Installing PVC panels in the bathroom: Tips for choosing and installation instructions


We find out what PVC panels are, choose the appropriate option and mount it in two ways: frame and frameless.

Installing PVC panels in the bathroom: Tips for choosing and installation instructions 5084_1

Installing PVC panels in the bathroom: Tips for choosing and installation instructions

Today, a large number of finishing solutions apply for labeling. And if the tile is often expensive, and the staining of the walls is trite, you can pay attention to decorative plastic. Moreover, the installation of plastic panels in the bathroom can not even with inexperienced masters. Let's analyze how it is better to do and what kind of material for such a finish should be selected.

All about choosing and installing PVC panels in the bathroom

Benefits and disadvantages of material

Types of panels

Tips for choosing

Installation instructions do it yourself

Advantages and disadvantages of finishing material

Plastic sheets are a great option for updating the interior. Thanks to its wonderful consumer properties, they enjoy well-deserved popularity of urban residents, but also among country real estate owners.


  • Products from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are not subject to rotting, do not absorb moisture, have a high degree of wear resistance.
  • Dust and dirt do not accumulate on their surface, so they do not need constant care. But if the walls with such a finish were still stained, they are easy to return a presentable view with a wet sponge or segment of a fabric moistened in water. At the same time, you will not have any expensive cleaning tools.
  • The cost of vinyl is an order of magnitude lower than a tile or laminated wood. At the same time, in the aesthetics and light in operation, plastic is not inferior to one or the other. In addition, it is noticeably easier, and therefore it is easier to work with it. It is not surprising that the installation of PVC panels in the bathroom is available even for those who have never had such experience ever.
  • Plastic sheets are well absorbed the noise, which allows them to use them as a means for sound insulation, and in the conditions of an apartment building, it is always relevant.
  • Installation of such a cladding with a skeletal way makes it possible to close engineering communications: tap and sewer pipes, electrical wiring cable. In some cases, it is impossible to hide them differently.

Installing PVC panels in the bathroom: Tips for choosing and installation instructions 5084_3


  • Of course, there are also minuses, although they are not so much. First of all, flammable. PVC sheets are instantly flammified, highlighting toxic substances. It is impossible to apply them in wooden houses.
  • In addition, plastic is afraid of mechanical damage: due to a random strike with a heavy item (and sometimes even elbow), the product can crack or split, as a result of which it will have to be changed.
  • The blade from Vinyl does not pass the air, so before installation it is necessary to take care of forced ventilation. Bathrooms are a prerequisite.
  • Some types of PVC facing do not tolerate temperature differences: with rapid heating they can soften, and then deform. When buying should be paid to the temperature range that the product can withstand. For the design of the bathroom, such a range should be as wide as possible.

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Types of panels

Modern wall and ceiling plastic finish are produced in different modifications. Each of them possesses certain characteristics.

PVC lining

This type of finish is presented in all construction hypermarkets. Disturbed vinyl lining, as well as PVC sheets, resembles polycarbonate, since it has the same cellular structure and consists of two plates connected by thin jumpers. Facing is produced in a wide color scheme, its surface often imitates wood texture.

The lining is used both with external and internal work, but it is technically more designed to finish the facades, as it has a suture compound. Such a docking method allows the material to be freely compressed and expand when the air temperature changes. In the bathroom of the city apartment, it will not always look appropriate, but in the bathroom of a private house, the lining under the tree will give the interior of the Spirit of romantic life.

In the production of lamellae, the coloring pigment is added directly to the raw material from which they are formulated, as a result, the lining does not grind a long time, does not lose its color. For this reason, it is often used indoors. Its standard dimensions are 100x3000 mm or 125x6000 mm with a thickness of 10 and 8 mm, respectively. With similar dimensions, it is convenient to work, sowing the walls of a large area.

Installing PVC panels in the bathroom: Tips for choosing and installation instructions 5084_5

PVC sheets

Models, the design of which resembles masonry from tile is most popular. Method for docking products seamless, which attracts many buyers. Moreover, the installation of plastic panels in the bathroom is a simple task, especially if there is a step-by-step instruction.

PVC sheets are painted after manufacture, because of this, their abrasion resistance is not as high as the clapboard, but if necessary, they can always be painted.

However, in order not to bother with superfluous concerns, it is better to purchase laminated or varnished products: the first is covered with decorative film, and the second is an additional layer of varnish. Both species have increased wear resistance and will not lose their initial view over the years.

Also manufactured with 3D effects. They are a rubber panel that can resemble a mosaic panel, brickwork, stylized waves or flowers. The cost of these products is significantly higher, but they look more interesting.

Installing PVC panels in the bathroom: Tips for choosing and installation instructions 5084_6

Size depending on the manufacturer may be different. Most often it is 2700x250x8 mm or 2700x500x9 mm. Thus, the sheet finish is suitable for a bathroom of any area.

Sandwich panels

This type of facing consists of two PVC plates, between which the interlayer is fastened - insulation of expanded polystyrene. The color and drawing of the finish, as a rule, mimics the wood of valuable breeds - cherry, nut, oak or alder.

Apply the material makes sense if the bathroom needs not just separated, but also insulation. Such a need arises, for example, in apartments and houses, where one of the bathrooms in contact with the street.

