Kitchen set: typical or to order? Opinion designers


Natalia Mitrakov, Tatyana Maslennikova and Evgenia Astakhova shared their experience about custom kitchens and working with ready-made headsets. And recommended how to arrange both and the other option is beautiful and economically.

Kitchen set: typical or to order? Opinion designers 623_1

Kitchen set: typical or to order? Opinion designers

In design projects, you can more often find the kitchens ordered specifically for the interior and made in carpentry workshops and factories. But still the budget for such a solution is not always. Should you take a ready-made sample headset, and in what cases? When it is impossible to abandon custom furniture? Asked designers.

Natalia Mitrakov: "It all depends on the tasks and budget"

"Plus kitchens to order in its uniqueness and unlimited configuration capabilities, finishes and fittings. But it is always more expensive than typical kitchen. I often use reception with furniture in the ceiling to visually increase its height. With the finished headcase above the upper cabinets in 95% of the 100, the gap would have formed, and we do not need it. And exactly in size can only be fulfilled to order. Or in the case of a complex color of the kitchen, which does not match the RAL palette (on which most furniture manufacturers work) and you need an individual color selection.

In the project of a country house, we have chosen English cuisine, the size of it was quite large, which greatly exceeded the budget. To optimize costs, we decided to build a roomy storage room in the kitchen. In it, we posted storage racks, microwave, small household appliances and even built a refrigerator so that the doors are outside, in the working area of ​​the kitchen. This technique was helped to order a welcome kitchen set, but also save. Also to unload the room from an excessive utility, "says the designer.

Kitchen set: typical or to order? Opinion designers 623_3

Designer Natalia Mitrakov:

Designer Natalia Mitrakov:

Now in modern, Scandinavian interiors, the kitchens are popular without top cabinets, they are concise and perfectly fit into the overall space with the living room. In this case, it is possible to buy typical lower bases. And above the countertop you can place pictures, bookshelves, or hang a glass showcase from another era for your beloved grandmother's service.

Evgenia Astakhova: "Sometimes, pushing away from the finished solutions of leading European brands, we order the kitchen of domestic production"

"When planning a kitchen, the designer takes into account, first of all, the location of engineering communications and architectural features of the room. Next, the ergonomics of space is carefully worked out, the convenience of movement, use of household appliances. There is an optimal working triangle: refrigerator, washing, stove.

The interior style sets the direction for the appearance of the kitchen furniture. In the arsenal of the designer several factories, where you can collect fashionable cuisine as part of the agreed budget. Sometimes, pushing away from the finished (typical) solutions of the leading European brands, we order the cuisines of domestic production, "says Evgenia.

Kitchen set: typical or to order? Opinion designers 623_5

Designer Evgenia Astakhova:

Designer Evgenia Astakhova:

For projects with a low budget, I pay attention to the proposals of network stores, but come out creatively. I can offer, for example, combine the facades from different cuisine models, replace the handles, pull the neutral kitchen at the expense of an interesting apron or countertops. It is like a base in clothes, maybe from the recognizable by all the store, but to catch new paints with a successful addition to designer accessories.

Tatyana Maslennikova: "If the budget and timelines are very limited, you can use ready-made options"

"If we talk about visual design, as well as the materials used, with kitchens to order you are not limited to anything. You can go to any interior, choose any material, combine different models with each other. When it is about individual production, then make completely exclusive facades.

In the ordered version, any size of the cabinets is available so that the kitchen is beautifully fitted into the selected space. This is especially true if the kitchen should stand on a limited wall - in a niche or to the angle. In addition, many options for additional design: various eaves, a large selection of pens, the ability to integrate the falsepals.

If the budget and timelines are very limited, you can use ready-made options. In IKEA stores, Lerua Merlen, Ob ​​is now pretty a pretty large selection of materials and colors. But it is necessary to make a choice in advance to take into account a number of moments, "says Tatyana.

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Kitchen set: typical or to order? Opinion designers 623_8

Kitchen set: typical or to order? Opinion designers 623_9

Kitchen set: typical or to order? Opinion designers 623_10

What to pay attention to?

Sizes, namely width and height of cabinets . "We need to plan the kitchen in advance and build walls, to hold the ceiling under the size of the kitchen so that it organically fit into the selected space, the designer clarifies. - If you do not think about this question in advance, the gaps can remain on the sides between the kitchen and the wall. "

Materials and colors - The choice is limited, but still there are quite a few finishes imitating different surfaces, clarifies the designer.

Quality countertops . "Usually in custom kitchens, I calmly treat laminated table tops in the budget version. They are very durable and often beautifully imitate various materials. The joints of the countertop, if necessary, are now made by "european". But in the finished kitchens, the laminated countertop is sold to pieces. And you have to stick it through the ugly plastic flats, "says Tatyana.

Designer Tatyana Maslennikov

Designer Tatyana Maslennikova:

How can you save and make a beautiful kitchen? Select a ready-made version of the kitchen in advance, explore the sizes, build walls with this, bring the ceiling. You can make several facades to order, more expensive. They will attract attention and make the kitchen more expensive. But at the same time, the countertop is better to choose a custom. Let even laminated, but solid, and not use the plinth. And if there is also a wall panel from the same material, with the imitation of a stone, for example, then look like a kitchen will be very modern and beautiful.

Short conclusions

Let us summarize the designers.

When is it worth choosing a kitchen headset to order?

  • If you are not limited in the timing and budget. Custom kitchen is always more expensive, and it cannot be taken from the store immediately. Will have to wait.
  • If certain ergonomics of the kitchen is important, it is easier to adjust the customized kitchen set under the desired dimensions.
  • If you need to build a kitchen in a niche, extend under the ceiling - most likely it is worth making a choice in favor of the custom kitchen. With the finished version, this is also possible, but then you will have to "hold" walls or lower the ceiling under the height of the upper cabinets.
  • If you want a unique color. As a rule, an individual color solution is available only under the order.

When can I choose a typical headset?

  • If there is no time to wait or budget is limited.
  • If you can restrict ourselves to the lower side of the cabinets (provided that the dimensions still coincide).
  • If there is a desire and the ability to modify a typical kitchen - in size, appearance, choose a high-quality countertop and a kitchen apron.

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