Lifehak: how to keep the New Year tree fresh for a long time


The new year is always associated with the smell of citrus and needles. And if there are no problems with the first, then a live tree sometimes begins to crumble almost immediately after the battle of the chimes. We share information how to extend your life.

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Lifehak: how to keep the New Year tree fresh for a long time

A live tree in the house creates a special festive atmosphere, the aroma of winter forest and a freshly chopped tree appears in the air. Plus, it is environmentally friendly: after the holidays, the decoration can be recycled, and if you live outside the city - put on the site. The only minus is a short time, because the cut-off tree needs to be careful as well as a bouquet of flowers. There are several ways to keep a living tree in the room for a few weeks, and even a month.

Choose carefully

The first step is to buy a good fresh tree. After all, if the tree cut off for a long time, in the house she does not like and couples days. There are several varieties that stay longer freshness in cutting form: fir balsamic, spruce Colorado Blue, fir Douglas, ordinary pine, fir.

Before buying, inspect the tree: it should not be yellow needles. If such needles caught up - this is a faithful sign that the Christmas tree is cut for a long time. The same thing is worth saying about the pests or traces that remain after processing from them - harmful substances and insects to you in the house. Specify from the seller, where and when the Christmas trees were cut, ask for certificates - it will help you not only buy a fresh tree, but also to avoid support for scammers who cut down the forests.

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If the Christmas tree was cut a few weeks ago or brought it from another city, it is worth passing by. Check the needles, they must be flexible and do not break. And finally the final "test": Lift the Christmas tree a little over the ground and shake, slightly knocking the barrel about the ground, - if the needle is constantly falling, the tree is not freight.

Refresh the slice

By analogy with the colors from the store, which we cut, arranging at the vase at home, it is worth refreshing and cutting the Christmas tree. After the Christmas tree is cut down, the trunk hardens and stops passing water in sufficient quantity. So that the tree gets enough moisture from you at home and did not drop the needles ahead of time, the spire yourself or ask the seller to cut a small piece of trunk below and put the christmas tree into the water.

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Do not spare water

After brought the Christmas tree home, put it in a bucket with water. In advance, select a special stand with a deep compartment for water in the store. Put the tree into the water so that it is closing 6-10 centimeters of the barrel. It is believed that the firing tree does not need water, but it is not. The needles on the tree hold and retain the elastic form longer, and the lifetime is directly proportional to the amount of water that firing gets.

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Do not forget about feeding

Our grandparents and grandparents were added to the water for the Christmas tree sugar. Scientifically, the feeding method is not confirmed, but in practice this method often works. In addition, you do not lose anything - sweet water is absolutely not toxic and harmless to home and its inhabitants.

Better, of course, use specially intended for wood tools. Add improved water every day, the tree very actively consumes moisture in a cut state, and every day in the stand is required to add a few centimeters of the liquid.

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Check the room and moisturize the air

The tree does not like a hot climate and dry air. Conifer more souls cool wet air, as in the forest. Do not put a fir next to the battery, a fireplace or just in a warm room - it will quickly reset the needles. Cheat the room where the tree is worth, and even better turn on the additionally humidifier. By the way, if you use LED garlands to decorate, remember that they are also heated and heat the tree. Keep them off at least at night, when everyone is sleeping, and no one will see the beauty.

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