How to glue the ceiling tile from foam


We tell about the types of material, laying options, choose glue, prepare the base and carry out the installation of the panels on the ceiling.

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How to glue the ceiling tile from foam

The polystyrene panels are increasingly used as a ceiling finish: they are inexpensive, they are quickly mounted and look great. In addition, due to the porous structure, they are well absorbed the noise and hold warm. In the article, we will tell how to glue the ceiling tile from the foam with their own hands and what features this material has.

All about sticking foam on the ceiling

Types of material

Options for laying

Important questions

  • Selection of glue
  • Calculation of material
  • Choosing a base

Preparatory work

Mounting process

Tile species

Foam plates are produced in several species, each of which has its own characteristic properties. The result of finishing works depends on the choice of one type or other type.

Pressed products

This type of product is easy to distinguish from others: it has a grainy surface and there is no coating that could be protected from dirt and dust. As a result, the panels are quickly dirty and returned to them the former transportation is very difficult.

The thickness of 6-8 mm does not save them from fragility, and if they have to cut, ribbon uneven edges remain. However, the low price compensates for all flaws, besides, that the material does not start to seem dirty over time, you can paint it. Pressed sheets can not be called the optimal solution, but they allow you to save well.

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Extruded foam tiles

Such a coating is both smooth and relief, with a laminated or painted facial surface. The average price category makes this type of foam available for almost any consumer. Despite the small thickness (2.5-3 mm), the tile is not deformed when cutting and does not absorb moisture. With its appearance, it can imitate stucco, wood or even metal. Products and with ornaments are found, but when buying should be understood that when installing it, it is most likely to be combined.

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Injection material finish

The production technology of this species involves the impact on high temperature exposure, which is due to which the raw material acquires high strength performance. The plates made in this way are usually made up a large embossed pattern. It is not surprising that they are often confused with expensive stucco. Their smooth, smooth surface is perfectly clean and does not allow dust to enter. As a result, the products retain their presentable view for many years. Injection foam tile has a lightweight ability. For this reason, it is often used when mounting mounted ceilings together with the internal illumination devices.

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Options for laying

As a rule, the foam is mounted in one of two ways: smooth rows, which is a classic scheme, or diagonally.

  • Smooth rows. Adherents of the classics begin to install with the gluing of the first four tiles, which are placed in such a way that their angles converge in the center of the ceiling. The remaining panels are fixed on perpendicular lines of markup, gradually moving from the center to the walls. Thanks to such a layout, the sheets of extreme rows, even if they are checked, they will be the same size.
  • The technique of gluing diagonally is more complicated. It requires accurate and detailed markup and always takes a lot of time. With a string for diagonal installation, a lot of material goes on trimming, so the foam in this case should be purchased with a margin. On the other hand, Laying the rhombus allows you to hide the irregularities of walls and corners and create an unusual interior solution. Most often, sticking in this way also starts from the center, moving to the walls along the lines of markup. In narrow small rooms, installation sometimes lead from the corner. The first panel is cut diagonally half and pasted into the angle. Then the whole leaf is fixed, one more and so to the opposite wall, reaching which, the material is cut again. After that, it is proceeded to the next row.

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Important questions before sticking

How to glue the ceiling tile from foam

To the compositions, with which the ceiling is separated by polystyrene foam, do not impose too hard requirements. However, some properties still need to pay special attention. First of all, the glue must quickly capture, because for a long time to keep hands over your head uncomfortable. And, of course, it is very important that it is chemically compatible with polystyrene derivatives. Otherwise, the surface of the material during contact with the compound will be erupted, which will lead to the destruction of the coating.

What glue for the ceiling tile from foam fit is best? One of the most popular is "moment-installation." Its price is difficult to name low, but it quickly and fits the plates on any base. At the same time, the wizard has half a minute to adjust the position of the panel on the ceiling, if necessary. You can apply glue by mounting gun or manually by purchasing the composition in the package in the form of a tube.

Not bad and glue "El'tans", which, in fact, is universal: With it, it is possible to work not only with foam, but also with wood, plaster, concrete. When drying, the composition forms a durable elastic seam. True, he has a longer frozen period than the "moment".

