How to wash Tulle and not spoil it: useful tips for manual and machine washing


We tell how to properly wipe the tulle manually when you can choose a machine washing and in what mode it is carried out. And also give useful tissue whitening tips.

How to wash Tulle and not spoil it: useful tips for manual and machine washing 5997_1

How to wash Tulle and not spoil it: useful tips for manual and machine washing

Light air fabric on the windows - the usual interior design for most. Over time, it is covered with dust, stains, yellow. To return delicate fabric an attractive look, a special care is required and special means. Let's talk how to wipe the tulle quickly, easily and efficiently.

All about the washing of tusle curtains

Types of materials

Removal of stains


Machine wash


Types of tower fabrics

Tulle - a collective name. It combines a large group of thin delicate tissues from synthetic and natural fibers. There are several of their varieties.

  • Veil. It is made of silk, flax, cotton, synthetics. A soft thin textile with a linen weave is easily assembled into the fold, poorly passes air and light. Veil is unpretentious in caring, it is easy to iron. Released is released, with a pattern or painted.
  • Organza. It is made of tightly twisted fibers of viscose, silk, synthetics, etc. Due to this, it turns out tough, keeps the form, but it remains transparent and air. Organza almost does not mind, repels the dust, misses the light well, but does not let the air. Produced by matte or shiny, with prints, with embroidery, with jacquard inserts.
  • Gas. The most capricious variety of material. The threads of the base and duck are intertwined so that there remains free space between them. Therefore, textiles is obtained translucent and very gentle. Only silk was originally used as raw materials, now it is viscose, synthetic fibers. A color or monochrome gas is available, with embroidery, inserts.
  • Grid - textiles, the structure of which resembles cells of networks. Many options are produced: large and fine-skinned grids resembling mating crochet, French with embroidery, Kapron Kieza with a pattern. All of them skip light and air, actively collect dust. Produced from cotton, flax, synthetics, silk.

To decide how to wash tulle correctly, it is necessary to determine its composition, the type of weave and the features of the design. And in accordance with this, choose the necessary mode. You can erase such curtains or in a washing machine.

How to wash Tulle and not spoil it: useful tips for manual and machine washing 5997_3

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How to caulate old spots

If there are spots on the material, they are caught in advance. With fatty pollution helps to cope the economic soap or gel for dishes. The contaminated area is processed by the selected tool. After that, the curtains are lowered in a pelvis with warm water and leave for an hour or two. Then the contaminated area is once again naked. Fabric need to lose well, after which rinse.

Remove the solar stains at home will help ammonia. There are two ways to use it. Glycerin with ammonia is mixed in the proportion of 1: 1, the resulting mixture process the problem area. Start from the edges, then go to the middle. You can use the ammonia-acetic mixture. It is bred in the same way, a tablespoon of salt is added. The ingredients are mixed, applied to the stain. The mixture is slightly rubbed. After some time, the curtains are erased in the car.

How to wash Tulle and not spoil it: useful tips for manual and machine washing 5997_5

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How to wash tulle manually

The simplest technique, however, it does not always happen effective. Before watching textiles, it is necessary to determine the composition. Make it is very simple if the manufacturer's marking is present. The label indicates the temperature of the water, the ability to use the press, etc. If there is no such label, you will have to determine the composition on the eye. Not a specialist is, of course, difficult. Therefore, it is desirable to adhere to general recommendations.

Wellery Delicate Wellar Gel

Wellery Delicate Wellar Gel

Water should be cool, not more than 40 degrees. Intensive impact is better not to apply, especially if there is an embroidery, the application or thread is too thin. Hand wash Tulle is carried out so.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Remove the curtains from the cornice. Sharpen dust from them. This must be done, otherwise the dirt will fall in the detergent solution, which will lose efficiency.
  2. We recruit cool water in the bath, if not, we use a large container. Preparing the composition for soaking. For white textiles, choose a solution of a low concentration of the food salt. It corps the yellowness and partially whiten the panels. For color, the chips of the economic soap is suitable. Tool put into water, interfere until complete dissolution.
  3. Freed from dust canvas laid into the washing solution. I turn over several times and leave for about an hour. The composition should completely cover the curtains.
  4. We raise the cloth several times and lowered in a small force in the bath. You do not need to rub. Then we take out the curtains, we give water stroke and put in the pelvis. Composition for soaking pour.
  5. We recruit clean warm water in the bath. Dissolve the detergent in it. We put the curtains, raise several times and lower them into the container. We leave for half an hour. Then we remove several times and dip the solution. We merge dirty water. If necessary, we repeat the procedure two or three times.
  6. Clean curtains are floating in cool water. In the last rinse, add air conditioning or vinegar, so that then it was easier to stroke them. Plotches fold the harmonica in the strip, squeeze it slightly. Then hang over the container to glass water.

