Repair hole in linoleum do it yourself: tips on fixing with a patch and without


We tell about different methods of repairing linoleum, find out how to avoid damage and choose the strongest cloth.

Repair hole in linoleum do it yourself: tips on fixing with a patch and without 5207_1

Repair hole in linoleum do it yourself: tips on fixing with a patch and without

Linoleum - the material is very strong, but with a strong mechanical exposure, it can also be damaged. It happens always unexpectedly: in the process of repair, with the arrangement of new furniture or even because of errors made during styling. Another frequent cause is incorrectly selected coverage. Today we will tell how to close a hole in linoleum and prevent her appearance.

All about fixing holes in the linoleum and the prevention of this problem

Repair without patchwork
  • With the help of a special composition
  • With glue
  • With the help of bilateral scotch

How to fix a patch problem

Prevention of damage

Criteria for the choice of strong linoleum

How to repair without patchwork

With the help of a special composition

Curls, scratches or small holes are optionally stuck: they can be repaired using a special mastic or shtklanie. It is released in the form of a paste or pencil and sell in almost every construction store. If it was not possible to buy it, it is not necessary to despair: such a repair makeup is easy to make it yourself. This will require such materials as rosin, castor oil, coloring pigment, as well as alcohol-denaturates.

First, melt the row rosin: put it in a porcelain bowl, which is pre-installing boiling water over the pots. As soon as the substance is melted, remove the dishes with boiling water and put it cool. While the rosin does not froze again, add 100 g of the Caster and 150 g of denature to it.

Pigment, which is produced in the form of a powder as an additive to paint and varnish materials, it is necessary to choose in advance: its color should not be very different from the color of the canvas. At the same time it is necessary to remember that after drying, the homemade putty will become lighter.

Mix all three components, and then put a spoiled portion. After it dry, pollute the renewed surface with fine-grained emery paper. As you can see, even for an inexperienced master, the described method will not be much difficult. Having mastered it, you will understand how to quickly close the hole in the linoleum without a patchwork.

Repair hole in linoleum do it yourself: tips on fixing with a patch and without 5207_3

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With glue

No less simply eliminate homes of damage in the form of needed pieces or cuts. If the problem is a protest "language", then, first of all, clean the base from dirt and dust. Then pour the hole with a thin layer of floor adhesive composition. It can be universal PVA glue, silicone sealant or liquid nails.

Repair hole in linoleum do it yourself: tips on fixing with a patch and without 5207_5

Press the parted part to the floor with something heavy, and the joints are treated with cold welding, for example, Khomolol. After drying, the canvas will again acquire its original look.

With the help of bilateral scotch

This method will suit if the coating has diverged at the junction or a long incision has been discovered on it.

Begone in different directions of the edge. Opened base as a spelling. Apply a primer on the cleansed surface and leave to dry.

Making sure that the base is dry, let's see from the coil with a tape of the desired length and pose into the gap. Remove the protective film from its outdoor side, after which they neatly glue to the scotch renovated edge of the material. Using the rubber roller, smooth the seam so that it is not noticeable.

If the edges did not come together with a couple of millimeters, fill the seams with cold welding. Now see the junction will be almost impossible.

  • What to drop the green with linoleum so as not to spoil the coating

How to stick a hole in a patch linoleum

Well, if after laying there are several unnecessary pieces: of which wonderful patchwork. But how to patch the spoiled canvas if all the material was spent? In this case, remove the plinth and cut the coating strip, which was under it. If the damage is so big that this is not enough, you will have to go to the store, asking trimming of the desired color from the sellers.

Repair hole in linoleum do it yourself: tips on fixing with a patch and without 5207_7

So, proceed to repair. Take a small piece of cardboard and with the help of scissors, make it patterns in the form of a triangle or square of the same size as a damaged area. Put it on the spare sheet of the coating.

Armed with a sharp mounting knife, cut the patch along the circuits of cardboard, but so that it is a little more than the melocle itself. Get a piece of double-sided adhesive onto her back side and lock it directly on the hole.

Take the knife again. Now you need to cut so that the tool blade passed through a double layer of material: at the same time through a patch, and at the edges of the problem space. As a result, such a billet should be turned out, which will definitely sit in the hole. Clean the base from dust, apply PVA glue on it and stick to the floor cut-off flap.

