How to eliminate the blockage in the toilet: 5 proven ways


Hot water, soda, household chemicals and other ways to eliminate blockage in the toilet.

How to eliminate the blockage in the toilet: 5 proven ways 7091_1

How to eliminate the blockage in the toilet: 5 proven ways

Copy paper or randomly falling out-of-the item - scores in the toilet happen often. The action plan depends on the specific case. In emergency situations, when water flows through the edge, it is not even worth trying to pierce it, call the utilities immediately. But with a small problem you can cope without any assistance. Let's deal with how to clear the toilet yourself.

What to do if the toilet clogged:

Causes of an unpleasant situation

How to determine the location of localization

Methods for eliminating without tools

  1. Hot water
  2. Soda
  3. Household chemicals

Mechanical tools

  1. Vantuz
  2. Santechnic cable

Contraindicated methods

Preventive measures

Causes of blockage

The presence of curved pipes make the toilet vulnerable to the formation of blockages, and it does not matter how neatly and carefully exploit it. But it is noticed that the owners of old faience designs with cast-iron pipes are still facing problems. Over time, they are covered from within various salt sediments and prevent the passage of water flow. With such organic sediments, chemicals can be coped well that can be purchased in any supermarket or a shopping store.

Means for cleaning breaks in sinks, baths, toilets

Means for cleaning breaks in sinks, baths, toilets

The second reason is the hit of foreign objects: small children's toys, markers and color pencils, paper, food waste - whatever. And the chemistry is unlikely to help here, you will have to use mechanical tools, such as Vanatuz. But the larger objects of the type of sex cloth will not be able to remove, will need a special plumbing cable.

If the apartment lives in the apartment, and you use a filling for the tray, carefully read the disposal rules. The fact is that mineral, commercial and absorbing fillers are made of clay. Finding into the sewer, under the influence of water, the clay tightly cements the duct, and only a professional can remove the concrete cork.

How to eliminate the blockage in the toilet: 5 proven ways 7091_4

  • 11 things that never need to wash off in the sewer if you do not want to fight clouds

How to determine the location of localization

The first thing to do is to open the crane of the sink in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If the water merges freely, without delay, it means that the toilet is clogged. If it accumulates in the sinks, it means that the problem is related to the drain. Alone to eliminate it will not work.

In no case should you try to merge water from the tank. In case of stagnation, it will turn out in the bathroom outside, and you can flood your neighbors.

How to clear the toilet without tools

Before removing the blockage in the toilet to the toilet mechanic or cause plumbing, try to cope with these ways.

Hot water

If the block is small and has organic origin, this simple way can help get rid of it. It will take only a bucket of hot water. But be careful: try the method only if you are confident as a faience. The coating can crack under the influence of high temperature.

It is impossible to use boiling water, just hot water is needed. Deciding to use this way, to start splashing a small amount of fluid to warm up the structure. And only then pour the bucket. Wait a couple of minutes and drain the water from the tank.


There are two methods of its application, and both have proven themselves in the fight against clogging.

The first is to add about half a pack in a bucket with hot water. Alkali split small organic deposits without damage to the passages.

The second - first pour out half the pack of soda, and then pour it with a full glass of vinegar. Such a solution can cope with larger organic polls. The replacement of vinegar may be citric acid or lemon juice. Then rinse the toilet, gradually merge water from the barrel.

If for some reason in the house there was no soda, it can be replaced with the tablets of Alka Seltzer.

Household chemicals

Non-bodies are successfully removed and chemical products based on acid. Here to choose from as domestic development type "Mole" and analogs - Tiret and Domestos.

When selecting it is important to clarify the type of garbage, which got into stock. If this is, for example, a plastic bag, chemicals will not help, they are active only with respect to organic compounds.

How to eliminate the blockage in the toilet: 5 proven ways 7091_6

  • What to do if the toilet tank flows: 4 frequent problems and solutions

Mechanical tools


Perhaps this is the first thing that comes to mind when the question arises how to clear the blockage in the toilet with your own hands. And if you do not have it, we recommend purchasing, because it successfully solves the problem of entering small garbage in stock.

The principle of operation of this design is based on pressure. With progressive movement, the water is pushed and the zoom is destroyed from pressure, goes back to the overall stock or breaks through out.