Wet curtains hang on the cornice where they finally dry out. If there are working heating devices nearby, it is better to dry the fabric elsewhere so that it is not yellow.

How to wash Tulle and not spoil it: useful tips for manual and machine washing 5997_8

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How to erase tulle in the washing machine automatic

Curtains made of artificial and synthetic fibers or cotton can be erased in the car. True, not all, but only those on which there is a marking indicating the manufacturer. In this case, the label will stand the corresponding icon with a temperature limit. If there is no labeling, it remains to rely on your own prudence. Most materials are transferred to machine processing, it is only necessary to determine correctly, in which mode was washed tulle.

General Tips for Machine washing

  • Before washing, dust is necessarily removed from the curtain. Do it better on the street so as not to dope the room.
  • The canvas is preferably pre-stolen by 40-60 minutes in salted water. It destroys pollution and resistant yellow raid.
  • Models with champs, embroidery, appliqués or beads, as well as from thin tissues before bookmarking the automaton drum laid into a special mesh bag.
  • The panels fold the harmonica in the strip, it is neatly folded. So they remember less.
  • For washing use only liquid preparations. Powder is worse dissolved and is broken. There may be unpleasant divorces.

It is important at what temperature to wash tulle. Hot water makes fibers hard, they can ship. Therefore, the program is chosen so that the water is not heated above 30-40 ° C. This is optimal for textile temperature. Well, if you can disable the spin or at least reduce its speed to the minimum. The high-speed centrifuge can damage the canvas or to remember it so that it will have to smooth out a long time.

How to wash Tulle and not spoil it: useful tips for manual and machine washing 5997_10

Before laying the curtain into a washing machine, all removable elements are cleaned with them (lover, hooks, etc.). The processing mode is selected in accordance with the type of tissue. For sufficiently durable materials, it can be standard with a spin at minimum speed. For thin, it is always selected delicate.

Bag for washing TOPPERR Delicate fabrics

Bag for washing TOPPERR Delicate fabrics

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Whitening curtains

Another important question that requires solutions: how to wipe tulle so that it is snow-white. This is not easy, as textiles over time loses whiteness, acquires an unpleasant gray or yellow shade. The simplest solution is to use bleach. The means are produced in the form of powder, gel or liquid, the price of such drugs is quite accessible. Apply at different stages: when soaking, during the washing process.

The bleaching stage may be released into an independent, then textiles are lowered into the solution after washing before rinse. You need to choose the bleach in accordance with the composition of the fibers. The traditional "whiteness" and similar chlorine-containing drugs adversely affect the structure of the material. They bleach well, but destroy the fiber. Therefore, it is often impossible to use them, only occasionally, when radical measures are required.

Good bleaching agents based on active oxygen. They act gently, but efficiently, turning fabric into a snow-white. Apply strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. For the return of whiteness, international resources are applied. If you use them correctly, the result will delight.

Chirton Oxygen Bleach Stifting

Chirton Oxygen Bleach Stifting

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Homemade whitening products

  • Soak textiles in salt solution (5 tbsp. L.) And washing powder or soapy chips (50 g). Leave for five hours or at night, then wrap.
  • Blue. It is added when rinsed. How much to put depends on the desired shade. Usually 1 tsp. Powder is bred in 10 liters of water so that there are no blue grains left. The curtains are wicked in a solution of 2-3 minutes, then they are flashed in clean water.
  • Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Used only for white cotton. 1 tbsp. l. Ammonia is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. peroxide. The mixture is added to the pelvis with a heated to 60 ° C water. The curtains lie there half an hour, then flooded.

How to wash Tulle and not spoil it: useful tips for manual and machine washing 5997_15

To wash the tulle curtains at home is not so difficult if you choose the soft composition and processing mode. Only in this case they become snow-white and retain the structure of the fabric.

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