6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it)


It is not easy to decorate a small separate toilet, but there are techniques that will be carels in the most difficult situation: posters, kashpo with plants and other ideas.

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_1

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it)

Often, a separate bathroom is left and without decor without decor - all because the room is quite specific. It is usually narrow, small and not always well lit - after all there are no windows there. All these restrictions make a difficult selection of decor. However, this is not a reason to leave the bathroom without jewelry. There are some interesting ideas how to enable decorative elements into this room.

1 Plants

It can be a live flower in a pot or artificial composition. Eco-sticks in any interior look quite neutral. At the same time, they revive the space with their own appearance. Ideally, if the rest of the laundering of the bathroom emphasizes the natural motives. This does not have to be ecosel, enough tile in natural shades or with imitation of natural texture.

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6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_4
6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_5

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_6

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_7

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_8

2 poster with letters

The neutral poster with the text is suitable for a miniature bathroom perfectly. In addition, he does not take place, because it will be placed on the wall, which is so empty. A good idea is not a very attractive auditing hatch with such a poster.

Pick up the frame to the walls to dissolve the decor in space, or vice versa - contrasting - to allocate. Motivating inscriptions can be depicted on the poster, the rules of the house and just funny quotes that you like.

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_9
6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_10

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_11

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_12

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3 Bright posters

Bright posters are more suitable for a spacious bathroom, because the brighter the color, the more he requires the place. The image can be the most different: an abstract pattern that will only make a new color and mood in the interior, or a story photo. You can add a little irony if it is not alien to you. Do not include too large or complex options - they will not fit into any interior and can deprive the small air space. In addition, from too complicated accents you can get tired faster.

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_14
6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_15

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_16

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_17

4 Unusual kashpo

They can be filled with plants or act as an independent decorative element. Cachet color can be chosen under an existing bright accent in the interior, or add a new shade with it.

It is suitable as simple forms, and more interesting options - but then the rest of the interior of the bathroom is better to make it neutrally. By the way, KashPo can be used as an option for storing and organizing trifles in a bathroom, instead of boxes.

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6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_19

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_20

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_21

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5 Bright Wall

You can not plan the decor separately, but to embody the decorative function in the finish. The most obvious is to make one wall bright and active. For example, choose a beautiful wallpaper with a pattern or tile with a print.

It is important that the drawing looks harmonious and did not twist - then a small bathroom space will look most attractive. If you doubt, take a small cut wallpaper or a sample of the tile and attach to the wall in the bathroom: it will become clear how much area and illumination relate to the selected print.

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6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_24
6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_25
6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_26

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_27

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_28

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_29

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_30

6 Decorative Interior Details

It is not necessary to allocate the decor in a separate item. It can be combined with the necessary furniture or accessories. For example, hang the mirror in a beautiful frame or put a bright pouf with a beautiful upholstery.

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6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_32
6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_33

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_34

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_35

6 cool ideas for the decor of a separate bathroom (in order not to overload it) 7028_36

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