Sleep the hallway: 10 things that are not there


Bags and wallets, scarves and caps, even dog leashes - these things will inevitably dig and clog the input zone. It's time to conduct an audit, and our check list will help in this.

Sleep the hallway: 10 things that are not there 6014_1

Sleep the hallway: 10 things that are not there

1 bags and wallets

Different types of bags - from ladies' little handbags to children's school backpacks - often find a place in the hallway. Although they should not be there.

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Abandoned carelessly, they will definitely spoil the interior of the input zone. Find them a place in the closet, a dressing room or even an open-sleeved rack.

  • 5 reasons why in the hallway - always mess

2 large number of shoes

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Sleep the hallway: 10 things that are not there 6014_6

Sleep the hallway: 10 things that are not there 6014_7

Sleep the hallway: 10 things that are not there 6014_8

If you store shoes not in the hallway, then where? We answer: you can in the hallway, but you should not exhibit the entire collection of your shoes and shoes for review. And if you have a big family, this "collection" will grow at times. Find each pair your place. To do this, you can provide a closed shoe or special compartments in the closet in the hallway. For example, constructing the Pax system from IKEA, you can add a retractable shelf, thus saving on a junction.

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Retractable shelf for shoes "compliment" IKEA



3 Scarves, Gloves and Caps

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When the cold season comes, several hats, gloves, scarves inevitably appear in the hallway. It is convenient to remove them and immediately throw on the shelf or standing pouf. It will be better if you think their storage in advance. For example, select the shelf for them in the same wardrobe. In the junction, by the way, you can also hide the caps - free one branch under them. And one more option is a beautiful basket. Caps and gloves, as well as knitted scarves, do not remember if you fold them there.

  • Sleep the closet so that things are always in order: 5 simple steps

4 umbrellas

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Sleep the hallway: 10 things that are not there 6014_13

Sleep the hallway: 10 things that are not there 6014_14

Sleep the hallway: 10 things that are not there 6014_15

Agree to the fact that in the rain, returning home, the wet umbrella will not send to the closet and you will not attach to the room so that it does not spoil the interior of the hallway. But here there is a way out - get a stand for umbrellas. By the way, there is an opinion that the umbrellas should be dried in folded. There they will fit there. Choose a support with a pallet to be where to drain drops.

Support for Umbra Umbra Holdit

Support for Umbra Umbra Holdit

  • How to store wet umbrellas, rubber boots and other things, without which in the fall nowhere

5 Sunglasses and Cases

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Sunglasses are a thing that literally migrates out of the room into the room and often finds his refuge on the shelf in the hallway. In general, there is nothing terrible in this if the glasses are alone. But if there are several of them, and they lie with an uneven bunch, you will have to look for a solution in the fight for the purity and beauty of the input zone. For example, buy a box where such trifles will fit.

6 Plastic Cards and Coins

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Numerous plastic cards from stores, bank cards, which were left in the hallway after a trip to the nearest grocery shop, as well as a trifle (coins) will definitely not decorate your hallway. Moreover, they will probably clog it. The advice here is simple - their storage must be organized. For example, for all plastic cards to provide a mini-box, it will be more convenient to look for the desired when it needs it. For trifles, put on the shelf in the hallway mini-basket to get a coin from there before getting out of the house.

Box for storage with lid

Box for storage with lid

7 mail

Everything you get from the mailbox is often found in the hallway, because many of us forget to convey annoying advertising avenues before the trash. And they inevitably dig on the shelf, as well as newspapers and magazines.

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There is a solution, and it is surprisingly simple. Yes, advertising prospectuses immediately throw away if they were not interested, but for newspapers and magazines, if you need them, refer to the hallway newsmeal. So they will look carefully.

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Newsletter "Kvisssle" IKEA

1 299.


8 Cosmetic supplies

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Surely many girls familiarize the situation - you need to finish makeup or adjust the hairstyle before going out. So in the hallway accumulates combs, lipsticks and other cosmetic accessories. If they are really needed there, and it is more convenient for you to make lips to make lips before going out, prepare an organizer (basket, box) for them. But we still recommend leaving cosmetic accessories in the bathroom or on the dressing table in the bedroom.

9 leashes

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If a dog lives in your house, I certainly settled her leash in the hallway. Try to find him a permanent place. For example, in the closet or in the junction.

10 Cords and Chargers for Phones

Sleep the hallway: 10 things that are not there 6014_25

Perhaps these are subjects that clog not only the hallway. In the apartment they can be stumbled in the most unexpected places, even in the bathroom (if there is a socket). Provide storage of such trifles, for example, remove the place for them in the drawer of your desktop. Or hide immediately in the bag to charge the phone at work.

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