14 options for applying hydrogen peroxide in your home (and you did not know!)


Banal 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is probably there is in your home first aid kit, will help make cleaning, disinfect important items and whiten clothes.

14 options for applying hydrogen peroxide in your home (and you did not know!) 6059_1

14 options for applying hydrogen peroxide in your home (and you did not know!)

1 Disinfection Toothbrushes

Toothbrushes or dental kapa are very easy to decapitate with hydrogen peroxide. First, go through the bristle and the surface of the peroxide, and then rinse before using boiled water.

It is impossible to swallow hydrogen peroxide. Even 3% solution may damage the mucous membranes.

14 options for applying hydrogen peroxide in your home (and you did not know!) 6059_3

2 wash cutting boards

On plastic and wooden boards often remain scratches after cutting meat, fish and even simple cutting of vegetables. Bacteria accumulates in these microarchs. You can spray the boards of hydrogen peroxide and then wash in the usual way.

BRADEX cutting board set

BRADEX cutting board set

3 Refreshing kitchen sponges

Despite the fact that we are constantly recommended to change the kitchen sponges more often, sometimes they can simply refresh them with the help of peroxide. Mix the peroxide and water in proportion to one to one and lower the sponge into the solution.

14 options for applying hydrogen peroxide in your home (and you did not know!) 6059_5

4 Wave reusable bags for products

Eco-friendly replacement packages - reusable bags - also need to wash, and quite often. If you do not have time, keep your life. Square the inside of the bag with a solution of hydrogen peroxide with water.

5 Disinfection refrigerator

After you wash all the shelves of the refrigerator with the usual means, pass through the surfaces with a cloth moistened with hydrogen peroxide solution. Leave for 5 minutes and then wipe the shelves. This will help to avoid the appearance of the smell and will prolong the purity of the refrigerator.

14 options for applying hydrogen peroxide in your home (and you did not know!) 6059_6

  • How to use antibacterial spray for disinfection at home: 6 tips for better results

6 Give gloss to mirrors

Take the microfiber cloth and use hydrogen peroxide spray. This simple lifehak will help get rid of divorces on the mirrors.

7 Clean intercutric seams

Grouting on tile seams in the kitchen and in the bathroom often darkens. Try to clean the seams using hydrogen peroxide. This method will help get rid of small foci of mold. Mix ordinary water and peroxide, apply on the seams and leave for 5-10 minutes. After rush to water.

14 options for applying hydrogen peroxide in your home (and you did not know!) 6059_8

8 whiten clothes

If you are against a chlorine bleach, add some hydrogen peroxide into the bowl with clouded clothes. Also, the peroxide will help get rid of sweat spots. You will need 1/4 glasses of peroxide, the same amount of soda and water. Stit stains with this composition and leave for 30 minutes. And after putting clothes in the usual way.

Do not use hydrogen peroxide on colored clothing and tissues.

9 get rid of dust ticks

In mattresses, up to 150 species of dust mites can be dusty. Square it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and let dry. After you can lay a mattress with new bedding.

14 options for applying hydrogen peroxide in your home (and you did not know!) 6059_9

10 Clean air humidifiers

Humidifiers and air purifiers are an ideal place for reproduction of mold and bacteria. Pass through them a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide at least once a month, but first read the instructions for the device.

Air purifier Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier

Air purifier Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier

  • Cleaning the air humidifier: how to refresh the device and do not break it

11 Clear carpet

Take two parts of the peroxide and one part of the dishwashing fluid, apply a soft brush on the carpet and leave the composition on the surface. After rush it with cold water.

First test the composition on a small section of the carpet, the fabric can fad from the use of hydrogen peroxide.

14 options for applying hydrogen peroxide in your home (and you did not know!) 6059_12

12 disinfection children's toys

Spray a hydrogen peroxide to toys from plastic and let dry, and then rinse them in water.

13 Remove stains from marble surfaces

For example, countertops, cutting boards and stones sinks are easily dirty from random drops of tea, coffee and even water. Make pasta from flour and hydrogen peroxide and apply it directly on the spot, cover the area of ​​the film and leave (you can at night). By morning, the stain must disappear. Do not tritte stains, as marble surfaces are easy to scratch.

14 options for applying hydrogen peroxide in your home (and you did not know!) 6059_13

14 Clear toilet bowl

Pour the mining of the peroxide into the bowl of the toilet bowl to clean and disinfect the plumbing. Leave half an hour, and then click the flush button and pass the brush.

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