Wooden rails in the interior (50 photos)


What material is able to perform two functions at once: functional and decorative? Touch: Wooden rails. About their use and will be discussed in our article.

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Wooden rails in the interior (50 photos)

Wooden rails in the interior of the house or apartment are a wonderful reception not only from the point of view of style, but also practices. They can be used as partitions for zoning and as decorating walls and ceiling. We tell about these and other ideas on the example of the works of domestic and western designers.

All about Tree Rake

Features of finishing

Examples of use in design

- Kitchen

- Living room

- Bedroom

- parishion

- Children's

Features of finishing

Wooden rails, planks, lamellas and Buffeli are the name of one universal material. It is suitable for finishing any room: from the living room to the bathroom and is used even in landscape design. True, with some reservations.

The most popular breed for the manufacture of decorative slats is pine. From the obvious advantages: the price and strength, but also there is a minus - absorbing moisture. In order for the material to serve for a long time, it must be covered with a special impregnation. Then you can avoid drying and swelling. But designers still do not recommend using a decor of pine in rooms with high humidity - for example, in the bathroom. Alternatively, you can consider MDF, it is also cheaper, as well as beech and oak - from natural analogues.

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What is important to take into account in working with this material?

First, style design. The slats are good in modern spaces, suitable in Scandinavian and Loft. Dosage them can be used in minimalism. But in neoclassical decorations they are used less often, rather as an exception.

Secondly, the area of ​​the coating. What it is more, the stringement will be the architecture of the space. In relaxed decorations, it is better not to get involved in such accents.

Finally, thirdly, determine how you will use the planks: vertically or horizontally. Their geometry can visually adjust the proportions of the room. Vertical wooden slats in the interior will make walls and ceiling above, and horizontal - wider.

Another advantage of the material is its diversity. And this is not only a form, wide or thin, but also color. In most cases, designers prefer natural tones, both bright and dark. They add the design of the softness characteristic of the tree. But in more stringent or "characteristic" premises, painted perfectly and painted buffles. Just such may well fit into neoclassical or eclectic spaces.

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Examples of using

Background coating or accent? Buffel or partition? We tell how to enter a tree in different rooms.


I must say, wooden slats in the interior of the kitchen themselves are inherently occur. It is difficult to present apron or headset, trimmed in this way. Yet it is the prerogative of united kitchen spaces and dining room. And here the designers have a couple of proposals.

The first method is as an accent of a dining room or a recreation group. This technique is usually used in mid-area spaces. In this case, the Buffel performs exclusively decorative function. The width of the coating is chosen on the basis of the zone of the dining room or furniture: the more it is, the wider there can be a decor.

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The second is for zoning. If the kitchen is big, and you want to separate the dining room from the working area, but at the same time save ease and airiness, this reception is for you. The main advantage of the Buffells - they do not block natural lighting and do not overload the room in contrast to the gypsum mosquito.

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Wooden rails in the interior of the living room

By analogy with the zoning of the working area and the dining room, with the help of a similar simpleness, you can separate the kitchen from the living room. We are talking about combined room. There are no special secrets here, we are usually placed between the sofa and bar counter or head. In the same way, the living room itself can be divided into zones, for example, to highlight the workspace or gaming for children.

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In the decoration of the living room, the use of Buffells is the trend of recent years, although some designers call it outgoing. They look geometrically than the same wood panels or MDF.

If the living room is spacious, you can use them to the maximum. And pay attention to the color, designers do not everywhere use natural shades. If you choose them in the color of the walls, the design will become even easier.

Where most often use such decor?

  • In the TV zone. In this way, space can be distinguished near the TV, without overloading the wall.
  • Near the sofa. A good finish option when it stands back to the wall.

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In the interior of the bedroom, wooden slats usually have a focal wall - the head of the bed. Natural textures are one of the brightest trends in the design of this room.

Pay attention to the combination of buffers and headboard bed. Designers use the most simple models with a soft or solid headboard. Thus, the design does not look the overloaded decor.

The second way to introduce a wooden finish is an emphasis on the opposite wall. With it, it is distinguished by the TV zone, if such is provided in the recreation room. In addition, the external finishing of lamellas looks good, when the room is combined with the bedroom.

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If you like the idea with vertical or horizontal bars, but you are not ready to use them on a large area, look at the entry group. Wooden rails fit well into the interior of the hallway. Designers use them to highlight an open space for storage of things, including in niche. Hooks fit very organically into this geometry. If the wall is narrow, try to arrange the bars horizontally - this slightly adjusts the site.

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Another room, in the interior of which you can successfully enter a partition from wooden rails - children's. This is the separation of space for two children, and the designation of functional zones in the room for one. In the first case, everything is standard: the seaspless shares the areas of the room for each kid.

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The second option is more interesting. Note the photo below. The designer involved a pretty reception to highlight the classroom of the room - wood around the perimeter, including the ceiling. It turned out a very organic hint on the studies zone, plus a decorative frame framing. But here is the height and width of the walls. In rooms with low ceilings there will be no such reception, it will create a feeling of the box.

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