How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine and manually: instruction with which the thing is not spoiled


We tell how to prepare a thing for washing, what mode to select and clean the cleanser, how to dry and keep the down jacket.

How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine and manually: instruction with which the thing is not spoiled 6018_1

How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine and manually: instruction with which the thing is not spoiled

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Down jacket - optimal outerwear in cold weather: eco-friendly, practical and warm. Difficulties begin when it comes to cleaning: alas, not all modern products retain their original appearance after washing. In the article we will deal with how to wash the down jacket in the washing machine automatic and not only.

All about cleaning jackets with a down filler:

Guidelines on the label



Washing in the car




What is written on the label

The first thing you need to understand is: Is it possible to take care of your down jacket at all or have to be spent on dry cleaning? The answer is simple, it is on the label inside, where all the requirements for cleaning things are indicated.

Markers to pay attention to

  • Icon "Wash is prohibited" - crossed out the pelvis.
  • "Only manual cleaning" is depicted with the help of hand and pelvis. If there is no such icon, you can safely wash your clothes in the car.
  • The numbers are the maximum permissible temperature, and the line under the pelvic icon is a sign that cleaning must be delicate.

Pay attention to the product drying information. Very often winter jackets must be dried in pain.

Liquid for washing products with down and feather filler

Liquid for washing products with down and feather filler

Of course, to clean most of the poems of polyester, nylon or polyamide, you can safely use a washing machine. The same applies to products with a synthetic filler. However, in order for the resulting spots, an unpleasant smell of dampness and shot down, it is advisable to comply with a number of rules.

How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine and manually: instruction with which the thing is not spoiled 6018_4

  • How to wash your coat at home: instruction for manual and machine washing

Preparation for cleaning

Before you put the down jacket in a washing machine, you need to properly prepare it. To do this, do the following.

  1. Check your pockets, inside there should be no things: checks, candy, coins and bills, it is desirable to clean out of there and all rubbish type of rollers and small crumbs.
  2. Inspect the thing for local pollution, especially if it is bright. The heels are pockets, the lower part, the collar region and, of course, cuffs. If stains are insignificant, they can be causing them with economic soap.
  3. To remove complex stains you will need a stainover. Cosmetics, for example, a tonal cream or powder, can be removed using micellar water or toothpaste, and white tissue discolored with a mixture from hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol in equal amounts. But be careful with the amount of bleach, it also does not give the best effect on the natural filler.
  4. All pockets on the lightning and buttons should be fastened, otherwise you risk losing small fittings.
  5. Remove the thing inside out is important.
  6. The main rule is very simple: one washing session is one thing. Even if you have two dirty jackets of the same color, they are not recommended to wash them together. At a minimum, both clean badly, as a maximum, will be spoiled.

Before starting, be sure to check the seams on the product. If the fluff and filler climbs on them, it is better not to risk and wash manually. Otherwise, there is a chance to spoil a poor-quality stitch or lining.

How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine and manually: instruction with which the thing is not spoiled 6018_6


If your jacket can not be washed in a typewriter, you have to do it manually. Nothing is difficult here, the main thing is accuracy and compliance with the rules.

  • Recommendations for the choice of washing powder The same: Buy a special tool.
  • The water temperature either should not be above 30 degrees.
  • Before washing, soak the thing for 15-30 minutes in the water, dirt on the cuffs and the collar does not need to be removed before that.
  • It is impossible to rub parts of the thing about each other - so you break the structure of the down layer.
  • Especially lighted places can be cleaned with a soft brush or sponge.
  • You can rinse the product in water several times, squeeze and change the water to clean, also rinse several times.
  • Press carefully, do not twist the fabric.
  • You can dry up a manual hand-made clothes above the bathroom so that the water immediately flows into stock.

Remember that it is desirable to clean upper clothes at least once in the season, the second time - in the summer, when it is easy and quickly dries. At the same time, it is much easier to remove fresh spots than those for several days, weeks and, especially months.

