How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions


We tell what glue to choose for different types of linoleum and give step-by-step instructions for working with each composition.

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_1

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions

PVC linoleum stands out among the floor coatings with a low price and practicality. Its modern modifications differ significantly from predecessors with an attractive view and durability. It is not much difficult to put it, the most difficult thing is to make joints. We will explain how to glue the linoleum jack at home.

All about the design of linoleum junctions

Types of flooring

Adhesive solutions

Instructions for connecting fragments

  • Glue compositions of the form a and t
  • We work with glue type with

Types of material

There are several classifications of floor covering. We are interested in those that will help to navigate with the selection of glue for seams.

Differences in the composition of raw materials

  • Marmoleum. It is made only from natural components: wax, resin, flaxseed, wood flour, etc. The mixture is placed on the basis of flax, jute or rock.
  • PVC linoleum. Fully synthetic thermoplastic mass is applied to the base: foamed PVC or synthetic felt. From above is covered with a transparent, transparent protective layer.

Split heterogeneous and homogeneous coatings. The first are a kind of multi-layer "Pie". Homogeneous homogeneous, without additional layers. For different applications, various materials produce different materials.

Cool Cold Welding Second

Cool Cold Welding Second

Species according to the method of application

  • Domestic. Located in residential premises. The most loose, continuing option. It serves no more than 10 years.
  • Semi-commercial. A more durable household analogue. Located in residential rooms with high patency.
  • Commercial. Maximum resistance to abrasion. Hard and durable. Service life for more than 25 years.

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_4

What to glue the linoleum among themselves

Any adapter for polyvinyl chloride is theoretically suitable. But you should not take the first remedy, may suffer strength and seam type. The masters recommend using the compositions produced specifically for the design of two pieces of material. You can perform such a connection using welding: hot or cold.

Hot welding

In the first case, a special cord is taken, suitable for the outdoor decoration of the shade. It is embedded in a special gun where he warms up. The resulting plastic mass is filled by surmix space. The technique is well suited for any type of coating, an exception is a lounge of a household type. True, used more often by professionals because special equipment is required.

Cold welding

At home, the Master uses cold welding techniques. To do this, choose a suitable type of adhesive drug. It dissolves the edges of glued fragments, mixed with them and forms a very durable and imperceptible seam. Adhesion solutions of three types are produced.

  • Type A. Solution for gluing homogeneous materials, as well as heterogeneous, made on the basis of foamed PVC. Entered into a needle's built-in tube cap.
  • Type T. Mixture for a polyester or combined base. More dense and thick than type A. is introduced with a lining with a T-shaped native or needle.
  • Type C. Preparation for repair and gluing. Blesses fragments and fills the surmise gaps of 0.3-4 mm. Entered by a m-shaped nozzle.

All varieties of cold welding are small toxic, operated at temperatures from -40 ° C and to 60 ° C. Easily flammable, excessive heating is unacceptable.

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_5
How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_6
How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_7

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_8

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_9

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_10

Detailed instructions for gluing linoleum

To get a good result, it is necessary to determine correctly than glue the joints of the linoleum. The jack connection is performed according to the type of material with glue. If it is assumed that there is a small space between fragments, a drug from type is used.

Cold welding type a or t

Before gluing fragments, it is necessary to prepare the basis. It must be clean and dry, without dust or small garbage. All this is cleaned with a rag. Similarly, traces of fat and dust from the surface of the floor covering are removed. If the decorative material was laid on the base, it is possible to proceed as the use of junctions only after a day after laying.

Operating procedure

  1. We perform tightly cut seam. The panels are placed one to another brass of 30-50 mm. We take a steel plate or ruler, press strips. With a sharpened knife or machine-rapid cut both web simultaneously. Remove trimming.
  2. We glue the malarious tape so that the tape closes the docking section of two cloth. Take a finger with a depression-joint, we make a slot over it with a sharp stationery knife.
  3. Screw the paddle-needle on a tube with a glue mixture. Heat the base with a construction hairdryer slightly, so the drug is better grabbed.
  4. We introduce the nozzle to the prepared section, evenly gradually squeeze the adhesive paste. At the same time we move along the web. The drug is liquid, can grow. If it turns out to be on the scotch - not scary, the decorative surface is hopelessly spoaling. Align the extruded mixture of the metal plate. Plastic can not be taken, it can dissolve.
  5. We are waiting for the time to solidify the composition. Usually it takes 15-25 minutes, the exact gluing time is indicated on the package.
  6. Gently remove the malarious tape along with the residues of the adhesive mixture.

The material on the felt basis is connected in the same way. The only difference is the consistency of the adhesive drug, it is more dense. The shape of the nozzle is changed so that it is convenient to lay a thick mass in incision.

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_11
How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_12
How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_13
How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_14

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_15

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_16

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_17

How to glue the linoleum among themselves: detailed instructions 5839_18

Connect the junction bands in this way is easy, but a certain skill does not prevent. Especially if you consider that it accidentally falling onto a decorative finish the mixture of it hopelessly spoil. Therefore, it is desirable to practice on unnecessary slices before starting work. It is best if it is the same material that is then to be connected. Because each of them has individual characteristics. After such a workout will work easier.

Cold Cold Welding Aviora

Cold Cold Welding Aviora

A mixture of type S.

It is chosen when they are looking for than to glue the linoleum with a small gap between the stripes or to repair the dug connections.

Algorithm of work

  1. We clean the base from garbage and dust with a vacuum cleaner. Then we wipe everything with a damp cloth, waiting for drying. When repairing it will correctly degrease the edges of the bands and the floor to any available means.
  2. The ruins of the edges of the cloth neatly cut the sharp knife to not break them. We glue on top of them with greasy tape.
  3. We put on a tub of a nozzle. Gently fill the surmise space, slowly moving along the edge. It is important to know that the adhesive mixture is sitting, so we impose it with a small margin. Surplus remove a cloth with a scotch. In no case do not wet her gap.
  4. We leave for drying for a period of two hours before the day. It depends on the type of solution and the width of the gap.
  5. Carefully examine the plot filled with the drug. If the glue is donkey, on top of it we apply a new layer of solution.

There is another technique how to glue the linoleum among themselves. It is very simple, but the result is not the best. The strips are glued to double-sided adhesion, so they are not fully held on the floor. The adhesive tape first sticks to the floor, then protection is removed from it, the decoration cannons are pressed to the adhesive layer. This method is suitable for the temporary fixation of the panel.

Docked the strip of linoleum is not difficult. You can do it with your own hands even when there is little experience or at all. Most importantly - competently pick up the mixture for gluing and use it correctly.

We offer to watch a video where the process of connecting the edges of the cloth is clearly shown.

  • Repair hole in linoleum do it yourself: tips on fixing with a patch and without

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