What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species


We tell in detail about the methods of spring landings and varieties that can be placed on the plot in March, April and May.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_1

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species

Beautiful flower garden always pleases the eye. Therefore, the hostesses begin gardening as soon as possible in order to enjoy violent blossom. With the competent selection of plants, flower beds or flower bed will continuously bloom a few months even with minimal care. We'll figure it out how to make seedlings and what flowers to plant in the spring in the soil to get the best result.

All about spring landings in a flower bed

All about spring falling flowers

What and when to plant in a flower bed

  • March
  • April
  • May

Spring landing methods

In the soil in the spring, one and perennial cultures are planted. The first quickly coming up and in two or three months already actively bloom. Perennials may not bloide in the first year, it is normal. For landing in the spring months, three ways are used.


Working and costly technique, but gives the best result. The flowering period begins earlier and continues longer. Seedlings sowed from January to early April. The exact longcy depends on the culture and climatic features of the area. This can be clarified on packing with seeds. Picking seedlings with the first real leaves are dive, that is, they transplanted into individual cups or other containers. When the last frosts go, they are transferred to the prepared place in the flower garden.

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Sowing is carried out in the ground. Its deadlines determines the variety, weather features and climate of the terrain. So, cold-resistant cultures are sown from the third week of April. Heat-loving much later, about a month. The seed is laid in the prepared in advance of the soil. Small and medium are placed in grooves, large in small sockets. The depth of seal depends on the size of the seed. It should not be less than two or three diameters. The emerging shoots necessarily thin.

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The division of root

All perennial cultures need regular division of the bush. The procedure is carried out for their update and rejuvenation. In the spring, plants blooming in autumn or in summer. Rhizome neatly digs for a pitch, retain an earthen com, so as not to damage the small roots. Divide them into parts. The dimensions of each no less adult fist. The presence of roots and kidneys is required. Slices are sprinkled with charcoal, transplant.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_5

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Squeeze flowers in the country in the spring: calendar preparation seedlings and landing works

The choice of varieties and the timing of their sowing depends on the weather and climatic conditions of the area. Detailed information about the culture and peculiarities of its cultivation is indicated on packing with seeds. We offer to get acquainted with the list, what flowers plant in spring at the cottage, with the distribution of landing time by month.


Begins landing seedlings.

1. Petunia

It is grown by a seaside. Seeds are small, before sowing them stirred with sand. The mixture is evinted, does not fall asleep with the substrate. Instead of watering sprayed with water from the spray. After the first sheets appear, seedlings are dive. In the soil planted in April. The normal distance between the stems is 250-300 mm. If it is planned to grow petunition in boxes, no more than 3 flowers are planted at 8-10 liters of land.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_7

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2. Velhets.

It is possible to land in the ground in April or May, but to speed up the flowering, grow seedlings. In the boxes spend shallow grooves where the seeds are placed with the distance between them 20-30 mm. Fall asleep the earth, tribe and watered well. After the appearance of two or three real "carved" leaves, seedlings are dive. On the flower las are transferred after 18-20 days. The velhatz grown in this way already at the end of May will delight with their flowering.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_9

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3. Lion zev

In the southern regions it is better to air in the ground. Locals with cold protracted spring are grown by a seedler. Seeds in front of the sealing in the soil are stirred with sand, rushing the earth and watered. Pick after the appearance of the third real sheet. Transplant to the flower garden in a half or two months. Large varieties - at a distance of 50 cm from each other, small - 15 cm.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_11

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4. Viola or Pansies

Seedlings are sensitive in excessive moisture, so the Drainage is necessarily laid on the bottom of the box. Seedlings dive twice. The first time after the appearance of two or three real leaves. The second time - in five weeks. If the sprouts plan to plant in the box, the distance between them should be at least 60 mm. After mid-May, Viol is transferred to the flowerbed. Between bushes should be at least 100-150 mm.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_13

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5. Dolphinium

It happens one and many years. In the latter case, bloom comes only in the second year of life. This annuals are often sowing into the ground, provided that the weather allows. Dolphinium is grown by a seedy. Seeds are sown in a container in small grooves. Separate in separate containers, when seedlings are fixed, about 25-30 days after germination. In the place in the flower bed is transferred in the last days of May.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_15

In March, it is possible to sow on seedlings and other plants: Verbena, Portulak, Balzamin, Ageratum, Heliotrop, Ipea, Cineroom, Annole Astra, etc.