The connection is also seamless, according to the principle of "spike-groove", mount and dock panels with the insulation is not more difficult than ordinary. Their dimensions are 3x1.5 m, the thickness varies within 10-32 mm. Separate with sandwiches, small bathrooms are not very convenient, but if you wish, the product can be easily chopped under the desired size.

The cost of material is significantly higher than other types of plastic facing.

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Selection parameters

Selecting the appropriate model of plastic finishes, you should adhere to several important criteria.


For walls and ceiling, different modifications are produced, which in appearance are almost no different. In this case, the ceiling finish is usually cheaper. However, it is not necessary to think that it can replace the wall covering: products for the ceiling are thinner and do not have the necessary level of protection against abrasion. As a result, such savings can lead to unpleasant consequences. So, when choosing, find out the purpose of products in advance.

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Thickness and ribbiness

The thicker the finishing layer, the more reliable and stronger. Recommended wall thickness - not less than 9 mm. Even better if this parameter is 10 mm. Acquire a product with a thickness of 8 mm only in the case of a limited budget.

The thickness of the facial plate is of great importance: internal partitions should not be viewed through it. If they are still noticeable, it is better to search for another modification.

Inspect the end part of the product and make sure that all ribbies are intact and are not deformed. Again, the more Röber, the longer product. It is important that the distance between them was no more than 10 mm.


Modern decorative sheets and pvc lining are absolutely safe in operation, except those situations in which fire may occur. However, purchasing material, check the availability of a quality certificate.

Produced by a handicraft can be isolated phenol and other poisonous substances. In order not to run into the fake, order the goods from proven providers who have all the necessary documents.

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Plastic Sheet Facing is glossy and matte. The first reflects the light well, so the space in a small bathroom will visually expand. The second is more restrained, it is advisable to install it in the premises of a large area.

PVC lining has a certain visual effect: if there is a low ceiling in the bathroom, the finish is mounted vertically, and if the narrow walls are horizontally.

The surface of the products should be smooth and smooth, without cracking of chips, "waves" and other defects. Also make sure that they are easy and tightly fit with each other without cracks and gaps (if the fastening of the seamless type). If there are any deformations or defective connecting locks from the purchase, it is better to refuse to immediately immediately.

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Installation of plastic panels for bathroom with your own hands

Plastic installation can be carried out in one of two ways: frame and frameless. Both techniques have their own characteristics that need to know in advance.

Frameless way

This technology is used if the walls of the bathroom are smooth and do not have serious defects. The minus methodology is that it is not easy to replace any of the elements: to dismantle tightly glued plastic, you have to work hard.

Installation instructions for a frameless way

  • Remove the old coating, align small irregularities with putty, treat the walls with an antiseptic and primer.
  • Make markup: divide the treated surface to rectangles according to the size of the material. Theoretically, you can do without it, but the markup will allow you to quickly carry out the installation and prohibit panels in advance for those areas where it is necessary to glue the sheets of a narrower format.
  • Start setting. On the back of the plastic point, apply a glue composition (for example, liquid nails). Between points, leave the gap of 30-40 cm. You can apply glue and zigzag lines, but it will be more.
  • Gently secure the product, focusing on the markup lines. Carefully, not to damage, press it against the wall and wait until the glue grabs. After a few minutes, check how well the panel is holding, and then fasten the next one by connecting it with the previous one.
  • For the design of the corners, use overhead plastic corners, which are honest on top of already mounted sheets.
  • If the base is aligned with drywall, the finish must be fixed with self-drawing. In this case, the glue is no longer needed.

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Frame method

Mount the plastic with the help of metal profiles is not only more difficult, but also more expensive: you have to spend money on guides. At the same time, this method will allow to do without alignment, as well as close the plumbing pipes that spoil the whole interior. But it must be remembered that the framework will noticeably reduce the useful area of ​​the bathroom. So before applying it in a small room, we should weigh all the "for" and "against".

Mounting process panels on frame

  • Make marking. Mark on the wall of the point of attachment of fixing elements, drill holes and score dowels. Next, using self-pressing, mount the flexible fastening plates. In the corner, also on dowels and screws, put the vertical profile.
  • Bend the plates and fix horizontal rails on them with an interval of 40-50 cm. Connect them with an angular profile. Then, around the perimeter of the wall, install accessories on the frame - special plastic molding with grooves.
  • Staying start from the left edge. Slightly pushing at the bottom of the plastic, insert the first sheet into the groove, then move it until it stops to the extreme vertical molding.
  • Screw the product to the shap screws. The second sheet is consolidated in the same way, taking it with its locking compound with the first.
  • Similarly, fix all subsequent blanks until the latter, which falls on the angle. It is mounted simultaneously with the angular molding, screwing the latter on the metal profile. Next leaf put already from this angle to another wall. And so again to the very end.

Installing PVC panels in the bathroom: Tips for choosing and installation instructions 5084_12

When installing a frame, you can make a desire to replace the metal doom on the wooden, as it is cheaper. It should not be done: in the conditions of constantly high humidity, wood will begin to rot very quickly.

Installation of PVC panels in the bathroom can be not only vertical (as described in our instruction), but also horizontal. The algorithm of work will not change, only the rails should be fixed no longer horizontally, but vertically.

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