We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions


We tell which there are options for designs, which will be needed for work and give step-by-step instructions for welding metal swings.

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_1

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions

To assemble the swing with their own hands, you first need to come up with a diagram and make a drawing. It is better to start working when the sizes and design are already known. And although factory products are well suited for giving, and their shape and dimensions are well thought out, sometimes you want to move away from the usual standards. It is not necessary to make racks the same as in the instructions from the finished set. They can be large or small, narrow or wide. The main thing is to correctly calculate their thickness for a certain load. It should be taken with a margin, otherwise it will not be possible to ensure the necessary reliability and stability. All items must be safe. They are developing in such a way that when they hit or fall, they have not been injured.

All about the assembly of metal swings do it yourself

Design of swing

Choosing a metal profile

Choosing installation site

Step-by-step manual instructions

  • Materials
  • Instruments
  • Preparatory work
  • Assembling Rama
  • Mounting seats
  • Fundament device

Design of swing


All loads take on vertical racks. They are installed on the foundation either make portable light supports that can be rearranged together. Models without foundation are difficult to balance. They need an even base. In the country area, in the garden or on the grass, find such a place is not easy. Often you have to equip the platform yourself, laying out it with tiles. The legs below are connected by a horizontal support - without it they fall into the soil.

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_3

The frame has an or P-shaped form. The horizontal crossbar is mounted on top, on which the suspensions with the seat are attached. The prefabricated elements are welded either attached to the bolts. The disadvantage of the collapsible models are sticking nuts and screw heads, which are easy to borrow. So that they do not rust, paint them and ground. Screw connections will serve longer if they close them with plugs, on the letters of moisture.

Steel allows you to create complex broken lines, as well as design based on an arc based on the foot. The beams forming the sides of the letter "A" may have a different length and closing not at the very top, but in the middle. A short beam supports a long, on the top of which a horizontal profile is mounted. You can also order curly sidewalls from wrought iron on your own sketch.


There are many ways to make a swing with your own hands. It can be a small piece of plastic with the extensions through it with ropes or a street sofa with an awning hanging on chains.

Small sizes are often used non-standard solutions. Instead of ordinary plastic and plywood, you can take several bars of the same length, drill holes in them and combine them with a rope. Between the bars tying nodules separating them with equal intervals.

The sofa frame consists of a steel profile. On the edges, the loops are welded to it, for which the carbine with a chain is cling. To build a bench, the curved frame is crucified with lacquered boards, or hang out the finished design, removing the legs from it. In the same way, old chairs, chairs and stools are used.

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_4

The frame of the homemade garden sofa must be comfortable and safe. Strength should be set with a reserve because the framework will be in motion. This increases mechanical loads and accelerates its wear.

Strong metal holders will withstand two small seats per person. This design is more massive, since a safe distance should remain between them. At a small height between two street swings, a distance of 1 m will be sufficient.


They can be made of belts, ropes, chains or profile pipes. Rigid suspensions are installed on springs that give the connection with the base more softness and mobility. There are four fixtures to the upper horizontal beam.

Methods for fastening suspensions

  • Nodes - apply for rope. This solution is suitable in case the seat has a small mass. For the rope does not move along the horizontal base, it is inserted into the loops or the limiters are installed. As a rule, these are thin bars welded at the edges of the node; glued pieces of material; deepening; Holes or winding.
  • Welded loops made from bent reinforcement rods. They insert the links of the chain, wear the carabiner and make the rope.
  • Ry-nuts - they are a ring screwing on the bolt. Before their installation in the beam, you need to drill two holes for suitable size. They insert the screws head up and the rhy-nut is dragged.
  • Rotating holders - To assemble the swings on the bearings with their own hands from the metal, you need to choose the right items. They must withstand the estimated load. This solution is used for hard suspensions made of profile pipe. Round bearings are placed in holders - loops from steel strips, welded to the base. They have a semicircular shape. In the bearings insert a rod with suspensions and fix it with side plugs. There are special holders consisting of a horizontal strip with screws and a bearing mounted on it with a loop.

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_5

The bottom of the seat is fixed on welded loops, rhy-nuts, belts and rope nodes. Chains are better to put inside the soft shell for hands, otherwise the chain will poured the palm. The easiest way is to wind through them with a tan cord or tinker.

  • We make a garden bench with your own hands: instructions without complex drawings

Choosing the right material

For carcass

As a rule, angle or profile carbon steel pipes are used. Corners are easier to mount, however, they have a serious drawback - sharp edges and facets. If the seat is not adapted for strong swing, and hard suspensions do not allow him to hit the rack, the edges are not dangerous.

Profile pipes are stronger. Inside they have stiffened ribs. The frame strengthens the outer walls and increases the bending strength. To bend the product, you will need a pipe bending machine. Such equipment usually stands in factory workshops and repair shops.

Produced products with rectangular, rhombid and rounded walls. It is better to use details with a round or oval cross section. The edges in the connecting places can be flattened on the machine. It is easier to mount racks with two opposite straight walls. Two other walls they have the form of a semicircle. The prefabricated elements are connected, applying the straight sides - so they are tightly adjacent to each other.

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_7

The mass of the profile pipe depends on its cross section and the thickness of the material. There are several sizes used to create bearing elements.

