6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region


We are talking about the climatic features of the Moscow region and offer a list of the best varieties of blueberries adapted to the conditions of the middle strip of Russia.

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_1

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region

Blueberry berries are a delicious and very useful dessert. They strengthen the vascular walls, normalize the metabolism, improve the work of all internal organs. Under the condition of competent leaving, the berry is actively fruit and pleases a rich harvest. Therefore, more and more gardeners are interested in its cultivation. As you know, it is desirable to choose a zoned plants for landing. We have prepared a selection of the best blueberry varieties for the Moscow region.

Blueberry Sorts for Moscow

Agroclimatic features of the region

Criteria for selection of varieties

List of recommended varieties

Agroclimatic features of the suburbs

For quality and quantity, weather conditions have a great influence. The temperature regime, the duration of the warm period, humidity, the number of sunny days is important. Moscow region belongs to regions with late arrival of actual summer. It lags behind the calendar about a half months. According to the results of observations, summer days begin here from mid-June.

Summer short. His ending falls on the second half of August. Closer to this time the night temperatures begin to fall below marks, comfortable for thermal-loving crops. Plants with a long period of vegetation do not have time to grow, and early and middle-air crops are quite. For blueberries, a short summer is suitable perfect. This is a northern berry that has time to ripen for three warm months.

Suburban soils are heterogeneous. In the eastern and northern part of the region, swamps and peatlands prevail. In South and Western - podzolic, turf and forest gray soils. Blueberry is growing only on sour soils, so in some areas the ideal for her. But not everywhere. It is necessary to make acidity analysis to determine whether or, on the contrary, the deoxidation of the soil is required.

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_3

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Criteria for the choice of zoned variety

The planting material is chosen according to its varietal characteristics. We will list the quality to which you need to pay special attention.

  • Self-duration. The berry needs pollination, so on the site it is necessary to plant different varieties for resellers. However, self-free, that is, self-polling varieties. Grow them easier.
  • Frost resistance. Winter in the Moscow region can be harsh. It is advisable to choose varieties with good frost resistance.
  • Yield. High-yielding varieties give up to 8.5-9 kg per season. Most often these are tall cultures, in short yields below.
  • Resistance to disease. Each varietal variety has immunity to certain diseases. The list needs to be studied and choose a planting material with immunity to the most common diseases in these conditions.
  • Taste qualities. Best taste - in a berry with a high content of sugars. They are usually consumed fresh. Sour more often sent for recycling.

If a long-term storage of the harvest or its transportation is planned, it is worth paying attention to the bleeding and transportation.

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_5

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What kind of blueberries choose

We collected varieties that are best suited for growing in the middle strip.

1. Bluesland

The height of the bush rides up to 120-150 cm. The shoots on it are formed very quickly, so regular trimming is required. Berries are one size, spherical, slightly flashed. The average weight of each - 7-8 g. The skin is durable, when collecting is not damaged. The flesh is dense, very fragrant with a pleasant taste. Berries ripen almost simultaneously, long stored, easily transferring mechanized collection and transportation.

Blueshold on average gives 6-7 kg of fruits from the bush. In the harvest years, the indicator increases to 8-9 kg. The term of fruction is about 55-60 years, with competent crop even more. Self-aged berry, he doesn't need pollinators. It is distinguished by frost resistance, well tolerates frost to -35 ° C. In a hot dry period, it requires frequent irrigation and irrigation, otherwise the berries are "baked", that is, they lose moisture, wrinkled.

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_7
6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_8

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_9

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_10

2. Patriot

Tall shrub grows up to 180 cm. Saving straight, little branched. The varietal variety is prone to thickening, requires regular trimming. Patriot has genetic resistance to root rot, stem and phytoophluorosis cancer. Berries are large, up to 20 mm in diameter, rounded, slightly flattened shape. Skin - light blue. The flesh is greenish, with a pronounced aroma and taste. The crop is stored bad, it is better to use fresh.

Patriot samoploden, less demanding of soil and climatic conditions. First bloom - for the next year after landing. Maximum fruiting begins on the fifth-sixth year of life. Average yield - 7 kg from one bush, maximum - 9 kg. The bush is medieval, blooms in May, beging fruit from mid-July and up to August. Kuste cold-resistant, transfers frost to -40 ° C.

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6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_12

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_13

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_14

3. Blujay

A powerful bush grows to 150-180 cm. Fast growing plant requires regular trimming. Sustainably focused on branches, mummification of fruits and moniliosis. Light blue berries are dense flesh and skin. They do not crack, hang on the branch for a long time without damage. The taste is very soft, pleasant, slightly tart. Maturation falls in mid-July, occurs almost simultaneously.

The yield is relatively small: about 4-6 kg from one plant. The collected crop eat fresh or processed. Long storage for it is not desirable. The transportability is good. Blouth is not self-polished, it is grown next to the pollinators. The grade is cold-resistant, transfers frost to -32 ° C. But still on the winter a berry is better to stream.

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6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_16

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_17

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_18

4. Duke

Tall berry with powerful straight shoots. Reaches a height of 150-180 cm. Duke differs from other sorts of garden blueberries for the Moscow region special decorativeness. In the spring, it is decorated with pink colors-bells, in summer it was covered with bright blue fruits with a slight naiz of a raid, covered with scarlet foliage. Self-polluted, pollinator plants are not needed. Blooms in May, the first berries ripen closer to mid-July. They are round, large, diameter about 20 mm. The flesh and the skin are dense. Taste - patient-sweet with light sourness.

The collected berries easily carry transportation, stored in the refrigerator 10-14 days. Fresh and recycling are used. Duke is not resistant to temperature stress, not afraid of frosts. Critical temperature for it - -34 ° C. The yield is consistently high, 6-8 kg from one plant.

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6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_20

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_21

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_22

5. Elizabeth

A shrub with sparkled branches of 160-180 cm highs. Branched shoots, prone to thickening, which requires frequent trimming. Berries - large, beautiful blue-blue color. They have a very pleasant sweet taste with blueberry notes. From one plant removed 5 kg of berries. They are poorly stored, so they are better recycled or used in fresh form.

Harvesting begins in the first decade of August and stretched for several weeks. Fruits can stay on branches without harm to themselves. Elizabeth has persistent immunity to most fungal diseases, resistant to temperature differences. Transfers cooling to - 32 ° C, while the flower kidneys do not suffer. They can slightly damage the return spring freezes.

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6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_24

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_25

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_26

6. Bonus

Refers to tall varieties, reaches 160 cm in height. Spacious shrub grows up to 1.3 meters wide. The varietal feature is very large berries. Their diameter is 25-30 mm, sometimes even more. The fruits are collected in dense brushes, painted in a blue-blue color. They have a dense skin, flesh - with a pleasant sweet taste. Another feature is the berry juice leaves no indelible characteristic traces on the fabric or on the skin.

Maturation under the conditions of the Moscow region begins in August and lasts a few weeks. The harvest is good in the latest form and processing, you can be transported and not yet stored. 6-8 kg are collected from one bustle. The bonus is referred to self-polling varieties, but gardeners are recommended to grow it near the pollinators plants. It has favorably affects fruiting. The variety needs regular trimming, resistant to most common diseases, frost. But for the winter it is usually covered.

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6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_28

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_29

6 best sorts of garden blueberries for Moscow region 43354_30

We listed several sorts of garden blueberries for growing in the suburbs. To receive consistently high yields, you need to properly care for landings. They love the sun, acidic soil and moderate humidity. It is impossible to priest a berry, plant it on the moistened areas. Adults are considered five- and six-year-old bushes. From this time, they begin to be fruitful in full force.

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