Liquid lawn: What is the myth or reality?


Is it possible to make a lawn quickly with liquid grass? We tell everything about this composition and give instructions for landing and care.

Liquid lawn: What is the myth or reality? 7526_1

Liquid lawn: What is the myth or reality?

Any owner of the country site would like to make its arrangement simple and at the same time high-quality. We will analyze what is a liquid lawn and how it can help.

Sale liquid lawn

What it is

Advantages and disadvantages

Methods of application

The process of preparation and sowing

Features of care

Liquid lawn: what it is, photo and composition

Liquid lawn allows you to achieve perfectly smooth and beautiful herbal coating as soon as possible on your lawn. The definition of liquid grass for lawn is also found. This is the newest technology that has come to us from the USA. The technology itself implies spraying of water with grass seeds and special growth accelerators on the surface of the soil.

Liquid lawn: What is the myth or reality? 7526_3

What is part of the liquid lawn:

  • Mulch making the soil smooth and allowing evenly distributing the seeds.
  • Actually seeds.
  • Minerals and fertilizers that feed the Earth and improve its quality. Chemical enrichment of land in this planting method plays hardly a key role.
  • Hydrogel from soil overheating and creating favorable conditions for vegetation.

Pros and cons

Such a sewage method was invented for large terrain, hills and slopes where to roll the lawn grass in rolls would be difficult. In addition, similar techniques are used in those places where there is a risk of sliding soil. Due to the roots of herb, it was fixed and made more resistant to overburden. However, this method has a lot of other qualities. Consider the whole truth about the liquid lawn - myth is or reality.


  • It fights well with the kneading and weathering of the soil.
  • Allows you to decorate the lawn even there, where propellets were formed.
  • It helps to recover exhausted soil due to its ability to produce useful trace elements.
  • Good coming up with any soil.
  • Up to 95% of the product of the product.
  • Uniform coating with one color.
  • The sowing technology itself is quite simple and the day allows you to plant large areas.
  • Low cost.


  • From year to year, germination decreases, so be prepared for re-sputtering.
  • The final result will have to wait about three to five weeks in contrast to the roll option.

Liquid lawn: What is the myth or reality? 7526_4

Application of liquid lawn

Now you can meet a lot of cases when such a way to plant grass is applied. For hydroposov in landscape design there are a number of their testimony, so it can be used in completely different places.

  • The slopes, slopes and high hills that have bad soil. Due to the fact that access to them is sometimes extremely uncomfortable, the fertilizer of the Earth in these sites becomes true. From this flows the problem of propellers on the lawn, with which the hydroposov copes perfectly.
  • Whole lawns or certain places that are constantly subjected to chemical exposure can also be seeded using this method.
  • A similar type of sowing can be used for windy or very humid terrain, where plants are very difficult to grow naturally.
  • Sports sites or children's games are also better to handle with the help of new technologies. The structure of this landscaping is better to carry such loads, which means you can avoid quick formation properin. And if they appear, they will be very easy to close with the help of a new spraying.
  • This kind of sowing is usually used on airfields due to the simplicity and speed of work.
  • Large plots, parks, gardens are more convenient to process with hydroposov.
  • Since this type of seeds is quite well with the effect of exhaust gases, they are often used for landing on urban streets.

Liquid lawn: What is the myth or reality? 7526_5

The process of preparing and growing

Preparation of soil

One of the most important stages is the preparation of the soil. Free the territory from garbage, cobblestones and unnecessary decorative elements. Then shuffle it with robbles and easily support peat or manure.

Before sowing on the street there should be dry and warm weather, and the temperature of the Earth should not fall below +10 degrees. If these conditions do not observe, then the mixture will not turn into a crust, and you will not go.

Suitable time of the year for planting such herbs can be called the middle of spring, when melted all the snow and on the street there is warm windless weather.

Liquid lawn: What is the myth or reality? 7526_6

Calculation of expense

Calculate how much mixture is enough, quite simple. Typically, manufacturers indicate that a liter cylinder with a concentrate for sowing is designed to process ten square meters of the site.

To calculate the dose, you need to multiply the cost rate on the area of ​​the earth, for example, the flow rate of the liquid lawn by 1m2, and then put the desired number of ingredients in the container.


The process of growing liquid lawn is simple and interesting at the same time. First you need to purchase a special machine that will conduct uniform spraying on the site. Then you need to put all the components in it, pour water and mix the whole mixture well. After that, you can proceed to spraying. It is proximated with the help of the hose, so the main task is here, do not pass the sections, evenly distribute the resulting liquid. If the site is very small, you can use the manual sprayer.

Liquid lawn: What is the myth or reality? 7526_7

In two or three hours, the solution dries on the surface of the Earth and forms a peculiar clay crust. It is needed to protect the workpiece from wind, rain, birds, insects, and create a kind of greenhouse, where the seeds will ripe.

The process can be viewed on the video.

Tips for care

Before the appearance of the first sprouts, it will sell about five to ten days. It is very important to water the Earth daily and not to allow it to dry. If the day was rainy, watering no longer need. The highest medium for germination is warm, moistened soil and a large number of seeds.

Pay attention to the composition of herbs. Each type of liquid lawn requires its own special care, which manufacturers are reported on packages with mixtures.

Liquid lawn: What is the myth or reality? 7526_8

Despite the fact that this type of sowing is very popular and all instructions are easy to find on the packaging, gardeners continue to make mistakes that are reflected on time to shoot and the quality of grass.

Frequent errors:

  • Neglecting landing rules, namely, the processing of the soil in poor weather with low temperatures.
  • Using a large number of feeding.
  • Incorrectly selected blend of herbs for the Earth on your site.

Therefore, it is extremely important to first examine the technique, choose the right mixture for landscaping, familiarize yourself with its instructions and pay special attention to the shelf life.

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