6 secrets of cleanliness of Scandinavian apartments


Scandinavians choose blonde colors in finishing and furniture, think over the lighting and do not use large carpets so that the house looks clean.

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6 secrets of cleanliness of Scandinavian apartments

Scandinavian apartments really always look clean. You can seek the reason that they know the special secrets comfort in the style of Hugga or in a special mentality. But still there are simple solutions that we share in this article.

1 In decoration and furniture bright tones prevail

Fashion on white color walls and furniture came to us along with the Scandinavian style. It is no secret that white looks always clean. Its groin in finishing and furniture is nothing more than a myth, the main thing is to choose the right finishing material (for example, washable paints or wallpapers) and furniture facades (matte instead of a gloss).

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2 Dirty shoes remain at the entrance door

Despite the fact that we see in Western films, in the Scandinavian countries it is not customary to go to the house in street shoes. The secret is simple - from the street we bring enough dirt, and if you leave the shoes at the entrance door, this garbage will not penetrate the house. Actually, in this our cultures are similar, so it's not difficult for example. Even guests in Scandinavian countries take a special homemade pair of shoes and do not go to the house in what came. We advise you to stock up additional sets of home slippers or agree with guests so that they take them with them.

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3 storage systems are thought out in advance

One of the main secrets of the order to learn from Scandinavians - thoughtful storage systems where it is always possible to hide the thing. And by the way, they do not need to be closed. But numerous shelves even in the most inconvenient corners of the apartments, suspended rails, hooks and other systems allow you to find our place for each thing and avoid visual chaos.

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4 apartments are well lit

Due to the harsh dark winter, which lasts more calendar 3 months, artificial lighting is always thought out in the apartments. The principle works simply: the better the room is lit, the more it looks cleaner. By the way, this principle affects the quality of cleaning. It is difficult to clean it completely. This is another reason to think over the lighting and not to leave many darkened areas.

5 rarely used large carpets

Wall carpets up to walls and carpeted flooring - rarity for Scandinavian apartments. If they decorate the floors of carpets, usually these are small accessories without a pile that can be wrapped even in a washing machine and easily shaken the garbage.

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6 Minimalism prevails in the interior

You will be surprised, but in the old Scandinavian houses there are almost no built-in storage systems, storage rooms and antlesol, where you could hide unnecessary things. Therefore, these unnecessary things have a minimum.

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To maintain a house clean, sometimes you just need to get rid of the accumulation habits and learn to break. Store only those items that you need and what really love is not to clutter the space.

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