Also used to use PVA and "Bustilat". These compounds are relatively inexpensive, but more spent, because they should be applied not only on the tile, but also on the ceiling. Applying them, we must not forget that they dry too long.

When buying tiled glue, consider that it will take at least 18-19 ml per square meter.

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  • How to glue foam to different surfaces

How to calculate the amount of material

Calculate the number of sheets is easy: for this, the ceiling area should be divided into one panel area. Suppose we are talking about a room of 20 square meters. m. We know that the dimensions of the standard panel of foam - 0.25 m (50x50 cm). Therefore: 20 It is necessary to divide 0.25, we get 80 pcs. However, part of the material will go on trimming, so it is necessary to take it with a reserve: add 10% to the resulting result and get 88 pcs. But if we are talking about the finish diagonally, the stock must be even more, about 20%. As a result, it will turn out 96 pcs.

What can be glued material

Panels made of polystyrene foam - universal coating. With their help, you can make a surface from any material, be it concrete, wood, or plasterboard. For this reason, the question is what can be glued to the ceiling tile from the foam, and on which it is impossible, it should not arise. The exception is only chalk: it will not hold on it. With caution, it is necessary to refer to the bases covered with lime: if the whims were done for a long time, it is better not to risk and wash it completely.

If the foam is very transparent, it is impossible to glue it to the untreated ceiling, otherwise the stains and divorces will come through the finish. In this case, you first need to apply a layer of water-free paint.

  • How to beat the ceiling with your own hands: the whole process is from preparation before dyeing

Preparatory work

Rejection plate

To begin with, carefully examine the panel and compare them with each other: sometimes there are sheets of different sizes. In the process of work, it is not always possible to notice this, but later such defects will definitely be felt. As a result, the drawing does not match the already mounted coating somewhere, but somewhere the gaps will be too large and ugly. So re-plated slabs will immediately postpone aside.

Preparation of the foundation

Before mounting the foam, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base - to remove the ceiling from the ceiling. Lime is easily flushed with a wet rag. To remove the water-free or wallpaper, you will need moistened in water with a rairy roller and a wide spatula.

Then the surface must be processed by an antiseptic, otherwise the mold may appear on it. Small chips on the plane of the ceiling styling plates do not interfere, but more serious irregularities still have to eliminate by applying the shplan. After leveling, the base should be applied to the primer.

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First find the center of the ceiling. For this, there are two intersecting diagonal lines between the angles. The point of their intersection - and there is a desired place.

It is believed that it should be a chandelier here, however, in practice it is not always like this: the chandelier hook is fixed where the electrocabel is located, and it does not necessarily pass through the geometric center. Well, if the hook turns out to be at the junction of two panels, otherwise there will have to do a special cut in the facing.

After the intersection point of the diagonals, two more perpendicular lines should be carried out, which will intersect with each other at right angles. The place of attachment of the lamp must be indicated by a circle.

If the diagonal laying is assumed, the markup is made differently. First spend two lines at right angles, connecting the mid-opposite walls. Next, from the point of their intersection, diagonal segments are carried out, which are divided by the direct corners formed by perpendicular by half. Then from the wall to the wall drawn lines parallel to these segments.


So, begin the installation. On the back side of the panel throughout the perimeter and in the center, pointing glue composition. Checking with the markup, gently apply a sheet to the ceiling and, making sure that he is lying properly, put it with his hands.

Speaking at the edges of the surplus glue immediately remove the pure rag or sponge. Then we take the next sheet and try on its jack to the already blended. If we see that the seams turns out to be smooth, we also apply glue on the tile and press it to the ceiling. If desired, it is designed to study in more detail how to glue the ceiling tile from the foam, looking at this video.

Near the walls when laying panels, slots are sometimes formed, so narrow that it does not make sense to close them with trimming - it will be ugly. These places will look much better if you smear them with acrylic sealant. The same composition needs to be seams between the panels.

Facing without a polymer film is recommended to paint with water or acrylic paint: it will protect the finish from dust and moisture and extend its service life.

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