Designing an open terrace: 3 moments that are important to think


We tell how to determine the correct location and orientation on the sides of light, size and shape, as well as the floor material.

Designing an open terrace: 3 moments that are important to think 6072_1

Designing an open terrace: 3 moments that are important to think

1 location and orientation

It is more correct to consider the orientation of the open terrace at the planning stage of the house. But it can be attached to the house if the need for an additional space for family trapez, children's games, gardening occupations arose later.

Interestingly, each of the locations have its advantages and disadvantages. For example, on the south side will be especially pleasant in spring and autumn. Although for summer pastime will have to consider natural or artificial shading of space, which will protect against sunlight and exhausting heat. Morning coffee is best enjoying at the ascending sun on the eastern side of the house. Western suitable for gathering warm evenings. Perhaps someone will decide to build two terraces of various purposes from different sides of the suburban structure.

Stationary roof over open

The stationary roof above the open area will allow it to use it even in bad weather and do not worry about the safety and protection against the rain of furniture items

Lovers of a secluded recreation or work will be more comfortable to be on the platform from the house. By the way, it can be used as a summer kitchen or barbecue area. In the latest cases, the path to it from the main building should be short. Do not forget about the need to bring water and electricity to a single standing structure. With them, rest will be more comfortable.

Staying on oriented

Staying on the south-oriented terrace during the hot summer will make a pleasant mobile roof or landfied deciduous trees and shrubs. In the heat they will give the desired shadow and cool, and in the fall, throwing leaves, will not prevent the penetration of light into the house

  • 5 of the necessary advice to those who want to build a terrace in the garden

2 Size and form

To properly choose the size of the open terrace, it is important to focus on lifestyle and even look into the future. Those who love big noisy gatherings or waiting for the addition of the family, you need a large square.

For a family of four, the terrace should not be less than 16 m², whereas for a comfortable placement of six people will need not less than 20 m².

The maternity hosts probably think over the situation of this place. After all, one thing is lightweight compact garden chairs, and quite another - sofas of impressive sizes. In addition, you need a table and, most likely, not one. Therefore, the width of the terrace on which the dining group will be placed should not be less than 2.5 m, otherwise movement near it will be difficult.

As for the form, the terrace does not have to be rectangular. With limited garden space, even a small area near the entrance door or a kind of balcony, which extends around the entire structure.

Designing an open terrace: 3 moments that are important to think 6072_6

3 Floor material

In summer, the floor temperature on the outdoor terrace comes to 40 ° C. In the offseason, he must withstand the rain and dampness, and in winter - thirty-degree frosts. Obviously, the material that will perform the functions of the floor covering is obliged to meet these difficult conditions. And there is a choice. First, it is wooden boards. Usually they are made from inexpensive wood of coniferous rocks or larchs. To make a tree more resistant to atmospheric influences and soil moisture, it is impregnated with special compositions or processed by several layers of paint with facial and back side. Semi give a small slope (1%). The boards are not fixed close, but at a short distance from each other (0.5-1 cm).

Secondly, any whims of the weather will withstand the boards of wood-plastic composite (DPK), moreover, they are resistant even to chlorinated and salty water. Their composition includes wood flour. The role of the binder performs polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride. For additional beneficial properties and attractive species correspond to modifying additives and dyes. The DPK floor is sufficiently durable, works well in a wide range of temperatures from -50 to + 90 ° C, does not rot, it does not crack.

Designing an open terrace: 3 moments that are important to think 6072_7

Finally, porcelain stoneware is the most weather-resistant material due to minimal water absorption. It is able to withstand hundreds of freezing and thawing cycles, racks to abrasion. And will serve dozens of years in the climatic conditions of our country.

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