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In most regions, in the third week of the month, you can already search for an open soil resistant to freezers annuals and perennials. But if warm comes late, it is better to sow and grow seedlings. We list what flowers are planting in spring in an open ground.

1. Eshcholce

Small seeds for the winter are cleaned into a cool place. In the spring sown without grooves, slightly pressing each into the soil. Then spill with water and mulch the planting peat. Sometimes the esthemia is sowing directly to the snow. After about 10-14 days, the first shoots appear, they immediately need to be switched. Stems should be removed one from another 20 cm. California poppy, this is the second name of the flower, prefers drained soils with a weak alkaline or neutral reaction, light-chap.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_17

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2. Calendula

At the same time, decoration for cottages and medicine. 10-14 days before sowing prepare the soil, fertilizers contribute to it. The seed lay in the grooves depth 1-2 cm. Between them should be 20-25 cm. If the calendul is grown for medicinal purposes, the distance between the rows can be 8-10 cm, for decorative 30-40 cm. 15-20 days after the appearance Seeding seedlings thinning. Moreover, extra quite viable, they can be transferred to another flower. Calendula blossoms begins closer to mid-summer.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_19

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3. Decorative cabbage

Very beautiful and unpretentious plant. Prefers Sacks and Suglinka rich in humus. Sustainable freezing. It can grow in a small shade, but on the sun coloring of the leaves brighter. Seeds germinate. Wrap in a cloth moistened with organic fertilizer solution. The proceeding seeds are laid on the ground, fall asleep with a layer of land with a thickness of 1 cm. When sowing it is necessary to take into account that the bushes are growing in diameter up to 60 cm. At stage 3-4, seedlings are thinned.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_21

During this period, Clarkiy, Adonis, cornflowers, fragrant peas, eggs, vaccaria, Chinese carnation, gypsophila, snake, chain, Len, Macs and others are sown.

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In the last month of spring, the seedlings are transferred to flower beds, sow thermal-loving flowers and divide the tuber perennials. Some bulbous, for example, tulips can be planted into the ground. It is important that the soil warms up quite well. They are doing well and in about a month already bloom. Other bully, such as crocuses, plant still early. Springnetstelling varieties are transplanted from July to September, OssennetsNews - from June to August. We list which perennial flowers to plant late spring.

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1. Georgina

Prefer fertile loose soil, a large amount of light. On the shaded areas bloom less magnificent. If the earth is unnecessary wet, when landing on the bottom of the hole, the drainage is stacked. Tubers are treated with a weak solution of manganese or phytoosporin. For activation of growth, they are soaked in the "cornetern" stimulants, "epin". The wells are digging according to the scheme 40x30 cm for low varieties and 70x50 cm for large. The tuber is placed in the well, fall asleep the earth, closing the root neck is no more than 3-4 cm. Water and mulched.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_24

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2. Anemones

All varieties are demanding of the soil. It should be fertile, loose, breathable with alkaline reaction. Strong drafts are not allowed. The level of illumination is different, it depends on the variety of anemone. Sproved tubers plant. They are first soaked in water, then placed in a wet substrate, sphagnum, rags or in cotton. After sprouting, tubers are transferred to the prepared hole. They are plugged by 6-7 cm, the ground is slightly sprinkled. Shipping diagram 7x7 cm.

What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species 4421_26

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List, what flowers can be planted late in the spring, you can continue: Acrosklinum, Lavaters, Garden chamomile, chrysanthemums, lilies, asters, bells, etc. It is necessary to choose plants with the climatic features of the terrain and conditions that flower water can provide. The choice of blooming crops is very wide. Among them and the newcomer, and an experienced gardener will easily pick up a variety to decorate your flower bed.

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