everyone likes everything, as it will take a little longer on the cleaning procedure. The second is to hang up the dryer to the railing, but this option is rather controversial, as the drops from the dishes will be dragged on the tabletop, you will have to pretend something, and the towel is unlikely to contribute to the beauty of the interior. And the third - install the dishwasher. But it is possible if you are in the design stage, since under the dishwasher you need to provide a separate outlet and carry out communications.

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3 Remove everything that is not a place on the table top

For example, festive dishes, bottles with oil and wine, culinary books - the list can be continued. Leave only the most necessary - what uses daily and what should be at hand.

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4 Sort

If you remove the oil and spices from the table top just nowhere, their storage can be organized, then they will look carefully and visually the space will become cleaner and freer. The sorting will help beautiful tray containers, which can be delivered several items at once. And cleaning with them will become easier - instead of raising several bottles, it is enough to move one tray and rub the worktop.

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5 hide sweets and snacks

Cookies, candy, packaging with chips or loaves are often lying on the table tops waiting for their watches - tea drinking or snack. But they are definitely not a place there, especially if they are packed in plastic bags or bright factory packaging. Several options are to take place for them inside the kitchen cabinets or purchase beautiful storage containers such products. In the second case, you can organize a tabletop space better - the container will take less space than a chaotic abandoned package, and visually transform the interior of the kitchen.

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6 Use suspension storage

Railings, which can be suspended with cutlery, diverse holders that are easy to attach from the wrong side of the cabinet and other suspended modules will help free the space of the table top.

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7 Do not get fond of decor

A variety of vases, beautiful posters and sets of dishes look aesthetically on the table top, but only a photo. Of course, if they do not cause inconvenience, the decor can be left - this is a matter of taste. But to achieve visual cleanliness accessories are better not to be carried away. In the end, you can decorate not only the worktop, but also open shelves, and put the vase in the flowers on the dining table.

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