How to get rid of mice in the apartment times and forever


We tell what to use repeatters, is it possible to use poison and how to make a mousetrap yourself.

How to get rid of mice in the apartment times and forever 5256_1

How to get rid of mice in the apartment times and forever

With the onset of the first colds, rodents are looking for a refuge for the winter. They need heat and food reserves. All this they find in apartment buildings, where they move from the street. Autumn residents of high-rise buildings, especially those who live on the lower floors complain about the invasion of gray pests. If you do not take action, they will become justified for a long time and will very quickly multiply. Tell me how to get rid of mice in the apartment forever.

All about combating mice in the apartment

Where do they come from

How to understand that rodents appeared in the house

Prevention measures

Effective ways of struggle

How to catch a animal

Where do rodents come from

In the apartment, animals fall in different ways. Most often through a basement or attic, where they come in search of heat. An open gate for them becomes unformed holes near the water supply and sewer pipes, slots in plinths, garbage disposals, etc. Through them, small animals first fall into the premises. If they detect water and food, will definitely come even once and just come true here for a long time.

Gradually, the mouse colony, from where it would come, grow and captures new territories. So, from the lower and upper floors, they penetrate the rooms located in the middle of the high-rise building. They make it through overlaps, balconies or loggias. Mice use holes in concrete slabs as moves, tear off wooden and plastic elements.

With rodents it is necessary to fight, because their neighborhood is unacceptable for humans. They transfer dangerous difficulty diseases, such as salmonellosis, tularemia, encephalitis, plague, toxoplasmosis, etc. At the same time they do not hurt them, since they have developed resistant immunity. Particles of wool and litter enter the air, provoking severe allergic seizures. In addition, the mouse colony nibbles everything that it comes across. Not only products are spoiled, but also clothes, furniture, walls, bedding, etc.

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How to understand that pests started in the apartment

To suspect that unpleasant neighbors settled nearby and it is time to withdraw in several signs.

  • Holes in walls, floors, plinths.
  • A peculiar smell, at the same time sour and stale. It comes from mouse excrement and urine.
  • Rustling and squeak. In the afternoon, these sounds are almost not heard, because animals are active only at night. They are afraid of daylight.
  • Walking cat behavior. It feels the presence of pests.
  • Mouse litter. It may be found in the most unexpected places. Small oblong black feces.

The appearance of even one of these signs should alert. If they are manifested all, they don't have to doubt, it's time to study ways how to deal with mice in the apartment.

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Prevention measures

With the slightest suspicion that rodents started in the house, it is worthwhile to do preventive measures. First of all, it is necessary to overlap with pests access to food and water. So, it is impossible to leave the remnants of the products on the table or store them in open places. For a long time, it is not soaked in dishes or a crowded garbage bucket becomes a good source of food for animals.

All leaking cranes or pipes are immediately repaired. Without water, the mouse colony will not be able to hold out more than 5 days. It is important to clean the cleaning regularly, disassemble all the deposits of the trash in the house so that nests appear there. If the accommodation is located on the last or on the first floor, it is in a special risk area. All ventilation holes are closed with metal lattices, cracks and cracks are sealed.

Effective means from mice in the apartment

Methods of combating unpleasant tenants a lot: from scaring to physical destruction. We will analyze the most effective.

What to scare rodents

To drive pests, you need to use what they fear most. These are their enemies in nature. So, the cat quickly and effectively destroys both single individuals and families. True, some fancy pets are not capable of this, but their smell causes panic from animals and makes them leave nests. If the cat is not and there is no possibility to start it, the used cat tray or cloth impregnated with urine cats take as a repeller.

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Even better will work the smell of snakes. Mice never live next to reptiles. It is clear that not everyone will tempt the snake in the room, but snake excrement in the corners and near the plinths of snake excrement is quite forces. You can get them in any pet store, selling reptiles, if you agree with the seller.

You can scare fluffy "invaders" with herbs. The smell of some of them they simply do not tolerate. This is a peppermint, chamomile, pyrhyme, pyrethrum, leaves and stems of potatoes or tomatoes. Fresh or dried herbs are used, in the latter case they are briefly lowered in boiling water to strengthen the fragrance. Efficiency effects and essential oils. They wet the rag or cotton, lay on the floor and in the corners.

Rodents do not tolerate high frequency sounds. They annoy their nervous system, cause panic. Therefore, the use of instruments emitting ultrasound effectively drives out pests. Each device has a certain radius of action. Its must be enough for the entire area of ​​housing. If not, buy two or more devices. People do not feel ultrasound waves, but some animals feel them. Perhaps pets will be uncomfortable, then the discharges will have to abandon.

The ash helps well from the folk remedies. It is scattered near the plinths, in the corners - where animals were noticed everywhere. The alkali contained in the ash in large quantities corps delicate skin on his legs, causes chronic inflammation. If you get into the mouth, it eats the mucous membrane. All this makes pests to stay away from ash. Similarly, lime acts. In hard-to-reach places, the finely crushed glass is sometimes scattered.

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Can I use poison

Many consider poison the best options, how to bring mice from the apartment. In places inaccessible to children and for pets, poisoned bait unfolded. The animals are taking themselves and after a certain time dying. In stores buy ready-made briquettes or liquids in which the poison is located. The bait acts effectively, but is dangerous if it will accidentally find children or animals. The latter may get sick, revealing the rodent poisoning.

Therefore, the baits that make themselves are successfully applied. So, alabaster or gypsum is mixed in equal parts with flour. The resulting mixture is left near the mink or in the places of pest. Nearby are minor water tanks. Favoring a gypsum-flour mixture, an animal drinks water. The diluted gypsum is frozen that it becomes the cause of individuals.

A large drawback of this method is the need to find and remove the corpses. If this is not done, there will be extremely unpleasant smell. Sometimes it is impossible to do it if the body remains, for example, under the floor or in another hard-to-reach place. In this case, it is impossible to get rid of sinual. Therefore, it is not always necessary to stretch animals, perhaps it is better to scare them or catch.

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How to catch a mouse in the apartment

For this not necessarily you need a cat. Catch the animal in several ways. The easiest - put a mousetrap. Unlike outdated options, modern devices are different. Some of them are focused on the capture and destruction of animals. Such designs in the simplest version are equipped with powerful shock parts. Electronic systems kill the mammalian discharge of current into the radius of their action.

It is very unpleasant to remove the corpses. Not everyone agrees for it, therefore there are humane mousetrap. They are used to not destroy, but only catch the rapid "apartment". It is necessary not less than once a day to check such traps to free the prisoners. Usually they are carried away from home and release there. In this way, it is possible to significantly reduce the mouse population.

There is another method of catching rodents. This is a special glue. It is smeared on cards, they are laid out where animals appear. You can try to lure them and put something tasty behind the smeared glue. I learned the edible part goes on glue and firmly sticks to the cardboard. It will not be able to free himself. It remains only to periodically collect traps and throw them away. If nobody caught in them, after about a day, two it is necessary to update the glue layer. It is covered with dust and loses efficiency.

You can make a trap yourself. For example, in this video, it is shown how to make a homemade trap from a plastic bottle.

If all the techniques did not give the desired result, only one way remains how to get rid of mice in the apartment forever. This is deratization. To do this, refer to professionals that use special drugs for the rapid destruction of the mouse population. They are taken for the complete elimination of the colony settled in the house and carry out the prevention of the possible appearance of pests.

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