How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways


We tell, under what conditions to keep carrots in an apartment or cellar and what to do so that it does not spoil for a long time.

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_1

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways

Carrot - vegetable, which is in each kitchen. It is put in borsch and soup, add to salads and just eat. Kornefloda love for the large content of vitamins and the sweet taste, which adds a pleasant taste for dishes. Many grown it in the garden or just buy in stores to always be at home. Therefore, tell me how to keep carrots in an apartment or in a private house so that it does not spoil.

All about the storage of carrots

Preparation of vegetables after harvest

How to choose it in the store

Conditions for the right placement

How to place fruits

Storage time

Preparation after harvest

Collect carrots follows the onset of frosts. Usually in the middle lane it is necessary to do in September. If you lose the moment and give the fruits to harden, they will become bitter and will be worse.

The harvest is collected only in dry weather. It is desirable that the days are sunny. First you need to dream a little fruit. To do this, you can use a shovel or forks. Then pull it out of the ground for the tops. It should be done gently and carefully. If you want the fruit to be sweetered, it is better to extract them from the ground in the evening. In the afternoon, they usually accumulate sugar in themselves, and with the onset of darkness begin to spend it.

After digging, it is necessary to immediately cut the greens, leaving 2 cm tops from above. After the root plates are laying on a bed for drying. From the straight sun better to cover them. If the weather does not allow you to dry them in this way, it is worth folding into a dry warm room. Leave for 2-3 hours.

Then it is worth trimming the heads of the roots for a couple of centimeters. It will not give them to germinate when stored. You can also remove fine tips. They are first starting to deteriorate and rot, so it's easier to get rid of them right away. After trimming, you need to give carrots for another couple of hours in order to dry cuts. It is worth cleaning it from the ground with a dry way without water. It is better to leave a little dirt than damaging the surface - such a carrot does not break for a long time. After cleaning, it is necessary to remove into the cool room on the day so that the root plates are departed.

Then they need to be sorted in size, as well as remove patients or damaged instances. Those that were cut by a shovel, there are cracks on themselves, were infected with parasites, they will not fit and quickly spoil.

If you are just thinking about planting a harvest, you should pay attention to the varieties that can be removed for long-term storage. Early, which include short and round fruits, are not stored for a long time. It is better to choose the middle-wide varieties (Moscow winter, red Giant, Altair) and Land-timed (queen of autumn, Karlen).

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_3

  • Where to store onions so that it remains fresh: 10 right ways for the apartment

How to choose fruit in the store

If you buy for storage of carrots on the market, vegetable bed or in the store, then you should choose only high-quality fruits. Patients are able to infect other vegetables, and cracked or cut quickly spoil.

When choosing, pay attention to weight: one carrot should not be more than 150. The fruits of this size are considered the most delicious. It is better to take bright, they are usually more useful substances. Their color should be monophonic, without points and spots, which may indicate the beginning of product damage. If there are green spots on them, most likely, carrots did not get closed or climbed under the sun, such can be patched. And if you notice black long threads, it speaks about infection with parasites, they easily poison.

The surface of the roots should be smooth, not to have cuts and cracks. It is also important that there is no strong deformation. Fruits must be solid. If when you press you feel that the surface is remembered, it says about the start of product damage.

It is also important to pay attention to the site between the tops and the root. His bright green color speaks about the quality of the fetus. But it should not be more than 1 cm, most likely, such fruits did not arm. And if you notice the process, it is, on the contrary, indicates that they are overripe. Such will be less tasty.

If you are going to store carrots at home for a long time, then, as a rule, it is better to choose custom. She breaks longer. Myti can be stored for several months, if it is enough for you, then you can safely take this.

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_5

Conditions for proper storage

So that the roots lay longer, you need to know at what temperature to store carrots. It is believed that ideal conditions are observed at temperatures from 0 ° C to + 2 ° C. If it goes down below, the vegetables will freeze and get a bitter taste. And if it rises above, they will begin to deteriorate and will not lay long.

Where the carrot is stored, there may be high humidity: up to 90-95%. It is also important that the place is ventilated. Next to rooteplood should not be placed fruit. The latter highlights gas that helps other fruits to ripen. Next to them, the carrot will deteriorate much faster.

