How to use Bulgarian: Safety and Councils of Specialists


We tell the subtleties of the work with a grinder on wood, metal and tiles and give security tips.

How to use Bulgarian: Safety and Councils of Specialists 6451_1

How to use Bulgarian: Safety and Councils of Specialists

Roasting machines or in the surprise saw blades - a popular building tool that firmly entered our use. However, this device requires proper handling and maintenance. After all, if you do not comply with the rules of operation, do not know how to work properly with a grinder, it can be a very dangerous device. We tell about the features of the use of corner-glasses, safety and other important intricacies.

All about the work of the grinder

Features of the device

Safety regulations


Cutting tile

Cutting metal

Features of the USM

Corches are used for a wide range of work on cutting metal, stone, concrete, whether construction or, on the contrary, disassembling structures. Also, for them there are a number of nozzles, with the help of which can be performed and polished.

Ush Bort

Ush Bort

Whatever activity you do not have, it is necessary to remember that the device is potentially intended. A cutting disc rotating at high speed can cause serious injury. Even small fragments of stone, sawdust and chips, flying away from the place of the cut, can be dangerous, especially when entering eyes. Therefore, when using cornel machines, it is necessary to strictly follow the safety regulations.

The protective casing should be from the ...

The protective casing should be made of thick metal that can effectively delay the fragments of the split material and the burst disc. When working, the protective casing must be deployed towards the working person.

Safety when working with an ushm

  • It is strictly forbidden to use ESM without protective casing.
  • The protective casing should be deployed so as to cover the person of a person from the spawning fragments and chips.
  • It is forbidden to use defective cutting circles, with elevations and large irregularities around the edge.
  • Visually check the status of the cutting disk before turning on the device. It may be damaged (broken) or damaged during storage - sometimes it is enough to drop the device just enough for this.
  • Before starting cutting or grinding, check the operation of the tool at idle, is there any dangerous beating that occurs due to disk defects.
  • Never install the saw blades from the circular saw and any other cutting tool on a cornerless machine, which is not specifically designed for ESM. The spindle speed of the spindle of the grinder is several times higher than, say, the circular saw, and the item can simply fall apart.
  • Take care of comfortable protective clothing. It is desirable to have clothes from durable material capable of withstanding a ridge of sparks (for example, a tarp jacket and protective gloves).
  • Be sure to wear safety glasses or a protective mask.

Flying sparks and heated metal & ...

Flying sparks and heated metal sawdust can represent fire hazard, so there should not be flammable things around.

Threaded surfaces

For surface grinding, various nozzles are used. Most often a circle is applied on which the "velcro" is fastened with a round sheet of emery skirt. The petal disk with the sandals attached to it is also applied. It is more convenient, but the option with the "velcro" is reusable (with a skillful circulation), which is much more profitable with a large amount of production (the leaf of the skins is an order of magnitude cheaper than the petal nozzle). For grinding of painted and coated rust surfaces, brush and vindriate discs are used, and for sharpening the cutting edges of the tools, respectively, sharpened.

USM Makita GA5030.

USM Makita GA5030.

The corner-glare machine is great for coarse treatment of wooden surfaces. Round nozzle grinding the surface very quickly - several times faster than the usual grinding machine. This is due to the high speed of spindle rotation (10,000-12,000 rpm). But the high speed of rotation has and cons. This is, above all, a large amount of noise and dust during the operation of the device. Therefore, take care of a good dust. When working in the room is extremely preferably connected to the UGM construction vacuum cleaner. And if the conditions allow you to better engage in the grinding of wooden surfaces on the street.

Another drawback of the USM is the inability to properly regulate the speed of rotation (this function is in vibrating-windows, but is usually absent from Bulgarians). For polishing, only the ESM with the option of adjusting the number of revolutions, a variety of polishing discs to high-speed corner-linked machines cannot be installed.

In general, the fine work is much more difficult to perform a thin work. Especially in the processing of the cross-cutting of wood fibers - it is easy to overdo it and get roasting wood (and at the same time spoil the circle of sandpaper). Do not press a strong tool to the wood, do not hold it for a long time in one place so that they do not occur due to overheating. And try to keep the instrument tightly when working. The rotating circle with the skin (or petal disc) must be kept strictly parallel to the plane processed. Skotes are fraught with damage of consumables and the surface treated.

With large-scale activities, let the tool relax and cool. Especially if this is a household tool. Such models are not designed for operation in continuous mode 24/7, usually a maximum of 8-10 minutes of continuous operation.

Ush Dewalt.

Ush Dewalt.

Rules cutting tiles and porcelain stoneware

We asked a specialist how to cut the bale tiles and porcelain tiles. There are two options.

  1. Using the abrasive circle for stone (usually these circles are marked accordingly), and a silica carbide is used as an abrasive, which have less aggressive shape than an electrocorundant used for cutting of ferrous metals. The powder of this abrasive is stirred with a binder binding resin and a circle is formed from this mixture using one or more layers of fasteners that performs a reinforcing role.
  2. Diamond circles, where the cutting elements are the grain of a technical diamond, and the binding - cobalt.

Sergey Nekkov, Director, Depart & ...

Sergey Nekkov, Director of the Marketing and Advertising Department, Interskol:

If everything is clear with the first option, there is no special options, except that someone wants to take a grinding wheel (unlikely, but there will be no danger) and cut them, then the diamond circles are smooth (so-called crown), segment (there is a circle Cutouts that speed up the removal of cutting products from the cut zone) and "turbo" circles, where on the side sides on the abrasive layer there are notches, which also allow you to efficiently remove products from the cut zone. For any advantage you need to pay, and all cutouts or notches cause increased vibration of the circle in the cut, and the vibration causes the appearance of chips. Therefore, for clean cutting of durable tiles or porcelain stoneware, you need to take diamond circles with a solid cutting edge - in this case the number of chips will be minimal. Of course, dozens of cuts will grow economically with abrasive circle. Ush with a cutting tile is better to fix in the rack. Hold her hand to prevent vibration, much more difficult.

How to use Bulgarian: Safety and Councils of Specialists 6451_9

How to work with a grinder for metal

When cutting metal, do not try to put pressure on the tool, the Bulgarian quite effectively cuts the metal under the influence of its own weight. For metal cutting, universal cutting circles on metal can be used or specialized, for example, for cutting stainless steel or non-ferrous metals. Of course, such consumables make sense to acquire only at any significant amount of production. Stripping of welds and similar manipulations are performed by special verge of disks.

USM bison

USM bison

As part of the tips on cutting metal, it is also impossible not to mention how to cut thick pipes to cut the grinder. The thickness of the processable metal should not exceed 25-30 mm for a tool with a diameter of 115 mm. But how to properly keep the grinder during metal cutting, a specialist tells.

Evgeny Baranchev, head of the "Tools" of Lerua Merlen network

When working with the metal, you must follow the slope of the disk. It is safer at an angle of 90 degrees in relation to the surface. During the deviation from the direct angle, the load on the cutting tool increases and the likelihood of its destruction from an increased load in combination with overheating increases. The relevance of this recommendation is maintained when working with any material, not only with the metal. When sanding the surface, the angle can be changed widely, since the tool is not immersed in the thickness of the material and can not be stuck in it. The sparks of the sparks should be directed "for itself." This means that the disk should rotate in the direction of the operator. The additional advantage of such a direction of rotation is that if the disk snaps and the tool breaks out of the hands, the ESM will fly not in a person, but from it.

We also offer to watch a video about how to use the grinder.

  • Check list: 10 tools that should be in the house for everyone

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