In Total Black style: Little odnushka in St. Petersburg for a young man


The designer of this apartment managed to break the stereotype that the black color is not suitable for the design of small-sized. The men's interior, weathered in the style of Total Black, turned out to be cozy, chamber and solid, and the black walls became an excellent background for original furniture objects, accessories and works of art.

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In Total Black style: Little odnushka in St. Petersburg for a young man


The owner of the apartment in the brick-monolithic LCD "Leningrad Evenings", the young man is 25 years old, addressed the designer on the recommendation of the former customers. After quite typical wishes for housing improvement (comfort, functionality, space for reception), the atypical request followed - to withstand the future interior completely in black color.

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Create a comfortable and modern environment for habitat of a young man and its guests, using for this not only the reception of the competent organization of space, but also the great expressive possibilities of black color.

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The source layout of odnushki was significantly adjusted. So, I had to sacrifice a small wardrobe at the entrance. By attaching its area to the living room, it was possible to organize all the necessary functional areas: workplace, public zone for watching TV and communicating with friends, as well as a secluded niche for sleep closing with sliding doors. Equally equivalent in the area of ​​the storage system provided in the hallway and living room.

Partition between the kitchen and the state & ...

The partition between the kitchen and the living room was anew, although it is located on the same place. Completing it, it was possible to enter furniture (Berlin Studio) and Doors (Dolche Porte), which are revealed in a niche. From above, the niche is divided into 2 equal halves to install air conditioners (Mitsubishi Electric) on both sides: in the living room and in the kitchen.

The kitchen remained at the same place, the loggia was attached to her, as a result of which the room became spacious and light. Dining table (IKEA) - glass, so it looks easier and does not eat space. German sachsen cuisine with facades laminated under the tree, contain everything you need for cooking. The closet column with integrated household appliances managed to hide in the niche.

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In addition, the loggia can be located with friends at the bar counter: chat and admire the opening prospect of the city.

Decoration Materials

According to the wishes of the customer, the interior played all the shades of the black. The walls were covered with paint Jack Black (Little Green), and the PITER PARKET parquet board was laid on the floor in the residential premises, in the kitchen and wet areas - spectacular black porcelain stoneware from the Oxy collection (Mirage Factory). But the color was more complicated than it was planned initially. A warm tone of a natural tree was added to a black base, which is intentionally hidden and appears in the interior only with open doors in the bedroom zone and storage cabinets (all the doors from the inside are painted in blue). At the same time, thanks to one color with walls, the cabinets embedded in a niche are not thrown into the eye, the composition looks uniform.

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To light up the living room, the LED lamps built into the ceiling in the aluminum profile, the power of the light stream of which is adjustable using the dimmer. Lengins with a length of 1 m rhythmically move from the ceiling in the public zone in the corridor. Decorative color LED backlight is skipped over soft panels of the podium with a sleeping place. Playing with color, you can create a suitable atmosphere in space.

Since the owner of the apartment loves ...

Since the owner of the apartment loves to receive guests, in the closet, the reserve of folding chairs is hidden, and if friends do in the apartment, then their services are a folding sofa in the living room. For such cases, sliding doors for the bed on the podium are provided. They are attached to the upper and built-in guides.

Sleeping place on the podium is a real designer find. It's comfortable here not only to sleep, but also read the book or stay with a laptop. Soft panels make Alcov especially cozy. You can sit on a wooden base with a cup of tea, spend time behind the conversation with friends, located on the sofa.

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The apartment provides a work zone. The tabletop made of natural wood is kept on flat black metal supports. It could not be done in one level with the windowsill, but if desired, the table can be moved to the sofa. In the gap between the countertop levels, the wires from the monitor to the processor are skipped. Additional outlets are mounted in the slopes. On open shelves in niches - the necessary books and documents. Since the apartment is sunny, with windows overlooking the southeast, it was necessary to protect the day and complete blackout at night. Cassette Roll Block Out Curtains came to the rescue, which are attached directly to the window frame and do not let the light into the room. Hobbies of the customer playing the guitar - another touch in the interior decor.

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For the design of the wall in the corridor, photographs of the pictures of the French artist Thomas Saliot, which were printed on laminated cardboard, and on the reverse side were glued with a magnetic film. To create a collage, the wall surface was partially covered with black magnetic paint.

The bathroom was thought of long and t & ...

The bathroom was thought of long and carefully. The final result was simple and concisely exceptionally due to the verified planning solution, the skill of the Proba, which overcomed all technical difficulties on the way to the implementation of the intended design. The tabletop under the sink is made of black quartz agglomerate with blue splashes, continuing the colorful solution of the entire interior.

Designer Alla Kushchev, author about ...

Designer Alla Kushchev, project author

During the repair, we faced a number of difficulties. First, when installing air conditioners, which I wanted to install in a niche above the door in the living room from the same side. Due to the low height of the room, we had to calculate everything up to millimeters so that they stood there. From the side of the kitchen, the lower jumper of the niche, to which the door box is attached, had to be mounted after installing the air conditioner, otherwise it would be difficult to connect it. The second problem arose with a solid web table top in the kitchen, which did not go in the opening (not enough of a couple of centimeters literally to take a turn from entering the corridor). I had to "cut the window to Europe" - cut the hole in the hypotherapy wall from the corridor in the living room, to carry the worktop and then close the hole. At the same time, the scrupulous finish of the wall suffered. The benefit that the hole was done in the place where the cabinet was located on the one hand, and on the other - the soft panels of the bedroom zone. And thirdly, in order to achieve the realization of the most successful planning option in the bathroom, the forerar had to overcome several complex technical moments associated with the wiring of communications.

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In Total Black style: Little odnushka in St. Petersburg for a young man 6227_14
In Total Black style: Little odnushka in St. Petersburg for a young man 6227_15
In Total Black style: Little odnushka in St. Petersburg for a young man 6227_16
In Total Black style: Little odnushka in St. Petersburg for a young man 6227_17

In Total Black style: Little odnushka in St. Petersburg for a young man 6227_18


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View from the balcony

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View from the balcony

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Living room

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The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Designer: Alla Kushchev

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