Cleaning products also need to wash: 8 tips how to do it


And you disinfect the bucket for mop, wash the vacuum cleaner hose and wipe the basket for linen? We tell how to do it right.

Cleaning products also need to wash: 8 tips how to do it 7274_1

Cleaning products also need to wash: 8 tips how to do it

1 Disinfect the bucket for mop

After washing the floor, we pour dirty water into the toilet or sink, and even if we wash it with water after, microscopic dirt remains on the surface. After, we again smear this mud at the floor during the next cleaning. Disinfection the bucket is simple. Fill it with water, pour the chlorine bleach or means for disinfection of unitaze type "Domases" in the ratio of 1/4 cup of means and 3/4 of water. Leave at least 10 minutes, after rinse the bucket and leave it to dry out in the fresh air.

2 Clean dispensers for liquid soap

Think: Before Wash your hands, you touch the dispenser's arrow and click on it. And do it with dirty hands. Therefore, wipe the nose with a cloth moistened with a universal detergent, and then a disinfecting napkin. Use toothpick to clean the dirt in the cracks.

Cleaning products also need to wash: 8 tips how to do it 7274_3

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3 Sange sink

If you have a bidet where you pour out dirty water after washing the floor or shoes, wash it. But most often for these purposes, we use the usual sink, so it also needs disinfection. Put a plug on the bottom, fill with water sink and pour the disinfectant into water. The proportions are the same as in the first paragraph.

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4 Wipe Linen Baskets

Baskets for linen are very comfortable - they can be folded in them and dirty things before washing, and freshly detected clothes until you stroke her. If the basket is made of plastic, wipe inside the disinfecting napkin. If the tissue can be wrapped in a washing machine.

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5 Wash the broom

Take any fabric and wet it - the dust and small garbage sticks to it. Estate it on the floor and hit the broom, the dirt on the rag will shock it. Then lower it with a broom down into the container with a solution of water and my tool, and then rinse the broom and let him dry into the sun.

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6 Wash the brushes for washing dishes or other surfaces

If you prefer reusable brushes, and not plastic sponges (by the way, such a choice is much more environmentally friendly), be sure to wash them at least once a week. Soak them in a bucket or container filled with equal parts of warm water and vinegar. They can also be launched on the "washing" in the dishwasher.

Cleaning products also need to wash: 8 tips how to do it 7274_8

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7 Clean the vacuum cleaner

Start with brushes. Remove it, clean the seams with a pile from the dust and hair stuck lumps. Then clean the hose and pipe. If inside the wires do not pass, the hose can be put in the bath with water and detergent, rinse and give it to dry. After pulling out the bag, replace it with a new one and wipe the cavity inside.

8 Clean the tap nozzle

If you have nozzle-shower even on the kitchen mixer, clean it too. The paste of soda and water will help to cope with limestone plugs, and the surface of the mixer can be washed from water separations with a cloth moistened with citric acid and water solution. Do not use abrasive drugs, they easily scratch the surface.

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