10 simple ways to avoid damage in the new kitchen


To keep the repair of fresh for a long time, you need to immediately take care of high-quality material for facades, choose closers, correctly think over storage and not forget about the coats for hot dishes.

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10 simple ways to avoid damage in the new kitchen

There are several Lifehakov, how to use a new kitchen so that it immediately did not turn into an old one. Take care of this should be taken back at the construction and planning of the future interior.

1 Choose durable materials

On the practicality of the future interior you need to take care when you just start planning alteration. First choose strong finishing materials. The most popular among them is a tile. An apron and the floor decorated in this way will serve you for a long time. It is especially difficult to damage the porcelain.

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2 Think out the color and material of the facades in advance.

The second, which is worth thinking about still in the process of repair, is the material of future facades and their color. Do not be afraid of glossy facades, today you can choose those on which traces of fingers are invisible. The same applies to prejudice about white color. It is believed that he is the most impractical. Designers in one voice declare the opposite - just on white all divorces and stains will be less noticeable than on dark. In addition, white kitchens are the trend of next year.

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3 Close the apron with a protective screen

Do not neglect protective screens when cooking. This is especially true for those whose apron is laid out brick. Clay very easily absorbs fat, and it is not so easy to remove it. That is why such materials are customized to close with glass or plastic, or at least use protection during cooking.

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4 Install the closers

Do not slam the doors. This greatly spoil the closing mechanism, looses the bolts, harms facades. It is best to choose cabinets with special closers that will ensure smooth closing.

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5 Put everything you need in a prominent place.

Put frequently used objects for prominent places. For example, if you are basting the pie, and the rolling pin is in the highest corner of the top box, then to get to it, you will have to finish furniture and other items from this locker. Plan a combined storage - use open and closed shelves.

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6 Do not neglect the coasters under the hot

Still must be in the rapid access of the support under hot. Especially if you love and often drink tea or coffee. They graze a countertop and a table from hot pans and a saucepan.

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7 Protect lockers from the inside

So that inside the lockers do not appear scratches and complex stains (for example, from spices), use special tabs-tabs. You can choose completely transparent, which will protect your furniture imperceptibly.

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8 Use storage accessories

Do not forget about stands and systems for storing small things and accessories in the kitchen. For example, if you put knives into a special stand, they will not damage your box for cutlery.

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9 Take care of water quality

Divorces from rigid water on the mixer and sink is the headache of many owners. There are several options for the struggle. Choose a faucet and sink from materials on which the divorce is not visible, for example, from an artificial stone. Or put a powerful filter that will soften the water and clean it.

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10 Use soft cleaning agents

If the tabletop, technology or facades of furniture often scratch, perhaps the case in cleaning products and accessories. Change rough abrasives to more delicate, and instead of brush, use microfiber or sponges.

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