9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter


True lawn, protect the pond from fallen leaves, wash the garden tools - we tell you that you do not forget to do on the site before the onset of cold weather.

9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter 6846_1

9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter

1 rifle lawn

9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter 6846_3

The last time the lawn on the country site trimmed about 2 weeks before frosts. For the middle strip of Russia, this is the beginning of October. Grass is a height of about 5-7 cm - what is needed. In this case, a sufficient amount of sunlight comes to the Earth, heats it and does not give to develop MSh. Higher grass after frosts falls on the ground, and subsequently interferes with the growth of new shoots.

Garden trimmer of interest

Garden trimmer of interest

2 Clean the fallen leaves

9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter 6846_5

The fallen leaves are removed from the lawn with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle or, in the old manner, - robbles. Otherwise, for a long winter they are driving, cease to pass the air to the roots of trees and shrubs, moisture will not evaporate, and, as a result, they ride. And not alone, but with the lawn grass. Why spring in this place appear ugly propellas. Only a thin layer of foliage can be used as a mulch under decorative shrubs. It will protect the plants from freezing, dehydration and additionally supplies their nutrients.

Rake Gardena Lawns

Rake Gardena Lawns

3 Produce firewood

9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter 6846_7

This is a mandatory procedure for country house owners with furnaces and fireplaces. The fact is that the wood dries slowly, and up to optimal humidity it comes only after 2 years. In order for the drying process to go faster, it is necessary to cut or split the tree on the firewood. Store them in a dry and well ventilated place.

4 Cut the fruit trees

9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter 6846_8

At the end of the autumn, when there are no leaves on the trees, the trunk and branches are clearly visible. At this time, it is convenient to remove the dead sick branches and form a crown. It is also easy to detect rot, growing, moss on the crust and get rid of them. Crossing in late autumn and at the beginning of winter (at temperatures up to -8 ˚С) stimulates the growth of shoots in the spring and can increase yield.

5 Purify water

9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter 6846_9

As soon as the nights become cold and the danger of frosts appears, terrestrial water hoses are disconnected from plumbing, pumps, etc. Then the water is drained, dried and removed for winter storage. Also come with lawn polyvans, water diffusers and other garden devices. Empty rain tanks. Otherwise, expanding when freezing, water will damage the useful equipment.

6 make cleaning in a gazebo and shed

9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter 6846_10

Under the cold autumn rain, it is unlikely that someone will work in the garden. It is better to focus on a gazebo or a barn. Here after the summer season, as a rule, chaos reigns. If you disassemble the garden inventory scattered in disarray and decompose the tools, then in the spring, in the period of active preparation for the country season, it will not be necessary to look for the right things and annoy. Use the storage space with maximum efficiency. Make extra shelves, wall mounts for stairs and bicycles.

7 Clean the tools

9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter 6846_11

Before placing and decomposing a garden inventory and tools on the shelves, they should be cleaned, and if necessary, conduct preventive measures. Dirt is removed with water and brush. Rust - a wire brush. Cutting tools Accute and lubricate with machine oil so that they are ready for work.

8 Clean garden furniture

9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter 6846_12

With the beginning of the cold creations in the open air become uncomfortable. So it is time for cleaning and preservation of garden furniture. Pollution with metal and plastic objects can be easily eliminated with a brush or sponge, moistened in water with a soft detergent. On the solar dirt affects the sink of high pressure. Clean furniture is best removed for the winter to the basement, shed, garage or in the covered gazebo. Objects that will be stored in the open air, it is better to cover with tarpaulos. He will protect them from dirt and rain.

9 We protect the pond

9 unlikely affairs in the country area that will help prepare for winter 6846_13

The leaves falling into the pond are settled at the bottom and gradually turn into il, worsening water quality. The easiest way to protect the pond from the leaves and the other garbage is to pull the fishing grid over its surface. It is preliminarily desirable to break the plants in the reservoir and removed faded.

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