How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe


Denio, Collins, Rampacki, Adler, Hall - These names links the skill of masterfully controlled with color and light. Reveal the main secrets of their author's styles.

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_1

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe

They are called Guru, copy the techniques and take into service. How do you work with the color of the kings of the interiors? What basic principles are used in work and what are inspired? We tell.

1 Jean-Louis Denio uses no more than three bright shades

It is not called anything else as the "king of decorators." The designer skillfully works in Art Deco styles, neoclassicism, seasonings of art objects. Denio admits that the main secret of a successful combination of styles and colors is that each of them is a strictly defined amount. If you have a bright furniture upholstery or an active print, then the rest of the textile is better to choose discreet. Only the carpet can be an exception.

The main color rule of all the interiors of Jean-Louis Denio: Use no more than three main bright shades. The rest of the palette needs to pick up in beige-gray gamme.

In the interior of the designer, you can often meet a couple of bright sofa and a carpet with a graphic print. You can proceed on the contrary: choose a neutral carpet, and the rest of the textile is bright.

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How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_4

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_5

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_6

If we talk about prints, then Denio calls to be careful with them: they quickly become irrelevant. The designer believes that thin horizontal stripes look more neutral and longer remain popular than, for example, wider vertical. If you follow the recommendations of the pro, then the pattern in the style of Damascus and the active country print in the form of colors is now not in fashion, it is better to replace them with something more neutral. It is appropriate to use plant theme. Graphic print must be chosen insellular, combined with neutral tones.

  • 9 secrets work with color from the authors of bright interiors

2 Christopher Hall chooses bronze, malachite and marble

The pros creates the interiors for the princes and knows exactly the harmoniousness. The Hall builds the composition, based on the combination of European and eastern flavor. Furniture, which is made by designer's sketches, generously decorated with Arabesques, such motifs can be found in metal fittings. The interiors of the designer can not be called classic in the full sense of the word, they are rather close retro.

Natural materials that love Christopher Hall are determined by the project palette. Bronze, malachite and marble items, plus authentic decor - this is the main concept of the author's style of the master.

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How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_9

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_10

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_11

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3 Jonathan Adler makes a neutral base and adds bright details

Known to furnish their ecstasual manner at home. Often inspiration for the designer is aesthetics of 50s, but bright colors, contrasting items that it uses, make its projects very excessive and provocative. If such a style is close to you, here are some tips from Guru.

White color is perfect for walls. Want to choose bright textiles or furniture? In order not to break your head over the color combinations, simply create a neutral background for these things. And what could be neutrally white? Adler declares that this is the easiest way to earn a person's reputation with a good taste.

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How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_14

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_15

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_16

Do not be afraid of bright colors. According to the pros, the more bright shades in the interior, the better. Such a palette lifts the mood and adds the interior character.

Do not use lilac. Adler could not tolerate this color, he advises to replace it with orange if you want to add more shades.

By the way, one of the latest H & M HOME collections is released together with Jonathan Adler. So everyone can approach the interior created by the pro, and add designer things to their home.

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How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_18

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_19

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_20

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4 David Collins prefers complex colors and fabrics

Despite the fact that Collins mainly works with public spaces, he is convinced that a better place for inspiration and relaxes than the house simply does not exist. Elegant and soulful, its interiors are built on the aesthetics of Ar Deco, but without frills and pompousness, characteristic of this style.

The designer loves complex fabrics and complex colors. Silk and velvet coexist in its projects with an incredible amount of halftone of the same color.

The interior seems literally monochrome, but in no case boring.

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How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_23

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_24

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_25

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5 Carlo Rupacci considers the main rejection of stereotypes in choosing a color for the interior

The spirit of the 70s was forever settled in the interiors of this Switzer. Carlo Rupaccie does not just like and uses color, it grips stereotypes concerning interior design, creating in each project is not space for life, but rather a surreal picture. The architect admits that the color for him is all. Rampackzi believes that each person has its own inner world, which can be expressed using color. And his mission as a designer just do it.

To understand the color, you need to become free, get rid of stereotypes, the master believes. The base of the style of Carlo Rampatszi is color and light, without these two pillars, work on the project is impossible.

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How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_28

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_29

How to use color in the interior: 5 examples from famous designers from Europe 5886_30

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