How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips


We tell about baths from cast iron, steel, ceramics, marble, acrylic and kvarilol and disassemble other important parameters to which you should pay attention to when choosing.

How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips 6321_1

How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips

Bath, despite the fact that in fashion glass shower, is still relevant. After all, only in it can be completely relaxed, restore physical and mental health, feel the tide of vigor. At the same time, in the markets and stores such a variety of products, which determine which bath is better, it is not easy.

All about how to choose a bath

  • Cast iron
  • Steel
  • Acrylic
  • Kvaril
  • Marble
  • Ceramics


Features detached bath



In any construction hypermarket, you will face a huge number of models made in different design solutions and from different materials. Systemfully approach the choice: to analyze all offers, study consumer properties, pick up the optimal view and size.

Start the analysis, perhaps, it is worth it from which the bath can be made. Most often, these products produce from cast iron, steel and acrylic. For buyers more challenging and those who do not stand at the price, instruments from the kvaril, marble and ceramics are offered. Such models are very modern, and sometimes the opposite is a traditional design, high strength and a long service life.

To understand how to choose a bath, and what is best just for your apartment, it is necessary to understand the properties of each of the listed materials. It would also be nice to know about the features of installation.

Cast iron

The alloy has a wonderful heat capacity. Long warming up, it also holds heat for a long time. That is, hot water, poured into the product from cast iron, does not cool for a long time, which, of course, is very convenient.

Another plus is a unique strength, thanks to which such equipment is in apartments for 30 years or more.

Bath Universal Nostalgizes 150x70 cast iron

Bath Universal Nostalgizes 150x70 cast iron

Modern cast iron baths cover enamel no longer in two receptions, as before, and in three: they first apply a layer, providing the grip of the composition with the surface, and then two facial. They protect against mechanical damage and abrasion. As a result, the life of the device increased by a dozen years.

Disadvantages are also obvious. First, fragility. For example, if you drop a large saucepan with water, the bowl can crack. Secondly, massiveness. The cast-iron tank is so heavy that it is very difficult to move it from place to place or dismantle for replacement, especially alone.

How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips 6321_4


The design of steel fonts is more diverse, it is distinguished by different forms and unusual bends. This is due to the fact that steel is much better to handle, because carbon is significantly less in it than in the cast iron. So, it can be cooked and stamped. In addition, the bath from it is 3-4 more cheaper than iron, and its weight is not as an example less, which also can not but rejoice.

For the production of plumbing, steel structural steel is most often used. From it, it makes parts with high wear resistance, which are used when assembling complex mechanisms. That is why steel containers are very durable and can be operated very long. To protect against corrosion and ensure a smooth surface, they are also covered with enamel.

Embedded Roca Swing 180x80 Steel

Embedded Roca Swing 180x80 Steel

The most expensive models are made of stainless steel. They are easy to learn on a brilliant, nothing painted, polished metal. Usually they are bought under the modern interior with industrial motifs, in which they look incredibly spectacular. Some other special consumer properties of stainless steel fasteners are different.

It should be noted that steel refers to soft metals, and if the device is operated by a very large person, then after some time the wall walls can be deformed. In this, the material is noticeably inferior to the cast iron.

Another disadvantage is the so-called "rattling": the roar of filling the bath will be heard even the neighbors for two floors below, not to mention those who live in the apartment. However, such an effect can be avoided if you purchase a model with an acrylic insert.

The heat capacity is also worse than the cast iron: it is quickly heated and quickly cools. Therefore, if you am a lover to get a little longer, you will have to periodically pour hot water, which every year is becoming more and more expensive.

How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips 6321_6


Selecting products from acrylic, buyers are often surprised: why the material is the same, and the prices are so different? Everything is simple: depending on the production technology, acrylic is also different. In one case, these are ABS plastic mixed with plexiglass (polymethyl methacrylate), and in the other - clean plexiglas without impurities. Both are polymer composites that serve as raw materials for the production of various plastic products, including for baths.

