We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks


We share the most relevant advice of designers and lifchats on the selection of shape, color and height of the plinth.

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_1

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks

Being a mortgage, you have repeatedly heard a fair statement that the interior style is manifested in detail. It is for attentive attitude to the trifles that we recognize the thoughtful, verified setting. And it is the details that can bring the interior to a higher level - or to spoil the impression even from the most expensive repair.

One of these meaningful little things is plinth. We decided to figure out how to choose his color, shape and height, so as not to spoil the interior, but, on the contrary, give him a charm.

Plinth height: simple formula

When choosing the height of the plinth, the hardest is ruling from the height of the ceilings in your apartment, taking into account the area of ​​the room. As a rule, this value varies in the range from 3 to 15 cm.

Design Khaki.

  1. If you have an apartment with low ceilings (2.5 m and less) and not too large rooms, the optimal height of the plinth in such a situation is 5-7 cm.
  2. If you have an average height ceilings (about 2.7 m) and standard sizes, your choice - plinths 8-12 cm high.
  3. If you are a lucky one who lives in an apartment with high ceilings (3 m and above) and spacious rooms - boldly choose plinths with a height of 13 cm.

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_3
We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_4

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_5

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_6

  • What is the plinth of the hidden edge and how to use it in the interior design

Color and style of plinth: under what to choose?

In search of a response to this question you can meet a variety of recommendations: Some advise you to focus on the shade of the floor, others - on the color of the doors (and platbands), the third insist that the plinth must be chosen in the tone of the walls. Hurry to calm down: there is no definite answer and a clear rule on this score, it is necessary to proceed from the designer idea and your own preferences.

Design Khaki.

  1. In a room with very low ceilings, you can safely pick up the plinth in the color of the walls.
  2. If the ceilings, on the contrary, are too high, can be focused on the color of the floor (and choose the higher model).
  3. The plinth can perform in the role of a bright accent, in this case it is possible to select it in the tone of the accent tones of the color gamut room. And you can use as an independent bright detail.
  4. It is not necessary to choose monophonic plinths. You can choose a multicolor option or paint a piece of the plinth into the desired color yourself.

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_8
We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_9
We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_10
We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_11
We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_12

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_13

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_14

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_15

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_16

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_17

Dasha Ukrinova, Designer:

Dasha Ukrinova, Designer:

Classic is a high plinth with a noticeable, complex profile (solid tree or veneered, MDF and polyurethane). Minimalism - direct plinth without profile (MDF, metal, less often wood and plastic). Country - Plinth with a simple profile from a natural tree. High-tech - metal plinth, plastic or MDF. AR-Deco - Plinth Curved, complex profile (polyurethane, MDF). In the choice of color there are no hard rules, the plinth can be any. I am mercilessly painted in different colors. Even if I need a white plinth, then I select a shade of white under the light - under the walls, under the door, under the furniture, under the floor ... No, I have not selected under the floor.

Plinth material: What is better?

The choice of plinth material is another difficult task.

Design Khaki.

  1. Plastic plinths cause designers a little nervous tick, but loved by the streets for the low price.
  2. MDF - more stylish and less budget decision. Pros - Many design options and relative durability. Cons - perfectly flat walls are required, and noticeable scratches and chips appear in mechanical effects.
  3. Plinths from the massif are an environmentally friendly option, but not the most budgetary. In addition, natural tree requires appropriate care. But never loses relevance.
  4. Polyurethane options are the most diverse, exquisite design, but, alas, they are not too practical (dirty, retain dents from mechanical influences).
  5. Metal plinths are trendy, wear-resistant, but expensive, do not fit with every interior style.

Sonya Byelitsa, designer (sbstudio):

Sonya Byelitsa, designer (sbstudio):

No need to forget that the type of plinth must be tied to the style in the interior, not only to the type of floor. Modern design is very well suited by aluminum plinths. They are comfortable in the installation and very stylish.

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_20
We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_21

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_22

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_23

Is it possible to do without a plinth?

You are from those who strongly do not want to use the plinth in the interior? Several lifehams specifically for you.

Design Khaki.

  1. There are plinths of hidden editing, installed flush with the wall. It is worth thinking about such a decision in advance (before the start of repair), and work will cost it somehow, but the result is worth it.
  2. The main task of the plinth is to hide the functional gap between the wall and flooring. If you laid the tile on the floor or paved around the perimeter, for example, the cork compensator, the gap will not be, and therefore, you can refuse the plinth.
  3. An alternative way out is to make a functional gap as if leaving the wall, hid under it.

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_24
We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_25

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_26

We choose a plinth that will not spoil the interior: 15 designer tricks 7184_27

  • How to choose and install Floor Plinths: Quick Start Guide

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