How to get rid of household ants in the apartment by people and purchased means


We tell about how to deal with ants with the help of boric acid or ordinary oil, as well as any household poisons to buy and about the prevention measures of their appearance.

How to get rid of household ants in the apartment by people and purchased means 7620_1

How to get rid of household ants in the apartment by people and purchased means

We list all the important points to combat insects in the video. See if there is no read time

The homemings are considered the most innocent insects of all that they live next door to a person. Only some species are able to cause serious damage to wooden coatings: windows, walls and furniture, having done in them moves and lazes. Nevertheless, seeing arthropods in its own house is not so nice. Moreover, when individual individuals are unexpectedly found on food products, for example, fall into sugar. Let's deal with how to get rid of ants in the apartment.

How to remove ants:

Causes of appearance

First actions when detecting

Folk remedies

- Boric acid

- yeast

- Aromatherapy

- Coffee Mushcha

Industrial instructicides


Causes of appearance

If at home you suddenly accidentally noticed the ant, first of all, you should not panic. Perhaps he just got to you from the street with clothes or shoes.

However, this may be a person leading food searches. If he finds food, he will leave the odorless trail, according to which the conifers will find him. But whether they will have, depends on several factors:

  1. The presence of food in free access. Ants are very loved by sweet food, rich in carbohydrates: sugar, honey, bread and fruit. But sometimes they do not bend to taste paints, gouache or watercolor, casein glue, unprocessed wood and even paper.
  2. Dirty dishes with food particles attracts almost all types of insects.
  3. The same applies to trash packages that are in an open container, for example, in a bucket without a lid.

If the case of detection of articular not one is not a single, take measures to be required as quickly as possible. Otherwise, in love with your house, the colony will be withdrawn much more difficult.

How to get rid of household ants in the apartment by people and purchased means 7620_3

First actions when detecting

When the ants are a bit, in addition to physical violence, you can use the remedies. Almost all of them are in every home.

  • Noticed a small insect path? Wipe it with a soap solution or a solution of cutlery. For convenience, you can take a spray gun.
  • While a person does not feel the smell of vegetable oil, insects do not tolerate it. Therefore, another humane method of struggle, which will force uninhabable guests to leave your home, is to "figure out" oil lines at the site of the tracks or just make islands. The only minus - will have to closely follow your movements so as not to slip. Even better reviews from spent engine oil.
  • Barriers can be made of extinguished chalk, activated carbon or black pepper. The principle is the same - scatter the substances on the paths of their follows.

If single individuals occur quite often, but there are no visible tracks, look for plinths, in the walls and secluded places for furniture. Carefully with the kitchen, after all, this is the main habitat of these insects.

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Folk remedies from ants in the apartment

If you found a substantiated colony, you will have to take more serious measures. We offer to start with folk recipes. They are safer and less often cause an allergic reaction, which is especially important if there are children and animals in the house.

Be patient: you should not count on the instantaneous effect of the only tested method. In some cases, you will have to use two or three methods for a month or two.

How to get rid of household ants in the apartment by people and purchased means 7620_5

Boric acid

One of the most effective methods in the struggle against pests - boric acid and its salt is a bora. They corrode the chitin from which the protective insect shell consists.

During the preparation of apartment bait, be careful, be sure to use rubber gloves and also preferably a dressing for the face.

How to make bait

  • For bait, you will need welded boiled yolk and sweet ingredient - sugar, jam or honey. Yolks are triturated and mixed with sweet, about 20 grams of boric acid are added to the resulting mass. Little balls or pellets are rolling from this mixture, which set the habitats of the uninvited guests.
  • In this case, not only insect scouts. The poison they are transmitted to the nest, so the queen-uterus dies.
  • Some do not use yolks, prefer to add boric acid directly to the honey. A few drops of this mixture simply leave in the right places, for this you can use the lids.
  • Another option involves the use of meat minced meat instead of sweet bait. But this recipe is suitable only if you do not have pets.


Another good method of combating ants in the apartment is ordinary food yeast. An old recipe is a mixture with small sugar.

It will take 4-5 tablespoons of honey or sugar syrup and one tablespoon of yeast. You can also add boric acid at will.

The mixture is poured or poured into the lids and placed in the corners.


If you are ready for having sharp odors in the house, try aromatherapy in the fight for the purity of the home. Insects do not tolerate the aromas of mint, the smell of garlic and camphor. It is enough to graze the plinth plants or simply decompose the slices or leaves along them. True, this method will work only if the ants come to you for meals, but live elsewhere. There are also positive feedback on the use of pharmacy chamomile, lemon, parsley, anise and cloves in the same way.

How to get rid of household ants in the apartment by people and purchased means 7620_6

Coffee grounds

Some claim that the smell of coffee scares the ants, others say that the thick is dangerous for them. One way or another, and the baits in the form of a coffee ground, mixed with sweet syrup or sugar, helped to remove not one colony of arthropods. Perhaps this method is worth trying as one of the funds.

How to get rid of household ants in the apartment by people and purchased means 7620_7

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Industrial methods of struggle

If the folk remedies did not help, there are more serious methods of struggle - industrial. On the one hand, their result is guaranteed, and quickly, on the other, such substances are more dangerous, they often cause allergic reactions.

Let's look at how to get rid of home ants in the apartment with the help of goods from the store?

There are several types of funds that differ not only in composition, but also the main thing - in the form of release. Among the most popular: gels, powders and trap baits. Many manufacturers offer goods in different forms.

How to use shopping refute

  • When buying, you will definitely ask the seller, for which type of room it is intended insecticide. The fact is that the funds that are produced for a private house can not always be used in an urban apartment.
  • In addition, specify whether it is possible to use the remedy in the apartment where pets dwell. Not all goods have repulsive for dogs and cats by smell.
  • Do not forget about the precautionary measures! Be sure to wear gloves and mask when using insecticides. Conduct manipulations away from home plants and trees.

How to get rid of household ants in the apartment by people and purchased means 7620_9

What funds are most effective

  • Absolute type gels, "Pure House" or "Great Warrior". They are similar on the principle of action: Sweet Smell and taste attracts insects. Apply dotted lines near the probable tracks of arthropods: plinth, doorways, windows, and so on. In the composition of the gels there are toxic substances that kill not only the ant, swallowing "delicacy", but also the whole colony. An infected person tolerates poisoning substances.
  • Powders "Muravyin", "Carbofos" and Delicia differ in the method of applying. Some have to breed in water. However, the active insecticides in most are the same, the main one is chloropyrifors.
  • The baits of the Kombat type, the "Great Warrior" and "Absolut" have the form of a capsule with a poisonous substance. Ant, tasted the sweet poison carries a part of the queen, so she will poison too.

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Preventive measures

Of course, any specialist in the question of how to get rid of ants in the apartment, tells you that the easiest to comply with preventive measures. What are they going to?

  1. Do not leave for a long time the remains of food, especially bread, jam, honey, cookies - any sweets that attract arthropods.
  2. Watch out for cleanliness. It is very important not to throw unwitted dishes in the sink, as well as wipe the table immediately after eating. Thus, you get rid of crumbs, which are also quite attractive from the forming point of view.
  3. Keep rubbish in a sealed container or at least use a bucket with a lid. Take it out daily! So no one type of insects will have access to food residues and trash.
  4. Fruits and vegetables, especially chopped, keep in sealed containers in the refrigerator. Do not leave cut apples or melon outdoors.

Read also how to derive ants in the garden.

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