A fuce, made on a two-component basis, has a very thin protective layer of plexiglas, which is erased in intensive use for several years. The ABS plastic under it, having a porous structure, begins to absorb moisture, and in the end it is rapidly destroyed. Thus, all the advantages of such a plumbing are reduced exclusively to a low price.

Bath Aquaate Mia 165 Acrylic

Bath Aquaate Mia 165 Acrylic

Another thing is a bath, produced by casting from pure polymethyl methacrylate. Its main advantages are high strength, wear resistance, lack of hygroscopicity. The model from plexiglas is able to withstand large mechanical loads and therefore serves at least 10-15 years. Of course, it costs it is more expensive.

Acrylic plumbing is very easy, even one person will quickly cope with her dismantle: unlike the cast iron, it will not have to break and endure it. No problems arise with the installation, it is advisable only to use a special framework. However, during operation, given the fragility of the material, caution should be taken and do not drop heavy items into the bowl.

Acrylic is perfectly molded, you can find a product of any suitable configuration: rectangular, oval, semicircular, with bends on bertles, or without them.

When choosing, experts advise to hide through the bottom. If it does not bend, it means the quality of good and plumbing will last long. But it should be remembered that the plastic is afraid of very hot water: at a temperature of 90 degrees, it begins to soften and deform. Therefore, it is not worth pouring into the bowl of boiling water.

How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips 6321_8


Another composite created from acrylic resins. It is characterized by the presence of quartz sand and various polymer additives. Quartz gives the karil improved strength characteristics and higher resistance to mechanical damage, including drums.

Thanks to the polymers additionally entered into the material, the coniferous baths have an ideally smooth surface. In addition, they are deprived of those flaws that are inherent in acrylic products. Their boards are more rigid, they will not go out from a random strike with a hammer, and for mounting the tank capacitance from the conversion does not need a metal frame. To be afraid to drop in her massive dishes or a vase with flowers, too, nothing: dents will not be. If scratches appeared on the sparkling walls - they can be easily lost with the help of special compositions. The main thing is not to use the means with abrasives that can spoil the surface of any plastic.

Bath Villeroy & Boch 170x75 Cvaril

Bath Villeroy & Boch 170x75 Cvaril

Unfortunately, the cost of coniferous fobs is difficult to name low. Perhaps this is their only serious minus, not counting the greater weight. Although over time, the manufacturing technology of the composite invented by the famous Villeroy & Boch company will certainly become cheaper.

How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips 6321_10


It is mistaken to think that marble that is used now for the manufacture of baths is the most precious mineral that the ancient Greeks still applied. In fact, we are talking about a stone crumb: it is produced during the processing of defective marble plates. As a result, white fine-grained sand is formed, which is mixed with a polyester resin and get an interesting material - mold marble.

In the manufacture of plumbing is poured into special forms. It is usually a formwork of a standard configuration, but sometimes it is placed on order by an individual design project. Previously, a protective polymer composition is applied to the inner surface of the shape - gelkout. During the drying process, it is transferred to the walls of the bath, as a result of which they acquire shine and become more wear-resistant.

Bath Aquastone Bali 170 lawsuit. a rock

Bath Aquastone Bali 170 lawsuit. a rock

The advantages of such products are indisputable. First of all, this is durability. And indeed: what can happen to stone? In the worst case, small chips or scratches will appear, get rid of which is quite simple.

The marble font rattles when filling with water, perfectly saves heat, does not vibrate, as acrylic, if hydromassage works. The frozen stone crumb is not so fragile as cast iron, and not so soft, like plastic, so the material does not crack and is not deformed on temperature and mechanical loads. But it is better to avoid the blows with heavy objects: if a part of the side is sang, it will not be able to glue it into place. And, of course, the main drawback is a very not small price.

How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips 6321_12


Compared to marble, the products from ceramics are not so durable. With bad circulation, they may not only crack, but also to split. But but the porous structure of the material also retains heat for a long time and is distinguished by remarkable tactile properties.

For the production of plumbing is used metal ceramics or faience. In the first case, the light metal base is first made, which is then filled with alumina, burn and decorated with icing. In the second, the billet is cast from refractory clay, dried and covered with a thin layer of enamel. Faience manufacturing technology is more laborious and therefore - more expensive. It should be noted that the faience bath is a very fragile subject, to use whom you need carefully.

