Than laundering superciles from fingers hand: 8 effective means


We tell how to wash glue by folk remedies, chemical compositions and mechanical method.

Than laundering superciles from fingers hand: 8 effective means 6721_1

Than laundering superciles from fingers hand: 8 effective means

High-speed glue is seized almost instantly. Therefore, it is necessary to apply it accurately and carefully. Unfortunately, it turns out not always. And during the small repair or making of crafts, traces of the composition often remain in the hands. We will figure it out than tip superclones and how to do it with minimal damage to the skin of the hands.

Removal to remove superclosure with fingers

  1. Oil and fat
  2. Alcohol
  3. Detergents
  4. Antiqule
  5. Solvents
  6. WD-40 liquid
  7. Dimeksid
  8. Mechanical cleaning
All varieties of material contain cyanacrylate in the amount of more than 95%. Everything else is plasticizers, thickeners, modifiers, etc. They determine the properties of the product. In any case, to remove glue from the skin, you need to dissolve cyanacrylate. It is impossible to do this without a solvent, but it is possible to make it easier to remove homework. Here are some options than dropper super glue from your fingers.

1 Fat (oil)

Fat binds the main adherent of glue. The film gradually softens, it is removed from the skin. Any bold substance is suitable for cleaning: all types of oils, solid or liquid, cosmetic oils, petroleum. You can take fat cream or vaseline. The tool is applied to the hardened crust, light movements rubbing until the disclosure starts. On average, it takes 15 minutes.

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2 alcohol

To obtain the result, make a alcohol compress. Vodka, and better pure alcohol, wipe the cat. Put it on the dried crust, wait 5-8 minutes. During this time, cyanacrylate soften. Similar action also has vinegar. The table vinegar is bred with water and wipe them a contaminated area. But it is necessary to know that the vinegar is aggressive, can provoke irritation.

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3 detergent

Any soap is suitable: gel for dishes or soul, universal detergent, solid or liquid soap, washing powder. Prepare a hot soap bath. Lunch in her hands for 10 or 15 minutes. During this time, the hardened film softens and will stall. It is pushed by a shovel or tweezers and remove. If it did not work out to remove all the contaminants, the manipulations repeat. Important moment: the bath must be hot. So the surface-active substances contained in soap will bind better with cyanacrylate.

Than laundering superciles from fingers hand: 8 effective means 6721_5

Chemicals are best suited for dissolving cyanacrylate. But all of them to one degree or another cause harm to the skin. Therefore, immediately after their use, it is necessary to wash it with soap, rinse with clean water, wipe dry. After that, richly apply nutritious cream. Here are some effective options than laundering super-challenges.

4 Antiqules

Use antique is the best of the possible options, how to remove the superciles from the hands. The tool is designed specifically for cleansing dried glue from different surfaces. It is suitable for both skin. Apply antiques according to the manufacturer's instructions, which is on the package. You can buy the drug in any construction store. Sometimes it is sold complete with a "second" or "moment" superclay.

Antique super moment, 5 g

Antique super moment, 5 g



5 Solvent

Acetone acts more efficiently on cyanacrylate. It is applied to a sponge or a soft cloth and a clutch contaminated area. Sometimes to strengthen the effect, make a kind of compress, imposing material moistened with an adhesive crust. It is fixed with the plaster or scotch, they leave for 8-10 minutes. As an analog, you can take a liquid to remove nail polish, but only the one where acetone is present. It is not enough content, so it will take more time to obtain a satisfactory result.

Than laundering superciles from fingers hand: 8 effective means 6721_7
Than laundering superciles from fingers hand: 8 effective means 6721_8

Than laundering superciles from fingers hand: 8 effective means 6721_9

Than laundering superciles from fingers hand: 8 effective means 6721_10

Cleaning hands will help the White Spirit, gasoline. They are used similarly to acetone. Before applying aggressive substances, it is advisable to make safety test. A small piece of skin is wetted by the selected solvent. If after a while there were no irritation or redness, you can use. If it appeared - you will have to look for another method of cleaning.

White spirit Tikkurila Lakkabensiini, 1 l

White spirit Tikkurila Lakkabensiini, 1 l



6 WD-40 Liquid

Initially, the fluid was used as a waterproof agent, but it has many other properties. In particular, the remedy can wash off the dried glue film. For this, it is sprayed on pollution, while trying not to get on the clean sections of the hand. Waiting for 12-15 minutes. During this time, the adhesive drug must soften. After that, it is revealed by a tweezers or a manicure blade and remove it from the edge.

Than laundering superciles from fingers hand: 8 effective means 6721_12

Sometimes the WD-40 is used otherwise. Apply to any material, apply to the hard super glue as a compress. It needs to somehow consolidate that the liquid does not hit clean areas. After 15 minutes, everyone is removed, try to remove the adhesive mass. You need to handle the WD-40. Manufacturers warn that its contact with the skin is undesirable. Perhaps irritation and allergic reactions.

Universal Means WD-40, 420 ml

Universal Means WD-40, 420 ml



7 Dimeksid

Anti-inflammatory drug sold in pharmacies. It does not develop skin cover, but at the same time dissolves hard adhesive mass. Watts or sponge are abundantly wetted by dimexide, applied to hand, covered with plastic film or foil. Fix the dressing so as not to slip. Leave it for 15 minutes, after which they believed the softened substance. Sometimes it may not be enough, then the procedure is repeated.

Dimexide concentrated 100ml

Dimexide concentrated 100ml

  • Than laundering superciles from fingers hand: 8 effective means 6721_15

8 How to get rid of superclaud on hand mechanically

Remove the hardened adhesive solution with mechanical means. True, it may seem not comfortable, but effective. Abrasive drugs will help effectively rub the mass. Most of them have each mistress.

  • Salt. Salt is poured on the wet fingers, is better large. Rubbing movements gradually roll the dried spot.
  • Baking soda. Powder is diluted in Cashitz, impose on pollution. Waiting for five minutes, then massaged the stained plot, rolling the softened film.
  • Coffee grounds. Use similarly to salts.

Miary quickly drying the drug is good using cosmetic scrubics. Their composition includes surfactants that bind cyanacrylalate, as well as exfoliating additives. It can be ground bones or shells. Their natural origin guarantees the lack of a chemical burn, which could occur when cosmetics will enter the reaction with the superclay.

Than laundering superciles from fingers hand: 8 effective means 6721_16

Scrub is abundantly applied to the hardened mass, leave for a while. Then massaging movements begin to clean the skin. To enhance the exfoliating effect, different devices are used: PEMZU, Nail Pink, Heel Circuit, Polishing, Rigid Bath Move.

Naturally, you need to do everything carefully, so as not to damage the epidermis. If there is no scraper, it is carried out, which also contributes to the removal of the adhesive stain. In hot water for the bath, sea salt, cosmetic oil or liquid soap are added. You can not add anything. Spread brushes 15-20 minutes, then carefully scores the softened mass. After all procedures, the hands are rinsed and lubricated with cream.

We dealt out than you can drop superciles. It is not easy to do this, so it is best to not allow it to get into the skin and on any other surface. Work with the means is preferably in gloves. If it still fell into open areas, it is impossible to leave it. In the liquid form to remove it much easier. And just in case it is good to have antiques at hand, which will help solve the problem of evaints, if it all happens.

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