Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment


We tell what simple devices and lifehaki will help to extort the places to whom the hands usually do not reach.

Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment 4352_1

Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment

During cleaning, it is important to remove dust and dirt even in the most hard-to-reach places so that the air is cleaned and your cleaning efforts have not been leveled in the corners and the laid in the bathroom. What kind of primary means and the compositions use for total purity - tell below.

1 ceiling

If you get to the stepladder, you will come terrified how much dust and web accumulated on the ceiling and plinths. Spend a few minutes on cleaning in these places: it is easy to do with a vacuum cleaner without nozzle or mop, wrapped in a wet cloth.

Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment 4352_3

2 Wall and floor for the toilet

The floor and the wall behind the toilet is very hard to clean. To do this, you can use a narrow brush for clothes or wrap the napkin on the handle of the toothbrush. With a dry rigid brush, remove the dust, hair and other trash first, after which you can start a wet cleaning of this place.

Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment 4352_4

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3 dishwasher

Special tablets or dishwasher washing powder are sold in stores. It is enough just to fall asleep into the appropriate hole and run a cycle without dishes. But there is a place that is so easy not to clean - the filter.

  • Empty dishwasher and remove the lower rack.
  • Use a soft wet fabric to clean the area around.
  • Some filters are not pulled out, they can only be raised, so be sure to clean the surface under the lid.
  • If you have a removable filter, unscrew it and soak in warm soapy water, and then wipe with a soft cloth to remove the garbage before replacing.
  • To remove scale and deodorize, pour one or two cup of distilled white vinegar to the bottom of the empty dishwasher and leave overnight.
  • Run the short cycle in the morning for fresh smelling dishwashers.

Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment 4352_6

  • 5 productive ideas for cleaning places that do not reach hands

4 Computer keyboard

Did you know that on the mouse and keyboard of the computer microbes no less than on the rim toilet bowl? To clean these accessories, turn off the laptop, turn the keyboard upside down and shake it threshold over the garbage basket. Then take a cotton wand moistened in alcohol, and clean all the slots between the keys. After that, walk along the keyboard with a dry cotton disk or a hygiene napkin. Such cleaning should be made at least once a week.

Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment 4352_8

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5 mixer on the sink

The mixer due to its small size and complex shape is another hard-to-reach place. And the constantly formed raid from the water only complicates the task. You will come to the rescue, the old toothbrush and the usual dining sode or the remedy for scale will come. A small cleaning surface of the brush can remove dirt from the most difficult corners. Do not forget to rinse the faucet with clean water and wipe dry.

Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment 4352_10

6 Stand for knives

Narrow slots in a stand for knives are one of the most difficult places for cleaning. But it is absolutely necessary to clean them, because we use knives regularly and they should not collect microbes. Since access inside the rack is practically impossible, it remains to wash the entire subject. Take a deep pelvis or bucket and spread a little soap in it. Place the rack in this solution for 10-15 minutes, after which we rinse with running water.

Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment 4352_11

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7 Tesser

The surface of the tissue flooring is rough and serves as an excellent place to collect dust and wool. It is possible to quickly clear the uncomfortable round shape with a sticky roller for clothes.

Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment 4352_13

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8 Shower leak

To wash the uncomfortable shower can from the lime, which is clogged into the holes, preventing the stream of water, can be using vinegar and a conventional polyethylene sachet. A solution of vinegar and water pour into the bag and lower the shower in it. Carefully tie the package around the sleeve and leave for a few hours. After that, rinse the watering can under water.

Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment 4352_15

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