How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips


How to enlarge the useful area in the kitchen and improve storage boxes - about it tell in our article.

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_1

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips

The true essence of the kitchen is hidden behind the facades of furniture, where, as in a good workshop, all working tools are laid out in their place. To achieve order in your own kitchen, make everything you need foreseeable and available can, rationally bypassing the internal space of cabinets and boxes.

All about wardrobes and kitchen boxes

  1. Types of guides
  2. Closers
  3. Organizers and inserts
  4. Storage by functional zones
  5. Cabinets column
  6. Wall cabinets
  7. Garbage collection system
Most users change kitchen furniture at least after 10, and usually after 20 years. And if at the design stage, do not consider it a "stuffing", then every day during these years you will be irritate the need for unnecessary movements, unnecessary efforts, time spent in search of hard-to-reach objects, clapping doors and boxes, lack of this order and comfort. That is why we decided to talk about how to make kitchen troubles pleasant and turn everyday routine work in pleasure.

1 Put the guides

Limited, partial extension of low mailboxes is considered inconvenient. Therefore, in Europe, only guides with complete extension are used for the lower boxes. It is also necessary to use special anti-slip rugs in storage systems with a smooth bottom, protecting the contents from the fall when extending and from excessive noise. Depending on the design, roller or ball guides with partial or complete extension are used (other retractable systems are also built on them). The movement on the guides of the economyractus is accompanied by a small noise, and inaccurate closing is a blow. Rubber or silicone stickers in places of contact with a table or table, as a rule, are ineffective.

High-tech are extension systems equipped with guides working on the principle of ball bearings. Such is the system of QUADRO guides (invention of the company Hettich). In one guide there may be up to 180 balls made of ball bearings, which can be located in 4, 6 or 8 rows (depending on the type of extension and load). Such guides do not allow a wide drawer to move in its full extension, and also provide smooth soft gliding and high load capacity. Unintentional dismantling is excluded, despite the fact that it is easy to remove the box from the guides (for example, to produce cleaning) is very simple.

In the guides of Nova Pro (Grass), rollers made from high-quality plastic, which, unlike metal, significantly reduces the noise when the guides are moving. A special mechanism consisting of a toothed rail and gear wheel guarantees light, without jams and distortions, silent extension of the widest models (up to 1 100 mm).

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_3
How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_4

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_5

Silent closing ensure closers and shock absorbers.

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_6

  • 6 new storage systems for kitchens that will not cost you a penny

2 Take closers for kitchen boxes

In order to protect the facades and sidewalls from premature wear, and the hearing is from an annoying flaking, it is better to order boxes equipped with integrated smooth closing guides. It performs two important features: on the one hand, the mechanism "reaches" the box until complete closing, not allowing him to stay ajar, on the other - it slows down its last 2-3 cm of the path and smoothly brings the facade to the housing, making closing completely silent.

There are models that automatically open with the help of a sensory drive. They implement dreams of the most comfortable kitchen and allow you to realize the most fashionable design - smooth facades without pens. You can open such boxes by clicking on the front panel, and anywhere. And if the hands are busy - just to push the knee slightly. This is especially convenient when extending heavy boxes.

This box is closed as the most common: you just need to push it slightly and push it. At the same time, as well as usually models, a smooth closing system is triggered. The system can be installed as an additional option: Compact drive are placed between the rear wall of the drawer and the back of the cabinet panel. Thus, if you wish, you can enhance the comfort of your stay in your own kitchen.

If electricity is disabled in the house, you can open the box manually. If there is a handle or replacing their special grooves, it is easy, and with absolutely smooth facades you have to try.

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How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_9

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_10

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_11

3 Foreign Organizers and Inserts

To produce "upgrade" favorite cuisine and equip (or retail) boxes with internal order organizations with any layout scheme, order for them branded banks, even after the warranty period has expired. Solid manufacturers take their kitchens for service during the entire period of operation. The most important thing is to keep documents testifying that you ordered the kitchen in this salon.

Expand the useful space inside can be used using the sidewalls with a direct inner corner of the profile. Boxes will become volume and more specific, if you increase the space using a system of single or double longitudinal (round or rectangular) rails that will fix the contents of the box, as well as by increasing the side walls by means of special inserts.

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How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_13

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_14

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_15

Additional sidewall for drawer

There are different ways of extension. They are simple. In one case, special plugs, latching the panel insert, are put on round rains on top. And the sidewall looks very stylish. In the other, the metal plug under the color of the sidewall is snapped between the railing and the sidewall without the tool. A stylish glass insert that can be installed using special adapters, give your kitchen uniqueness. You can do all these improvements and during operation - only salon specialists can help you where you ordered the kitchen. Establishment will not require a drilling of sidewalls, no use of tools.

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_16

Olga Grishina, CENTROMEKT + company:

It will be annoyable if you lay a round sum for a beautiful stylish kitchen, and after 1-2 years she will suddenly stop please and start annoying, because it is poorly organized. Before making the purchase, go through furniture salons, compare everything that is in the demonstration halls, think what accessory will be equipped with your kitchen. Examine internal content, check it in action. Find out what load is withstanding the box, pay attention to the sidewalls: they should not be very low, otherwise packages, banks and boxes will fall out of the box. And if the utensils are recorded in boxes using separators or inserts, it is only good. Think whether there will be in the kitchen when you like the layout you like, and consult your consultant, which systems you can offer for their organization. Do not forget that there are many such solutions.

It is possible to expand the useful area and due to the rational organization of those zones that are usually not involved. Some manufacturers have a cortic designed for installation in the base space. It is convenient to place bulky items, drawers with bottles, a trash can. The special mechanism of the lift of the box provides smooth slip, even if the floor is uneven or the rug is lying on it.

