5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions


To paint the walls in a juicy yellow, expand the space with the help of contrasts or do not take a member at all - asked designers how it is better to make a small apartment.

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_1

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions

Dark colors - no longer taboo for small apartments. On the contrary, more and more designers appeal to them, making up interiors. Along with dark, traditional pastel and neutral shades are also popular. If the dark palette adds the interior of character and dramatic, then light colors make space easier weightless and air. What to choose is to solve you.

1 yellow brown

Saturated yellow, mustard or warm brown shades will instantly make a bright living space from your small apartment. Enable these colors locally - in the form of textiles and accessories, or use a more radical approach and paint the yellow walls - depends on your courage. If you are not yet ready for bold solutions and bright colors, choose those rooms where it is not scary experimenting: entrance hall, dressing room, bathrooms.

Irina Petrov, Studio Arca Design

Irina Petrov, Studio Arca Design

Any interior will become bright and cheerful if adding a little calm yellow or mustard into it. It will be a spectacular combination of yellow with terracotta, a classic combination with gray or blue. Do not be afraid to use juicy shades in small rooms.

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_4
5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_5
5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_6
5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_7
5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_8

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_9

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_10

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_11

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_12

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_13

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2 Emerald, Graphite and Blue

Want to create a non-bank interior with character? Dark shades will come to the rescue. Do not doubt about visual decrease - with competent use they, on the contrary, are able to expand the space.

Alexandra Ogorodnikova, Irin

Alexandra Ogorodnikova, Irina Karpova, designers

In small apartments, it is not necessary to make walls with light. In our projects, we often use deep tones: emerald, graphite, blue. Especially such colors are good for small rooms: hallway, bathrooms. Dark colors make room chamber and cozy. Even when they become pretty bright, support the atmosphere. Dark saturated colors give depth and allow you to play beautifully with lighting scripts.

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5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_17
5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_18

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5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_20

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_21

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3 Natural colors

Naturalness in trend. This applies to all: materials, textures, finishes and palettes. Natural shades are rarely too bright and help create an image of a harmonious and comfortable interior. They can act as companions in the finish or used more locally - in the form of decor and accessories.

Dmitry Kondakov, designer

Dmitry Kondakov, designer

Do not use many colors at once, let the interior be laconic, minimalist, so there will be more air. Use natural colors on the emphasis walls to make the interior natural and cozy.

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_24
5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_25
5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_26
5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_27

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_28

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_29

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_30

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_31

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4 blue or beige with accents

Light, light shades work perfectly on the visual expansion of the area, which means they need to be used in the design of a small apartment. With the help of such a palette, you can visually add a couple of squares of the hallway or fill the living room by a vacation mood. Due to the fact that blue and beige - opposite in warmth, they are fine complement each other, creating a balanced interior.

Galina Berezkin, designer

Galina Berezkin, designer

In a small area of ​​the interior, light shades are traditionally well operating as the main background tones: heavenly blue and beige sand tones fill the interior of the air and light atmosphere. The effect of a bright accent element on a neutral background is also well. Such an emphasis attracts all attention to itself and does not allow to concentrate on the size of the room. When using this reception, the shade must be truly rich and attracting attention, red, orange, yellow and bright blue tones are well suited.

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5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_38

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_39

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5 Neutral pastel shades

Classic - use neutral shades on a small prayer. With them, there is almost no risk to visually reduce the metrar, they are suitable for various premises and styles. Are you afraid that the beige interior will be fresh? Use several pastel shades at once together - they are usually perfectly combined.

Alexandra Garthke, designer

Alexandra Garthke, designer

A small apartment needs to be issued in bright, pastel colors, they can be taken as the basis. For all rooms, it is better to use a similar range, not to crush the rooms in colors - so the apartment will seem more. A brighter color can be added in detail.

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5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_45
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Opinion: Do not push out the area when choosing a color

Dark shades can be completely successfully used both in the interior of a spacious apartment and in a compact Khrushchev. With their help, it is easy to arrange the color accents indoors or use them in the finish. For example, apply the nonbooting and make the ceiling in small-silt dark blue. After all, when we look at the night sky, it does not seem like us.

Alexandra Dashkevich, designer

Alexandra Dashkevich, designer

I believe that the size of the apartment does not determine the choice of colors. Yes, of course, light shades expand the space, but in general, you can use any color both in large and in a small apartment. One active wall in a small room helps to deepen space - it can be quite dark, such as blue or burgundy, color. If in the interior with mainly white walls to make some color accent - the space will become more interesting and focus of attention from the size of this space will shift towards its organization.

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5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_55
5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_56
5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_57

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_58

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_59

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_60

5 ideal color combinations for small apartments: View opinions 4473_61

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