Simple, but beautiful: 7 ideas for the packaging of New Year's gifts


Newspaper, flax and shortcuts - We found quick and inexpensive ways to make a New Year's gift enjoyable not only inside, but also outside.

Simple, but beautiful: 7 ideas for the packaging of New Year's gifts 5620_1

Simple, but beautiful: 7 ideas for the packaging of New Year's gifts

What do you like more: give or receive gifts? One thing is clear: both, and the other is better to do beautifully. Believe me, you already have a lot of unique decor in your house, it remains to find it and use one of our ways.

Video showed visual examples of beautiful gift packaging

And now we tell more.

1 Wrap a gift for craft paper

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When the craft began to be used for packaging in our country, he invariably associated with something far from childhood, when purchases and things from the store were brought in such kules. Now kraft paper is one of the most popular materials for the decor. It would be necessary: ​​she is inexpensive, does not drag over attention and at the same time looks very stylish and eco. It does not need to pick up additional colors. The tape or a bow can be any shade that you like, craft it will only emphasize.

2 Emphasize the drawing on the package

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Bought paper with a pattern in the Christmas tree? Looking near your home or work live fir and tear off a pair of twigs to attach for a gift. Such a decor will complement the overall packaging style and will look very new year.

3 Draw a print yourself

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Even if you are not an artist, print can be made with your own hands. Even better - ask the child to decorate a simple white paper with your drawings. It looks very cozy and cute. In addition, packaging does not need to be signed in the store, just buy ordinary paper. From above, such a gift can also be decorated. For example, you can stick a piece of a coniferous branch to the drawn typewriter - as if it brings home Christmas spruce.

4 mix textured materials

Simple, but beautiful: 7 ideas for the packaging of New Year's gifts 5620_6

As a basis, again, you can take crafting paper. In it, pack a gift, and turn on top with a narrow strip of linen fabric. Ends gently secure glue. You can also associate them in a spectacular bow or node. It will look like a creative, almost design solution.

5 Close the Gifts "Snow"

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All ingenious simply: Take white paint, brush (better construction) and crafting paper. Pack a gift, dry up a brush into white paint and "suck" a gift with snow. The second option is to use an artificial snow spray. This is faster, but manually made drawing looks more cozy.

6 Hang shortcut

Simple, but beautiful: 7 ideas for the packaging of New Year's gifts 5620_8

Now in stores selling special thematic badges and labels. They can be hung on a tape, which is bandaged a gift. What to write on the back? All you want: the name of the addressee, a multiple wish or place of departure - "Santa Claus" workshop.

7 Use the newspaper

Simple, but beautiful: 7 ideas for the packaging of New Year's gifts 5620_9

Who said that gifts should be wrapped in special paper? Use the newspaper! It looks very unusual in the package. Just try to avoid too bright and large-scale pictures - they drag on attention. Just newspaper bands with text will be an ideal base that can be decorated with ribbons, bows, cones or fir branches.

  • 5 ideas for New Year's gifts that are easy to make with your own hands

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