If there is no vanza, you can make a similar tool from the girlfriend, for example, a plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters. But this is definitely emergency measures that will help to quickly eliminate the problem, it is not a fact that the case will be brought to the end.

It is necessary to trim the bottom and attach the resulting item to the handle - the swing. You can use it without fastening to the base, but the neck must be closed with a lid. Also, for this purpose, you can take a shruster boot from available auto parts. If there are no girlfriends, and you need to act now, you can try a vacuum cleaner with a function of wet cleaning and blowing. But be careful when working with the machine, under pressure water can abruptly pour out.

How to eliminate the blockage in the toilet: 5 proven ways 7091_8

Plumbing cable

What to do if the toilet crashed, and simple methods do not help? Need a professional tool - a plumbing cable to remove complex clogs. It is a cable with a spiral at one end and the handle of the letter "g" - on the other. Thanks to this form of garbage and destroyed earlier, the block can be pushed into a drain, and larger items - pull out out.

If you are planning to buy a tool, it is better to purchase a model that is more authentic - more than one and a half meters.

How to use?

  • Before use, the tip of the structure is a bit with the help of pliers, thus pouring the plot will be easier.
  • Immerse the cable into the drain hole.
  • Holding the hand, push it as much as possible into the pipe.
  • Rotate the handle, continue to immerse the tip in the drain.
  • When you came across a hard thing, picker it, having done several more rotational movements, and try to pull out.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the small garbage type of hair will have to be pulled out in several stages. And sometimes the process takes more than one hour.
  • After the draining is cleaned, and the cable returns without debris, you need to wash the drain. Drop the water slowly, in small batches. Otherwise, the resulting air traffic jam will not let her go inside.
  • Before and after the application of the plumbing cable, the pipe can be cleared with the help of "crot", hot water and disinfect.

If there is no original cable, it can replace it with a regular metal hanger. Just spin it on the end, make a small hook. And try to pick up or push the garbage forward using reciprocating movements. But this method is suitable only if the stagnation has been shaped shamelessly.

How to eliminate the blockage in the toilet: 5 proven ways 7091_9

What do not be done

On the Internet today there are many tips, what to do if the toilet clogged, and how to clear it at home. However, not all of them are valid.

  • Fairy Cleaning Means, although successfully eliminating the frozen fat from the dishes, can hardly be useful in the fight against the cleaning of the toilet. They simply cannot dissolve even a thin cork of organic origin.
  • The same applies to Coca-Cola, Pepsi and any other product. It's easier to purchase ready-made household chemicals.
  • Products such as whiteness or chlorine goods. The last is relevant only if it is used regularly. However, the presence of harmful vapors does not allow it to do.

Chemical cleaner for drain pipes Luxus Professional

Chemical cleaner for drain pipes Luxus Professional

Preventive measures

Without a doubt, the best in the fight against the clouds is preventive measures. Neat operation, at least, will increase less often to cleaning substances and forced pipe cleaning.

What to pay attention to

  • Do not throw out of foreign objects. Moreover, toilet paper, handkerchiefs, cotton sticks, and, of course, personal hygiene are also related to this category. Just equip the toilet with a garbage bucket with a lid.
  • If you notice something in plum, for example, a freshener joined with a rim, try to remove it immediately. You should not hope that you will be able to simply wash off plastic. Most likely, it will be stuck somewhere in the pipe and will provide you with flow problems.
  • Some hostesses pour food remnants, be it liquid or even second dishes, to the toilet. So do it impossible to do in any way! Fat and solid waste gradually form a dense layer, to remove which you will subsequently spend a lot of time and strength.
  • If there are small children in the house, follow them, learn the rules of careful use of Plumbing, so that the kid does not throw felt-tip pen, books and other toys.
  • Special situation: Repair. In order for building dust, sand and concrete, they do not climb the ducts, be sure to cover furniture items.
  • Repeat cleaner with disinfectants and solvents, carry out prevention. But when working with them, you clearly follow the instructions so as not to damage the pipes.
  • Wash the toilease itself Weekly: outside and inside.
  • Old pipes are clogged more often than new, since much more garbage accumulates on the loose surface. Pipe replacement sometimes becomes the only possible and correct solution in the fight against the clogged runoff.

How to eliminate the blockage in the toilet: 5 proven ways 7091_11

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