So that the joints were not visible, hang them with a knife. It remains sealing seams with cold welding. Wipe it over a wool.

The video show 33 variants of solving a problem than to close the hole in the linoleum on the floor.

Prevention of damage

It is always easier to prevent than to correct: exploiting linoleum, try not to expose it to loads for which it is not intended.

Elimination of bloating

This defect is not damaged, but if it does not liquidate it in time, a hole will be sure to appear or, at least, scratch. For example, someone will attain such a "wave" of the feet of the sofa, moving it around the room, and in the end, the canvas will break.

First of all, remove all the plinths. Try to pull the coating so that the swelling is separated. If you stretch further somehow, cut the ends and try to stretch the material again. As soon as the "wave" disperse, in the place where it was, stick the product to the floor, and then lock it under the plinths.

Thus, it is easy to remove small swollen, which appeared due to improper laying. If bubbles appeared due to the fact that the coating was simply stretched, it is necessary to act differently.

Punch the center of the bubble with a thick needle or seer, release the air and dissolve the problem space. At the same time, it will immediately be seen how many stretched material must be removed so that the canvas acquired the original look.

Repair hole in linoleum do it yourself: tips on fixing with a patch and without 5207_8

Using the blade or mounting knife, make an incision, cut down too much and reappear edges. If they come together without a swelling, the question is solved.

Fill the seam with liquid nails or PVA and creek the edges with cold welding. Put the press on top (for example, a book from dumbbells) and wait until everything dry.

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Proper operation

In order not to think, than to take a hole in linoleum at home, follow the recommendations listed.

  • Do not go to the coating on the heels. Imagine the situation: going to get out of the house, the owner of the apartment, dressed and having shutting down, suddenly understands that I forgot the phone. You no longer want to eat, so it returns to the room at high stiletto. Heels are easily included in the soft polymer layer, leaving noticeable dents, and sometimes small holes.
  • Gently move the furniture. The legs with the creak scratch the floor, as a result, a long rift appears on it. If without rearrangement, do not do, cover the felt pieces or special lining. By the way, this is a good way to avoid dents that appear if the cabinets and sofas stand for a long time in the same place.
  • Do not work with tools on the naked floor. Many of us love to work with your hands using a different tool. However, turning the bedroom or living room in the workshop is not the best idea. It is worth a little mistaken, and on the floor already holes from a drill or soldering iron.
  • Be careful with matches and coals. The coating is very quickly spoiled from contact with cigarette ashes or coal, dropped out of hookah. Of course, the coal is most dangerous: because of it, it may not be just a black spot, but a big hole, not to mention the risk of fire.
  • Do not use the cloth on an uneven base. High-quality styling of the material involves the presence of an absolutely level surface. If it has potholes or height differences, then before laying the finish finish, eliminate defects. Otherwise, in these places, it will be very fast, and then holes.

Repair hole in linoleum do it yourself: tips on fixing with a patch and without 5207_10

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Criteria for the choice of strong linoleum

If you want to acquire a truly reliable product that lasts not one dozen years, when buying, pay attention to two main criteria.

Level resistance

To understand how much the coating is resistant to abrasion, special marking in the form of numbers, denoting the material class. So, for the bedroom and the cabinet will fit the class 21 class. For a children's or living room, in which the load on the floor is slightly higher (children run, guests come) it makes sense to acquire a coating 22 class. And for the corridor, where not only tenants are constantly trampled, but also visitors coming to them will need grade 23.

It is quite another thing if it is not about residential premises, but about public buildings. It can be a school, office center or other institution where a large number of people are constantly located. For them, the material of the commercial class is already required - 32-34.

If friends are constantly coming to your home, neighbors, then in the corridor and in the kitchen it is advisable to lay a canvas with a level resistance level 31-32. And if you also have a big family, then it is better to immediately take a model with marking 33. We definitely not be mistaken.

Repair hole in linoleum do it yourself: tips on fixing with a patch and without 5207_12

The foundation

The strength of the product also depends on the basis, using which it was manufactured. Stamps made on the basis of felt or jute, warm and natural. But, unfortunately, they do not possess high strength. Much stuffed linoleum from polyester or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). However, a mixed-based record holder is a mixed-based coating, which enters both of these components: and PVC, and polyester.

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