How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms


We recommend how to plan lighting in the hallway, narrow corridor, kitchen, bedroom, living room and bathroom.

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_1

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms

1 parishion

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_3
How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_4

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_5

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_6

Since the hallway in most apartments has a small area and a shortage of sunlight, it has to visually increase and highlight it. Do not hang one lamp in the center of the ceiling, as this will create a lack of lighting at the base of the walls and visually will very much to reduce the space. Instead, try to set a number of point lights along one of the walls - it will make the hallway visually longer. In this illuminated zone, you can position the junction and store different trivia, and on the opposite wall for the maximum visual expansion of the space, a large mirror hang.

Ambrella lamp, LED

Ambrella lamp, LED

  • How correct: We plan light in the corridor and hallway

2 corridor

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_9
How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_10

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_11

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_12

A narrow elongated corridor, on the contrary, should not be illuminated by several lamps along the entire length, as it will only emphasize its layout. Instead, try placing two or three lamps across the ceiling or make one lamp at the beginning and end of the corridor to visually cut it.

  • 11 seats in the apartment where you need to hang the lamp

3 bathroom

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_14
How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_15
How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_16

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_17

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_18

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_19

Planning the lighting of a small bathroom, do not limit the same chandelier in the middle. Try to place the lamps around the perimeter of the ceiling to highlight all the functional zones and achieve the sensation of light space. Combined with a bright color scheme, this will make it possible to achieve a visual increase in the room. Additionally, take care of the highlighting of decorative solutions, for example, an accent wall - this will also help the room looks spacious, especially if the focus on a rich dark color.



4 living room

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_21
How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_22

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_23

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_24

In the living room you can try to use the reception of a visual increase in the height of the ceiling. To do this, install several wall lamps, whose light will be directed upstairs to the ceiling. But bright light accents in the middle of the wall, which create a shadow closer to the ceiling, should be avoided. If in the interior of the living room you used accents, for example, a bright sofa or a large picture - be sure to find a way to light them well. Otherwise, they are lost in the shade, and the room will create a feeling of irrepressibility.

Outdoor EUROSVET lamp

Outdoor EUROSVET lamp

5 bedroom

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_26
How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_27

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_28

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_29

If you have a small bedroom, in which there is no working or other, requiring very good lighting, zones, try crushing the lighting into several small lamps. Highlight the headboard, space over the bedside tables, set the pair of point lights on the wall opposite to the bed to emphasize it. This will make it possible to create a feeling of multidimensional space, which in good sense will complicate the perception of the room and make it spacious.

Desktop lamp Era

Desktop lamp Era

6 Kitchen

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_31
How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_32

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_33

How to make a small apartment more with light: 6 tips for different rooms 7344_34

In the kitchen, you can create multi-tiered lighting, which will make it more voluminous. For example, make a number of lamps around the perimeter of the working area, additionally highlight the headsets and the worktop, hang a laconic chandelier on a long cord over a dining table. You can try to further highlight the zone next to the window so that it is possible to create a chamber atmosphere without a sense of very small space.

Citilux lamp

Citilux lamp

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