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_6

How and where to place the fruits

The easiest way to fold the carrot into the cellar, if you have such. Most often they are made in private houses or garages. Also suitable a cool dry basement. Store carrots in the apartment in the winter, as a rule, can be on the glazed balcony. It is there that the ideal temperature conditions are achieved. You can add part to the unheated pantry, but these are rarely in apartments. For a small amount, the refrigerator will fit. In special boxes for vegetables are usually supported + 2-3 ° C. You can also remove the vegetable in the freezer, but it will take additional preparation for this. We tell how to store carrots in different ways.

1. In the cellar

One of the most popular storage methods of carrots in the cellar is to use a natural filler that will absorb extra moisture and not to give vegetables. You can take sand, moss-sphagnum, onion husks or sawdust (it is better to take fishing of deciduous trees, conifers will give the resin smell vegetables). The filler is needed so that the roots do not touch each other. Such storage will allow you to preserve the harvest until spring.

For such an accommodation, any convenient capacity is suitable: a box of dense cardboard, a plastic box, a bucket, or even a large enameled saucepan. Sawdust and sand, if you decide to use them, you must first moisten. But very wet they should not.

The layout scheme is simple: the filler is poured onto the bottom of the container, then the vegetables are laid out so that they do not touch each other. They close another layer of filler. As a result, the box turns out a "puff pastry" from the root and layers. By the way, it is not necessary to add only one carrot, in the "Pie" may also be adjacent to other vegetables, such as potatoes or beets.

You can also lay carrots not horizontally, but vertically. In this case, it is necessary to fill a filler first into the container, and then stick the roots in it so that they do not touch each other. The tops of vegetables should be completely filled.

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_7
How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_8
How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_9

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_10

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_11

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_12

There is another option: it does not imply the use of any container. You can bury root in the filler immediately. In this case, the fruits are placed on a slightly wet sand, fall asleep with them from above. Then put a layer of vegetables. As a result, it turns out a small hill.

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_13
How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_14
How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_15
How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_16

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_17

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_18

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_19

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_20

2. On the balcony

On a glazed balcony or loggia, vegetables can also be folded in the box, a saucepan or bucket - any comfortable container. In this case, it is worth using tips from the previous point. Put the filler in the container and decompose the carrot horizontally and vertically. However, if the temperature on the balcony is high enough, then carrots will not have so long as in the cellar. If you want to keep the crop really for a long time, it is worth thinking about the acquisition or creation of a thermophreb or thermoshkafa. This is a container in which you can maintain a certain temperature. You will only have to establish the desired number of degrees and lay the carrot for storage, using the already described methods.

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_21
How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_22
How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_23

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_24

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_25

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_26

3. In the refrigerator

For long storage in the refrigerator it is worth using the following method. Take carrots and carefully wash it (you can use a rigid brush or sponge). Then give vegetables to dry completely. After you need to cut off the tips on both sides and leave for a while so that the sections are dried.

Next, you need to take a package of dense polyethylene, put a carrot there. Release air from it, and then tie. If you want, you can use another package for reliability. Next it is necessary to remove it into the compartment for vegetables.

Do not be surprised if you notice water inside the package inside the package. This is condensate. It will disappear after a while.

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_27
How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_28

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_29

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_30

4. In the freezer

To remove storage in the freezer, you should first prepare root roots. Wash them carefully, then dry completely. Next, they should be rubbed with a grater or simply cut. For convenient placement, you can select containers or packages, for example, with a zip clasp. Such after you can wash and use again.

In a grate of carrots, you need to decompose in the container. If packages have chosen, try to make them flat, so they will be stored in the freezer compact. Of these, it is worth releaseing excess air. You can do this using a tube: close the package not to the end, insert the straw and suck the air. It turns out an analogue of vacuum packaging.

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_31

  • 7 life storage in the refrigerator that will help save cleanliness inside

Duration of storage of cornestod

The use of different methods of accommodation allows you to extend the freshness of the root of the root at the same time.

  • In the cellar, with the right location, they are capable of falling 4-5 months and more. At this time, it is necessary to periodically inspect and remove the sick or beginners to deteriorate.
  • In the usual room, the shelf life reaches several months, after the carrot slowly swept.
  • In the refrigerator, saving products will succeed in one season. It is important that the shell is not damaged, otherwise the vegetables will not be larger.
  • In the freezer, grated carrots will not deteriorate within 6 or more months. However, for a large harvest, this method is not very good, if only you do not buy a freezer and do not handle all the products in advance.

How to store carrots at home so that it does not spoil for a long time: 4 ways 458_33

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