How to erase rolled curtains: useful instruction


We tell how to spend dry and wet laundry rolled curtains to not spoil them.

How to erase rolled curtains: useful instruction 5504_1

How to erase rolled curtains: useful instruction

For windows, many choose shutters. This practical design, if necessary, has a well-shadowing room and does not take up much space. Coloring and texture are the most diverse, care is not complicated. Nevertheless, experienced owners have some secrets. We will figure it out how to erase rolled curtains to not spoil them.

All about washing rolled curtains

Can I wash them

Dry and wet cleaning

Ice the right

  1. Preparation
  2. Wash
  3. Drying

Is it possible to erase roll curtains

To answer this question, find out what material they are manufactured. A natural or synthetic canvas is taken for strips, most often it is polyester with additives of linen, silk or cotton fiber. The fabric is repeatedly impregnified by polymer compositions, including antistatic, acrylic, teflon, etc. As a result, it becomes very dense, invulnerable to moisture, it gets the ability to repel the dust. MIN-holes between the intertwined threads are closed with impregnation. Dirt that could stay in them, rolls with rollers. If necessary, the fabric attaches additional properties. For example, when processing with antipirens, it becomes not a combustible. But all this does not mean that you do not need to care for the curtains. They gradually accumulate dust, the appearance of spots may appear. True, it happens not as fast as on ordinary fabric.

Washing liquid Active & Fresh

Washing liquid Active & Fresh

Periodically, the rollers need cleaning. The easiest option is a light draft that literally blows out dust from the cloth. Applied dry and wet cleaning. Approximately one, the maximum twice a year is required washing. It should be gentle and only manual. Risk spoil rollers is great. The impregnation makes the fabric prone to the chances, fix that is almost impossible.

High temperature processing dissolves the impregnation composition, it is washed out of the material. It also spoil the product. Machine washing even on manual mode is contraindicated. After such treatment, the canvas is covered by the halls, the impregnation is partially washed out. Therefore, the rollers erase only manually. Often it is not recommended to do this, it is better to carry out regular cleaning.

How to erase rolled curtains: useful instruction 5504_4

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Tips for dry and wet cleaning

Hostess recommend cleaning rollers no less than once a month, at least carry out dry processing. It's not hard. Several operations are performed.

Dry cleaning instructions

  1. We take a vacuum cleaner. Install the nozzle for smooth surfaces on the tube. If it is not, removing the brush, we close the hole with a cloth or a podium stocking. Fix an improvised gum nozzle.
  2. Roller is completely lowered.
  3. Turn on the vacuum cleaner on the minimum power or open the air valve on the handle. So that the suction force was minimal.
  4. We clean the canvas vertical movements, moving on top at the bottom.

At the end of the procedure, a wet cloth wipe fastening and eaves.

Wet cleaning is desirable to perform after dry, so as not to smear the dust on the surface. True, it is spent less often.

Sequence of action for wet cleaning

  1. We take a napkin or sponge, wetting it in warm water or a weak soap solution. Well press so that there is no extra moisture.
  2. Carefully wipe the speed, moving upwards. Unwanted push and intensive friction.
  3. We leave the cloth expanded to complete drying.

Steam cleaner is strictly prohibited. Hot couples will irrevocably spoil the panels.

How to erase rolled curtains: useful instruction 5504_6

Instructions for washing

Washing roll is held in the most extreme cases when neither wet nor dry cleaning results are no longer allowed. You can wash all kinds of cloths except those manufactured from natural fibers and saturated with antistatic. They are shown dry cleaning.

Before making the roll curtains at home, you need to select the correct detergent. It is better that it is liquid. So it is easier to dissolve. It can be any gel for washing or for dishes, even liquid economic soap.

It will be better for a solution of weak concentration, about 2-3%. It will not spoil the cloth and makes it easier. The use of washing powder is allowed, but only the one is suitable for machine guns. The means for manual washing gives too much foam. Powder must be completely dissolved. The remaining non-dissolved granules under the influence of ultraviolet deteriorate the material.

