Technique for giving: what to choose


Cottage is a country house with a nursery. You can break a small garden, put a couple of strawberry beds, but it's not about industrial landing. Still, in the modern understanding of the cottage is a place to relax, and not for slave labor. We select a technique that will help ease life outside the city.

Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_1

Technique for giving: what to choose

To work in the garden and on the plot

Do not take into account the standard gardener inventory - a shovel, chipper and rake. That kind you have, for sure, grabs. But there is more serious technique without doing it.

Lawn mower

Surely at the neighboring fence with enviable periodicity heard the non-stroke fossilization of the trimmer. The thing is not bad for hard-to-reach places, but loud, sniffing unevenly. Electric lawn mowers are mostly low. They are just used in a pair with a trimmer to attach what they were hosted. But if the electricity is disconnected (in some garden partnerships still happens several times a week), what then?

What to choose

Gasoline lawn mowers, of course, loud. But powerful. They are less "tired." With one such machine, it is possible without interrupting, cutting 18 acres of lawn. May, of course, the mosper will be tired, but certainly not the device itself. And no dependence on electricity or weather - this monster easily copes even with wet grass.

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Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_4

Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_5

Gasoline Motoblock

Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_6

Gasoline lawn mower


If you have a well or pond, then you know that they should be cleaned regularly. But besides this, several times during the season they need to empty. It is usually done at the beginning of the summer, when everything is dug and partially settled in the water, and in the middle when the heat and water stands on the street can begin to deteriorate.

What to choose

Electrical pumps are portable - this is exactly what you need. They fall into the well or in the pond on the desired depth and suck water, throwing it through the hose in stock.

It is important to keep track of the pump ...

It is important to ensure that the pump does not accidentally break into IL. So that this does not happen, it is put in the bucket and are immersed in depth. In the photo - a drainage pump for pumping water from wells, ponds, pit, cellars.



How do you do with cropped branches? Burn? Export outside the site?

Garden chopper is a small shredder, which grinds small branches in sawdust. Then they can be used either for ignition, or to care for flower beds and beds with plants.

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Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_9

Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_10

Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_11


Returning to the issue of turning off the electricity. There may be several reasons for this, a thunderstorm, an accident at the substation, a low-power network, closure. If you spend a lot of time in the country with children, even a short time without electricity - the problem. Benzine or diesel electric generators do not occupy a lot of space, it is easy to interfere with the barn. In case of an unplanned situation, the lever is simply switched on the shield, the generator starts.

His main drawback - works & ...

His main drawback - this machine works noisy. But tolerant. At least his power is enough to cook food, heat the water, wash the children.

Multitur on batteries

Periodically, the nail should be driven into, then the fence tighten, then the drain on the roof is to fix it. To keep a whole arsenal tool - impractical. Special person is looking for and hiring every time - long and expensive.

In the construction markets for sale multitoles with a set of nazadov, which work both from the network and from batteries. The second option is more portable, you can easily climb even on the roof, even under the porch. But the main dignity - the nozzles can be purchased separately as needed. There is a grinding machine, and a drill, and a screwdriver - everything is in one place and at hand at the right moment.

For home and bath


If you have a stove, then you know that it heats up slowly. Plus, it is constantly necessary to follow, as needed to throw firewood. Gas heating is a good thing, but not cheap. If you spend one season in the country from the darity, then unjustified.

Light electrically structures

Light electrical structures are connected to a single network, installed throughout the house. They are supplied with a regulator of temperatures, so that as soon as the air indoor is cooled to 12 ° C, the heating automatically turns on.


Electric heaters

Hot water in the country is always needed - and wash the dishes, and hands, and the house is put into order. Question in quantity. If you come together and rarely, you can do with a flowing water heater. For example, with a crumb of Aures Slim Flow or Aures Slim Multi from Ariston. But for their stable work, a constant pressure of cold water is needed. Otherwise, the device can simply burn.

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Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_15

Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_16

Model Aures Slim Multi from Ariston

Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_17


For a large family, boilers are more suitable for 50 liters. For example, Dune1 R or Lydos R ABS. To both you can make a wiring and connect several points at once, such as bathroom and kitchen. In addition, Lydos R ABS remembers the temperature of the water, it can be adjusted to heating the water at night when more favorable electricity tariffs.

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Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_19

Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_20

Cumulative water heater model Dune1 R from Ariston

Technique for giving: what to choose 7829_21

Cumulative Water Heater Lydos R ABS from Ariston


Many underestimate multicookers, and in vain! Summer cakes in them are excellent, children and guests will definitely come to taste.

Pay attention to the model, to ...

Pay attention to models that include also the properties of the pressure cooker. Meat and vegetables in such are obtained very fragrant. The main thing is not to follow. It is enough to install the program and timer.


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