How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters


We tell about different types of hoods for the kitchen, their principles of work and we advise what parameters to pay attention to when choosing.

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters 7422_1

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters

In the room where the food is preparing, smells are constantly twisted: pleasant and not very. Not uncommon here soot and even smoke. Particles of hot fat, mixing with dust, settle on nearby surfaces and pack them. To solve all these problems will help household appliances, so we'll figure it out how to choose a hood for the kitchen correctly.

Choosing a hood for a kitchen

Principle of operation

Types of devices

Criterias of choice

  1. Device type
  2. Design
  3. Dimensions
  4. Filtration systems
  5. Noise level
  6. Material
  7. Performance
  8. Other useful features

Principle of work technique

The main task of the equipment is the removal of impurities from the air flow incoming inside. The simplest models are delayed only enough large particles of fat and soot, more advanced copies also remove the smells. Inside any device is one or two fans. Their power determines the performance of the device.

The quantity and type of filter determines the degree of flux cleaning. At a minimum there must be a fat filter, stopping the largest particles of pollution. It protects the blades of fans from a bold fly, which not only spoil the mechanism, but also with an unfavorable coating of circumstances is able to light up.

Suspended Hood Kronasteel Jessica Slim

Suspended Hood Kronasteel Jessica Slim

When the fans are turned on inside the case, the area of ​​the vacuum is created, the air from the kitchen is tightened inside. The stream passes through the filtering system and cleared. Then go back to the room or enters the air duct and removed from the building. It depends on the type of equipment.

What are the hoods for the kitchen

In the house or the apartment uses the aggregates of three types.


They draw the air inside your housing, clean it and send it into the room. The efficiency of the device directly depends on the type and number of installed filters. In any case, a certain amount of impurities cannot be deleted.

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters 7422_4


Flowing devices capture a polluted airflow and remove it out of the room. If the power capacity is chosen correctly, it completely removes pollution and smells. The case must necessarily be connected to the air duct that has access to the street.

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters 7422_5


Combined is called devices that can operate in two modes: flow and recycling. Combine the advantages of both varieties require a connection to the ventilation miner.

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters 7422_6

Systems differ not only on the principle of operation, but also by the method of consolidation.

Built-in exhaust WEISSGAUFF TEL 06 1M IX

Built-in exhaust WEISSGAUFF TEL 06 1M IX


Installed inside the kitchen cabinet, which is placed above the stove. Such models are usually invisible because they are a functional part of the headset. They are compact, can be equipped with a telescopic element to increase the working area.

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters 7422_8

Wall mounted

Fixed on the wall above the hob. I can have the most outdoor design and power. Most often connected to the ventilation shaky, but recirculating models are found.

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters 7422_9


Complete to the stove, standing at some distance from the wall. They are attached to the ceiling, the air vent probably, if it is supposed. Very convenient for island kitchens when the stove can be carried at least to the center of the room.

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters 7422_10

All designs can be straight or corner. The last option is especially good for small rooms, because it makes it possible to remove the cooking surface into the angle.

Maunfeld Tower Manufacturer

Maunfeld Tower Manufacturer

  • Can I connect the hood in the kitchen to the ventilation and how to do it

8 selection criteria

We tell how to choose the right hood for the kitchen in the main parameters.

1. Type of exhaust device

What exhaust is better to choose for the kitchen on the basis of type? To do this, you need to take into account the features of the kitchen room. For large areas and combined kitchen-living rooms, it is best to choose flow models, because by virtue of their constructive features they give up greater power. In addition, some models are able to operate in circulation mode, that is, to serve fresh air from the street.

Recycling systems have less productivity. They are optimal for small rooms and for rooms where there are no ventilation mines. Sometimes such devices are chosen where the distance from Ventscanal before the exhaust is very large. In order not to pull the air duct, put a good recycling unit.

Manufacturer Extraking Elikor Venta Classic

Manufacturer Extraking Elikor Venta Classic

2. Construction

If you are looking for how to choose a built-in kitchen hood, then it will be an important decorative function of the device. Embeddable can be arranged completely unnoticed. Those who do not want to mess with embeding, select the simplest suspension structures. But exhaust equipment can become an interior decoration. Such, for example, dome models of the most different execution. Interesting and appeared relatively recently lusters, which are better to hang over the kitchens-islands.