Ceramic models, like marble, are rarely performed in some unusual form or stylistics. These are mainly classic ovals and rectangles. But they fits perfectly in any interior.

How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips 6321_13

How to choose a bath according to important parameters


Deciding on the purchase of a particular model, first of all, it is necessary to find out what kind of sizes should be. It is easy to understand this: it is enough to measure the dimensions of your bathroom. If it is large enough, then select the bath should be based on your growth and the set. It is desirable that, while in it in a sitting position, you could rest on your feet into the opposite board, otherwise it will be inconvenient to get up.

For very high people, models are produced long 180-190 cm, and for large - 85 cm wide. If necessary, you can order a device of non-standard sizes, but it will cost Nedlyozy.

The remaining criteria are cost, durability and comfort.

How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips 6321_14


With a very limited budget, it is advisable to look at the plumbing from acrylic. Its minimum price is 4.5 thousand rubles. However, the cheapest devices are still better not to take: they can fail much faster than it seems. The cost guarantees relatively good quality, above two or three times.

Wall thickness

When buying, pay attention to the thickness of the walls, which should be at least 5 mm. Spend your hand on the inner surface, make sure that it does not slide and causes pleasant tactile sensations.

Check for strength: try to run on boards or bottom. Material is not amenable? So it is strong and made of not the very bad raw material. Recommended manufacturers - Triton, 1Marka.

Bath Cersanit Lorena 170x70 Acrylic

Bath Cersanit Lorena 170x70 Acrylic


If you want to make a purchase that lasts more than a dozen years - learn the range of cast iron and steel models. Their value fluctuates in a very wide range. A good device of German or Russian production can be found in 10-15 thousand rubles. Cast iron products from Turkey take it is undesirable because they sin too thin layer of enamel, which is quickly erased.

From popular brands, experts usually advise "wagon" and Kaldewei.

Bath Universal Siberian 180x80 cast iron

Bath Universal Siberian 180x80 cast iron

Plumbing from marble or ceramics is exploited so long that sometimes it can be inherited. True, find a marble device is cheaper than 30 thousand rubles will be problematic. But the metal-ceramic plumber of the domestic producer is easy to purchase approximately thousands for 20.

An option is more expensive, but also very durable - the font of the kvaril. For it will have to give at least 40 thousand rubles.

How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips 6321_17


According to consumers, models from acrylic and kvaril are most convenient. The secret of their success is that they can have any dimensions and any configuration. In addition, plastic is perfectly holding warm and very pleasant to the touch. Products from it are often equipped with hydromassage, armrests, head restraints and side handles, which increases the level of comfort.

Features detached bath

Usually the fonts are installed at the wall. For model apartments, this is the easiest and most convenient option. However, with the advent of housing a large area, popularity and devices that can be put in the center of the room were acquired. Choosing a separate (island) bath, you need to answer two questions: whether it will be possible to sum up the water supply communication, and what kind of flooring is suitable for this place.

Bath Belbagno Acryl

Bath Belbagno Acryl

Even in non-standard apartments, the plumbing and drain pipe usually fill the riser, about the possibility to stretch them to the middle of the room should be recognized in advance. In addition, it is necessary to understand how the mixer, watering can also be attached, and other plumbing equipment. So, a corresponding project should be developed.

In some cases, communication can occupy such a large space that it will not be possible to put them under the floor. The output from the position will be a model with a podium, where and you have to hide everything you need. Sometimes it makes sense to pay attention to the baths, which have a shower and a mixer already built into the housing: such a design will undoubtedly speed up the installation work.

How to choose which bath is better for an apartment: an overview of all materials and tips 6321_19


Answering the question of which bath it is better to choose, most experts agree that instruments that are cast from polymer raw material is the most suitable option for the apartment. Moreover, the choice of specialists is inclined in favor of products from pure plexiglas: they have the optimal value for money. In second place - focused from the kvaril: in the case of cheapening technology of production, they will instantly take the first place in popularity.

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