How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine and manually: instruction with which the thing is not spoiled 6018_7

Washing down jacket in a washing machine

When everything is ready, you can start directly to washing. There are some important points here.

  • The usual washing powder is undesirable, it is too bad for. And on the bright, and on dark clothes can remain stains.
  • It is better to purchase a special detergent for washing down down jackets in a washing machine, which can be found in the economic department, or, to the extreme case, use liquid analogues of powder, such as gel.
  • You can use air conditioning.
  • To the Pooh not shot down, the drum need to throw a pair of tennis balls or special balls for down products - they can also be found in the respective departments.
  • One of the most important questions: what mode to choose? Some machines have a special program for such things. If there is no, the mode is suitable for silk, wool and other tissues that require delicate care. It is important that the water temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.
  • In addition, we recommend turning off the spin function. Otherwise, you risks: Pooh can be knocked in lumps, and the filler will stick out of the seams. If without it, for example, you erase in winter, adjust the machine for 400 revolutions, maximum - 600.
  • It is also desirable to add another round of rinsing: it will finally get rid of traces of detergents, because the fluff absorbs them very well.

How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine and manually: instruction with which the thing is not spoiled 6018_8

Rules of drying

After the wash ended, the jacket must be dried. But just hang - there is little, here there are also a number of nuances.

You need to immediately unbutton the locks, and the pockets will turn out to dry carefully. At the same time, the down jacket is not necessary to turn on the front side, it will dry inside out. Shake it a bit so that the Pooh is evenly distributed over the surface.

The optimal position for drying is vertically, on ordinary hanger-shoulder. Thus, water will fire faster. Once you pulled the jacket from the drum, wrap it for half an hour in a terry towel, it will absorb water.

In no case can not be used hairdryer for drying. Also, you should not hang the product at the battery and leave on the spot where the straight sunshine falls. Pooh from such manipulations is most likely put together and freezes, so it will be almost impossible to restore it.

Balloon for washing

Balloon for washing

If you want to speed up the process, just put the jacket in a well-ventilated place. Periodically whip it to distribute the filler.

Most often, cleaning and drying stretches for several days, it is not worth a hurry. The optimal period is no more than two days. It is necessary to finally give the fluff to dry, otherwise it will smell damp, and in general it can start refusing.

If there is a special feature of drying in the machine, it is undesirable to use it. During such manipulations, the pen and fluff structure is quite often disturbed, so the down jacket becomes thin and unsuitable for use in cold weather.

How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine and manually: instruction with which the thing is not spoiled 6018_10


It also happens that you followed all the rules, but the Pooh still got treacherously in the lumps. Most likely, this could happen because of the wrong selected laundry mode of the down jacket in the washing machine of the machine. It is not necessary to despair.

You can try to split the lumps manually, carefully rolling them. If it did not help, you will have to wash again.

If there are spots on the fabric, there may be two reasons: either the detergent did not wash to the end, then it is worth repeating the rinse. The second reason - the filler is processed bad, and fat sequels from the pen are seen on the product. In this case, the whole process will have to repeat from the beginning. In this case, you can use the means to remove fat.

Another unpleasant surprise is smell after cleaning. Most often it is the result of a long drying. You can get rid of it when repeated cleaning or simply hanging the jacket into a well-ventilated place, for example, to a balcony.

How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine and manually: instruction with which the thing is not spoiled 6018_11

Storage rules

If you cleaned things in the summer, the question arises about the correct storage. What to pay attention to?

  • Make sure the thing is completely dried and does not smell.
  • Be sure to pack up the top clothes in cotton covers, keep it in a dark cool place. This is especially important for down products, since in cellophane covers they do not breathe, it is fraught with the appearance of bad smells.
  • Inside the cover you can put bags against moths with the smell of lavender.
  • Pick the shoulders in size: then there will be no chances and folds on clothes.
  • Do not leave anything in your pockets, especially heavy items - they will be assumed.

How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine and manually: instruction with which the thing is not spoiled 6018_12

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