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters 7422_14

3. Dimensions

For efficient design, it is necessary that it is proportion to the stove. This means that in width it should be equal to or more of the hob. The depth has a smaller value and varies from 0.3 to 0.5 m. It must be remembered that if it is too big, a person will hurt the design head.

For the dome unit, the distance between the ventource and the lower plane of the umbrella is important. The optimal dimensions from 0.7 to 1.5 m. When choosing the device, it is necessary to take into account the height on which it will be fixed. According to the safety rules, the distance from the gas stove to the exhaust must be at least 0.75-0.85 m, from electrical - 0.65-0.75 m.

The dimensions of the exhaust umbrella in the plan should be no less than the size of the hob

This is, of course, in the perfect version. If the exhaust umbrella "covers" the cooking surface completely, then almost all polluted air (heated is heated) rises up and falls into the hood. If the cooking surface does not work in the plan (it is too big), it makes sense to set two extracts with separate umbrellas or use the additional mini-extractor, built directly in the worktop.

Built-in Hood Maunfeld Crosby Power

Built-in Hood Maunfeld Crosby Power

4. Filtration system

Another important element in solving the question, which extract to choose into the kitchen, is a system of filters. In the device of any type, a fat filter is necessarily present. It can be made of nonwoven material, then it is replaced as contaminated, or from a metal grid. In the latter case, the element is washed from time to time. Some manufacturers' firms for a better result put on their products for both types of filters.

In all recycling devices and in terms of flowing, coal filtering elements are installed. In the process of air purification, they absorb small particles of pollution and smells. After a certain time require replacement. With contaminated filters, the air purification efficiency drops to zero. It is more convenient in this regard with an electronic control exhaust, in which the filter contamination level sensor can be provided. Such a hood will remind themselves to the owners that it is time to clean or change filters.

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters 7422_16

5. Noise level

Well, if the equipment will be as low as possible - with noise levels are not louder than 45 dB. For this will have to pay, since their cost will be higher with other similar characteristics.

When choosing it is worth a preference to the device with two not the most powerful fans. It will work quieter than the device with one super power fan. In this case, the cleaning efficiency will not change.

6. Case material

Most often their housing is made of plastic, metal or glass.

The most unpretentious plastic care, aluminum alloys and enameled steel. It is more difficult to care for a stainless steel on which stains easily appear. The most capricious material is tempered glass where every random touch can be seen. But the products made of glass and stainless steel become a real decoration of the kitchen.

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters 7422_17

7. Performance

Performance shows the amount of air that the device can clear the hour of its work. The indicator varies from 100 to 2000 cubic meters / hour. The minimum performance is good only for very small rooms, but even in this case, it may not be enough.

  • You need to choose the productivity of the unit with regard to the area. To do this, measure its length and width, then change the values ​​obtained.
  • We find the volume of kitchen space, multiplying the area to height.
  • According to the standards of Sanpina, the air in the room where the food is preparing must be completely replaced 12 times in 1 hour. Therefore, we multiply the resulting volume by 12 to determine the amount of air that must pass through the product per hour.

Pick the drawing performance with stock. If the houses are electric stove, the calculated value multiply by 1.7. If gas is 2.

As a result of an easy counting, minimal performance for the kitchen exhaust device is obtained. It is advisable to increase it by 10% in case of an emergency. For example, to quickly remove smoke or unpleasant odor. In addition, if the ducts are long or with bends, performance parameters also need to increase. On average, 10% is added to each pipe bending and for each meter of its length.

Manufacturer Extraking Elikor Classic Epsilon

Manufacturer Extraking Elikor Classic Epsilon

8. Additional features

  • Illumination. The exhaust equipment is embedded backlight, radio and even TVs.
  • Adjusting speeds. Their number varies from 2 to 10. 3-4 will be quite enough.
  • The timer or with the reverse button button - so it will be possible to synchronize it with the work of the plate.
  • Protective shutdown sensor and filter contamination indicator.

The presence of an additional functional will give some difference in price, but it is justified by more comfortable operation of the product.

How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: all important parameters 7422_19

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