Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room


Shades from interesting travels, favorite places in your hometown or frequently used little things - telling where you can learn ideas for the color design of the walls that you will definitely like.

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_1

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room

Choose among the huge number of shades that is the most difficult task. Sometimes it is necessary to search for it for a long time, and at the sight of the color palette in the store it is in doubt. There are several psychological techniques that will help simplify the decision. We tell about them in detail below.

Listed unexpected tips on choosing color in video

1 remember colors from childhood

Sometimes it is useful to remember what color was the paint or wallpaper in the room where happy periods of life passed. It may be the shade of your children's or kitchen, which was going to the whole family. The color of the walls in the hostel room or the grandmother in the village - if you repel from the memories of good moments, you will certainly link them sooner or later with some touch. It is not necessary to repeat it exactly, it can be a good vector in the selection of the color palette of the interior.

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_3
Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_4

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_5

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_6

  • The most fashionable colors in the interior 2021 (spoiler: there will be a lot of beige)

2 mentally moving to your beloved country

If you like to go to a certain country or look at her interiors, think about what color gamut is associated with it. It will not always be the most popular color. For example, you could stay in Helsinki in an apartment with light pink walls. And the city will be associated with this color, and not traditional white.

If you dream about the city, which was never, to study the photographic models of local interiors and write out the colors of the walls. Surely among them will be one that you want to repeat at home.

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_8
Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_9

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_10

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_11

  • 6 rooms in which you can experiment with color (and not be afraid to be mistaken)

3 go to the cafe

Surely you have your favorite cafes, restaurants, libraries or coworkings, in which you like to walk because of their interiors. Come on them and take a picture of the walls with good daylight. After downloading a photo on the Internet, so you can find the name of the shade.

At the same time, analyze which spaces you like more: bright and rich, dark and muted or bright and air. It also helps to choose a palette for walls in the apartment.

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_13
Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_14

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_15

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_16

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4 Open cabinet

To determine suitable color for the walls, you can use another way. Open your wardrobe and inspect things. Try clothing, shoes and accessories and note about yourself, which of them are pleased with their flowers. However, remember that your favorite color is not the one that is most in the closet. This is a shade of those things that you likely like, even if there are few of them and you wear them infrequently.

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Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_19

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_20

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_21

5 look at brands

You can also analyze the color palette of your favorite brands. Perhaps you raises the mood of Tiffany's shade or red and white gamma "Coca-Cola". In this case, it will be easy to find the exact name of the shade, as it is fixed for each company and is called in her honor. Description of colors can be found in brandbooks.

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_22
Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_23
Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_24

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_25

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_26

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_27

6 Pay attention to the little things

Another psychological trick: pay attention to how you choose the subject among the group of the same. What color is the straw in the bar, a toothbrush in the store, a mug on the shelf. Most likely, you automatically pull to the things of your beloved color. Such solutions usually do not play an important role and are implemented subconsciously. Analysis of such trifles will help you with a choice of palette for the interior and will tell you, towards what colors it is worth moving.

Remember childhood, your favorite country and another 4 unexpected way to choose the color of the walls in the room 649_28

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