All aggressive drugs are prohibited, including whitening. Bleaches with chlorine or with active oxygen destroy the impregnation of the strips. Optimally use a means with neutral pH or special preparations designed to process rollt. We gradually look through how to erase rolled curtains on plastic windows.

1. Preparation

Before washing the stripes are removed from the window. For this, these actions are performed:

  1. Tightly wrap the cloth on the shaft. To do this, we stretch the chain cord until it stops.
  2. Gently remove the protective linings on the sides of the shaft.
  3. Remove the limiters from the bottom plate and the guide string.
  4. If the bottom plank is removable, take it carefully.
  5. Disconnect the shaft from the brackets. To do this, blend the screwdriver axis inside the limiter. Remove the stuffed material from the axis rolled into the roll.

The cloth is placed on a flat surface, straighten and inspect. If the roller curtain is strongly dusty, dust count. Revealed spots are removed. Most often for this use school eraser. They carefully clutch pollution. Fat stains are processed by non-diluted handy gel. In challenging cases, stains are used, but before that, be sure to test them on an inconspicuous fragment.

How to erase rolled curtains: useful instruction 5504_7

2. Washing

It is best to carry out rollers in the bathroom. Bath sizes allow you to wash even large stripes. If this is not possible, the capacity of this size is selected so that the canvas can be immersed in it, not smile. In warm water, the detergent is breeding. Liquid dissolves easily, with powder will have to be tinked. The strip is folded into the roll or fold the "harmonic" and lowered into soap water.

We paint the small fragment of the strip, carefully laid it with a sponge and neatly clutch. Intensive processing is not needed. The sulfted plot is folded, revealing at the same time a washed fragment. Actions are repeated until all the cloth is naming. Leave it for a while in the solution so that pollution is better dissolved. Then washed with clean water.

Purox Color washing gel

Purox Color washing gel

This can be done in two ways. The most efficient is to use a shower. Watering can be guided by a rollside, spend it down from above. So that the dirty foam flows. Rinsed until pure water flows. You can do otherwise. In the bath or plastic container, clean water are gaining. It is lowered by the cloth, then raise it up and give up again. So repeat several times, then the water for rinsing changes.

It is very important to completely crawl soaps from the material. Otherwise, after drying, there will be unpleasant divorces on it, which are quite difficult to get rid of. No air conditioners are added during rinsing. Polymers impregnated with polymers do not need it. Antistatic effect This will not give, but the divorces may appear.

How to erase rolled curtains: useful instruction 5504_9

3. Drying

It is important to dry the stripes correctly. Otherwise you can get the chances, remove which is very difficult. At home, the withdrawn rollers are dried in two ways. In the first case, they come in this way.

  1. Matured canvas placing over the bathroom to glass water. It is important to know that you can not hang the cloth to the rope or the other thin base. This will lead to the formation of a chance.
  2. On an even base, we decide the absorbent substrate, preferably from natural tissue. It must coincide with the sizes with the cloth.
  3. We put the part, gently spread all the folds, leave for drying.
  4. We wind material on the axis, put the roll in place.

You can do otherwise. Waiting until the water stands, the canvas wound on the shaft. The holder put on the landing site in the cassette, fix all the elements taken earlier. The chart is completely lowered. At the same time in the room creates a small draft or include forced ventilation. So moisture will quickly evaporate. Strong air flows should not be. Under their influence, the cloth twisted and deformed. Included radiators, hair dryers, etc. Also deform the roles.

How to erase rolled curtains: useful instruction 5504_10

We figured out how to erase rolled curtains from the fabric. It is simple enough and quickly. In order not to spoil rolls, erased only by a suitable means in warm water. You can not use aggressive bleach or stains. If after processing the cloth was a bit crushed, smoothed slightly heated iron through a special grid. In the final, we offer video where the roller washing process is shown in detail.

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