5 errors in the interior that can be fixed in one day


There are no places to store the smallest things, extra or inconspicuous decor - we reveal these and other important errors in the design of the apartment and tell how to fix them.

5 errors in the interior that can be fixed in one day 6152_1

5 errors in the interior that can be fixed in one day

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1 No storage locations

Very often, people think in detail cabinets, dressers and even wardrobe, but forget about miniature storage systems. Because of this, gloves, keys and umbrellas are lying in the hallway, in the bedroom in the dresser there are perfumes, cosmetics and other little things.

How to fix

Wait three or four days after the last cleaning and collect all the small items in a bunch, which stood the room. Most likely, you use them constantly, so push boxes and open cabinets every time uncomfortable. Such a mess spoils the impression of the interior, but it is easy to eliminate with the help of boxes, caskets and baskets.

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2 too much decor

Over time, in almost any apartment, decor accumulates: Magnets and statuettes are brought from vacation, beautiful posters, sofa pillows and another decor are constantly entering the furniture stores. If you do not withstand a single color and style orientation, very quickly from the decor will begin to rich in the eyes.

How to fix

No need to attach a favorite dump decor. Collect it all, freeing the room and sort, creating several sets. For example, you can form a collection in some one color or from one material. Wait a few days, after you get used to the clean space and listen to desires, and then get the set that you seem relevant now. You can wait a little more and purchase the final strokes to it, which will complete the composition.

When this decor is getting tired, you can get the next set, and so update them during the year.

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3 Neakkurat wires

White and black wires from different technical devices quickly merge with the interior and do not attract attention. But if you look at, it will become obvious that they strongly spoil the design of space make it sloppy and ill-conceived, even if the interior is made in the style of techno.

How to fix

Wires from large stationary equipment, such as a computer, refrigerator and TV, you need to collect, carefully wind and secure special clamps or ordinary tape. Carefully minimized them can be hidden behind the body of the equipment. On the desktop you need to secure special holders: it will be easier to use charging, without climbing every time under the table, and they will look more aesthetic.

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5 errors in the interior that can be fixed in one day 6152_26

4 All decor in one color

When all textiles and other decor in the room combined with each other - this is good. But the combination is not equivalent to one color for all items. If you have a relatively calm interior base in your room, then a universal monochrome set of curtains, carpet, vases, covers for sofa pillows and posters on the wall will make room flat and inexpressive.

How to fix

If you decide to create a crossbill with a color, use its different amount for each accessory. For example, you like yellow. Let only yellow the curtains and one vase be on the table. Sofa pillows can be purple with a thin yellow pattern, and a carpet is gray in yellow polka dots.

Distribute bright monophonic accessories throughout the apartment to reduce the concentration of one color in the room, and complement them with things in other shades. Then the whole interior will have a single, but not intrusive motive.

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5 Furniture around the perimeter

The placement of furniture around the perimeter, especially in a relatively spacious room, is a rather beaten reception. Because of it, the center remains empty and inconspicuous, visually different functional zones are not distinguished, the space seems smaller than it actually.

How to fix

Try to make a permutation. The desktop is not necessary to stand close to the wall. Maybe you will be more comfortable to work in front of the window or face to the room. The small sofa and armchairs can also be pulled out towards the center.

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