Size of profile tubes

  • The square cross section 20x20 cm with the thickness of the outer side is 1 mm - the mass of 1 meter of the product is 0.6 kg.
  • 30x30 cm - weight 0.9 kg.
  • 40x40 cm, thickness 2 mm - weight 1 meter is 2.3 kg.
To make children's homemade swings for giving from metal, it is better to wind the walls or to strip them with a soft material. In this case, square and rectangular supports will not be dangerous.

For seats

Seat make round, semicircular and oval pipes. It is easier to bend them. Smooth edges do not cause unpleasant sensations upon contact.

Carbon steel when exposed to moisture quickly rust. To protect against corrosion use zinc coating. The galvanized is carried out only in production conditions.

Choosing a place to install a swing on the site

For portable and stationary models it is desirable to choose a flat pad. If you put the supports unevenly, the staggering portable frame is blocked or the belch. One of the sides of the foundation will have to shut up too much, which will lead to the overflow of the material. If you fail to find a dry area, the soil falls asleep with rubble or laid the tile.

The suspension sofa for recreation is better to position in a quiet place where there is no irritant noise. Children's swing is better to place under the windows near the house - when the child falls, you will have to urgently take action. The playground for children's games should be in sight. It must be divided away from the roadway and disappear from her fence. Do not arrange space for games near the garage or workshop.

Supports are mounted at a safe distance from the wall to eliminate the possibility of impact. It is important to arrange the design so that the look does not rest in the barrier - the wall or fence.

Racks cannot be mounted under the pipeline and power line. When the wire breaks, they will be energized.

How to cook swing do it yourself from metal

This method of compound is more reliable than the screw. He has only two drawbacks. Bearing items cannot be disassembled to transfer them to another place. And for installation you will need special equipment and special skills of work. However, after a good master class, even a beginner will cope with the task.

Consider as an example of the assembly scheme of a double suspended bench installed on stationary racks. The length of the inclined supports of the side racks is 2.5 m, the total width is 2.1 m.

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_8

Necessary materials

  • Profile pipe for support with a diameter of 2 cm.
  • Pipe in the shape for the seat, diameter 1.5 m.
  • Steel corners.
  • Wooden bars 3x3 cm.
  • Galvanized steel chains that can withstand weight up to 300 kg.
  • Ry nuts 0.5x8 cm and bolts.
  • Metal primer and paint.
  • Varnish or paint.
  • Cement brand M400 and sand.

Set of tools

  • Welding machine.
  • Bulgarian with a disk for cutting metal.
  • Vice.
  • A hammer.
  • Passatia.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Hand bug.
  • Roulette and construction level.

Preparatory work

First you need to find a suitable place to accommodate and decide on the design. Sometimes it is better to move away from factory standards and make garden swings with their own metal on their own drawings.

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_9

Before you begin assembly, you need to draw a diagram indicating the exact dimensions of all parts. Visualization will allow to detect shortcomings. Eliminate them on paper is much easier than in reality. This is necessary to accurately calculate the number of materials. The scheme makes it possible to properly plan work and thoroughly think over all the nuances. When using it, much less chances to make a mistake.

When the place is chosen and the drawing is ready, there is marking on the plot. If necessary, the platform is aligned.

Assembling support

Four segments of 2.5 m for sidewalls and one 2.1 m long for the fastening of the suspensions are cut out of the profile tube. The edges of long segments are cut at an angle of 30 degrees and weld them in a cut. Together they form an angle of 60 degrees.

To secure the parties, the ribs are installed between them. On each side, it is mounted on a strut length of 1, 035 m. They are mounted, measuring from the bottom from the length of the sides of 0.5 m.

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_10

The horizontal part is welded to the vertices of triangles, placing them at a distance of 2 m from each other. The upper jumper should perform on each side by 5 cm.

Mounting seats

It is a wooden frame that is covered with bars. Of these, 24 blanks of 1.5 m are cut. The surface is grinding sandpaper and varnished. So that the tree is not rotten, it must be dried and handled by an antiseptic.

The frame is welded from six arc-shaped tubes with a diameter of 1.5 m. For the manufacture of the back and the seats will need 3 segments. They are located in parallel and combine three straight profiles. Two of nor are on the edges - at the top of the back and at the bottom of the seat. Central mounted in the place of their docking. Suppose the depth of the seat is 46 cm, the height of the back is 52 cm. The distance between the arcs is 75 cm. The angle at the junction is 90 degrees. To create it, the ends of the profiles are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Over the edges of the frame drill holes and install bolts with rhy-nuts in them - they serve fasteners of suspensions.

The finished base is trimmed with bars with a step of 2 cm. The chains are fastened to the carbines from above and below.

Preparation of foundation

In the area on the markup with a manual drill, four holes are torn in a depth of 45 cm. The bottom is coated with a layer of sand about 10 cm. From cement, sand and water prepare a solution in a 1: 2 ratio. The pits are wrapped with rubberoid or polyethylene so that the solution does not succeed in the soil.

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_11
We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_12
We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_13
We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_14
We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_15

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_16

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_17

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_18

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_19

We make garden swings made of metal with their own hands: detailed instructions 5287_20

Racks are immersed in the holes. The free part is covered with large stones, between which cement mortar can pass, and then poured. Concrete is gaining marching strength for four weeks. Throughout this time, the swings are better not to use.

After concreting, the steel surface is treated with anti-corrosion paint.

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