Thanks to the rotary elements equipped with rotating metal baskets, all sorts of "carousers", embedded columns and semi-colonents with carousel mechanisms it became possible to use the angles, to functionally organize the space of uncomfortable zones both in the lower and at the top of the kitchen.

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How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_18

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_19

The cost of such rotary elements depends on the degree of complexity of the mechanisms, the number of shelves (or grids).

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_20

For a long time, a variety of "magic corners" with a frontal door, rotating Block (diagonal cabinets), are estimated, in the literal displacement of the cuisine and allowing the angle completely. They simplify storage, volumetric and purposefully identify certain areas, bringing them to us or pushing them into the background. In a small kitchen with an angular composition of furniture for a family of three people, one such swivel design will solve the problem of storing all the utensils.

4 Organize storage by function zones

Optimal kitchen organization is half of success. The kitchen can be ergonomic if you divide it on the functional zones. First of all, divide it into five zones: 1) storage of products, 2) cooking, 3) Pots and frying pan, 4) Household chemicals and trash, 5) dishes and cutlery. Then, from a variety of solutions proposed for each zone, select the most suitable. If you can get everything you need quickly, simple and convenience for yourself, the work in the kitchen delivers the present pleasure.

Oksana Zaitseva, company "Satellite Style":

It is the roll-out and turning systems with complex mechanisms that make the kitchen ergonomic, convenient to operate, eliminate extra movements, ensure order. In addition, all the organizations of the organization that are equipped with drawers, and roll-out elements with metal baskets are hygienic, it is easy to wash them. Let these boxes be only three, but in them you will post all the most running, working.

A clear planning of storage places attached to the working zones also helps to increase the useful space and make it functional. This applies to the placement of food reserves; dishes and cutlery; in the zone of washing - washing dishes, cleaning products, garbage collector; In the cutting zone of products - small kitchen appliances, necessary accessories, spices and bulk products, which are desirable to have at hand; In the cooking zone - utensils.

Each manufacturer has been developed dozens of inserting order organizations (peculiar investment organizers) with different location schemes, and all of them are simply impossible. They allow you to make every centimeter useful, lay all the items so that at any moment they can be taken and put in the working condition, and after use to put in the same place.

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How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_22
How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_23

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_24

Containers with holders in which plates are folded or stand can be pulled out from the box and put on the worktop.

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How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_26

The main advantages of these systems are orderliness and flexible internal layout, variable with all sorts of mobile separators, crossbars, rails, trays, pallets. They are supplied for boxes of all existing sizes and can be made both from cheap plastic and from more expensive materials: steel, aluminum, wood (mainly beech, less often maple).

5 Buy wardrobes

Many residents of large cities are more convenient to buy products once a week, and sometimes less often. Sometime we saw high narrow pencils with static shelves. They replaced the wardrobes of columns, both swing and retractable, with classic drawers or lattice baskets.

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How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_28

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_29

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_30

The columns equipped with a baskets attached to the frame with a lattice, glass or plastic bottom, form a unified system, traveling along with the facade as a large box, and provide access to products on the side or in front. Such storage systems can be embedded under the worktop, between separately worth the cabinets or directly in the furniture composition of the kitchen.

For swing columns, there are also metal baskets with three variants of the bottom: glass, grille, plastic. And external, rounded, which are attached to the frame located on the inside of the facade are added to the inner rectangular baskets.

Evgeny Mikhailenko, Hettich:

It is no secret that a modern woman is suitable for kitchen choosing with the same thoroughness and scrupulousness as a man to choose a car. It is about this that the manufacturers of high-quality fittings are conceived, developing kitchen systems that are most complicated by all requests and wishes of modern buyers in the field of design, the requirements of functionality, safety and durability. It is very important when choosing a kitchen to pay attention to what mechanisms and storage systems will be inside, how comfortable they will be in everyday use, how all this will work and how much time will serve in their hostess. Unfortunately, often wanting to save when buying furniture, the consumer makes it primarily at the expense of internal filling, without thinking about the fact that the kitchen is not only part of the interior, but also a kind of working tool in the house. High-quality and reliable retractable boxes, multifunctional internal organizations of the organization are one of the most important components of modern kitchen, a security deposit and a good mood.

6 Hang wall cabinets

Wall cabinets continue to actively participate in the life of the kitchen, especially small, where the disclaimer in the upper tier is a non-disabilities. Due to the lifting mechanisms with the integrated function of the smooth closing of the door of the mounted cabinets, equipped with a damper, rises smoothly and silently.

Retractable systems that have already proven themselves at the bottom of the kitchen can also be used in hinged cabinets. Baskets are ideal for storing spices, oils, sauces and other products that are constantly used in the preparation of food.

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How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_32

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_33

With full opening, the outbreak system of storage can be turned into the right or left side and choose user-friendly access.

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7 Equip the garbage collection system

In any competently planned kitchen, a garbage collection system and food waste should be provided. In the West, it is customary to differentiate garbage, so European manufacturers present a variety of combinations of retractable hermetic sections and garbage containers made of steel or plastic. For us, the separation of waste into individual species is not so relevant, therefore, too, the system is too "trimmed" - enough one-two retractable buckets.

How to choose kitchen boxes and organize proper storage: 7 important tips 6191_35

The value of the practical equipment of the kitchen is often underestimated. But believe me, it is worth spending money on what allows you to make it comfortable and well organized. And maybe, in the first place, it is better to put even facades, which in sight, and the "stuffing" hidden behind them.

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