What makes a fence for a parisade: 5 best materials


We tell about the fences of wood, metal, stone or plastic and choose what is better.

What makes a fence for a parisade: 5 best materials 7843_1

What makes a fence for a parisade: 5 best materials

The bar is a business card of a private house. From how successfully the space in front of the house depends, the first impression of the owners of the guests and just random passers-by. But the fence is not only a decorative element of the landscape, but also the main zoning tool. In addition, the fence protects plantings from animals and serves as the basis for some creeping colors. Knowing all this, it is important to choose the right material for hedge: whether it will be wrought, wooden or plastic fence for the palication.

Types of fences for the paralisian


From EvroShtnika





What to choose

Wooden fences

This is the most popular material for the fence. If you see what the fences of the barisaders are in front of the house, the photo with wooden fences will be the most numerous. Classic stakenat or massive bar - what to choose, solve you. This material has advantages and disadvantages, as well as in any other. The main minus lies in the relations of wood and water, the material does not tolerate too high humidity. To avoid deformation, you need to regularly process the design with special water repellent compositions. In addition to moisture, it is important to protect the material from insects, also with the help of special means. The popular version of the wooden fence is from a bar. Such a design looks more solid than a stakenik. When installing the first thing, the support pillars are fixed, cutting and horizontal screeds are mounted. A sufficiently massive design, though attractive outwardly. It makes sense to erect if you want to hide a plot from prying views or protect plants from external influence. What is the optimal height of the palanisader - to solve you.

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Cabinets from the villagers for the parisade

Perhaps it will not be an exaggeration to say that this is the easiest installation option. Wooden planks are laid in the ground next to each other, that's all the installation. It is important to install the details close so that the wind is not separated. A small prosperity should still be preserved, it is important for the right growth of colors and other plants. After installation, it is necessary to make all the horizontal screeds, usually be allowed from above and below.

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Perhaps the most durable material for the fence. Any design will serve you in faith and truth of several dozen years with proper care, whether it is a forged fence for a barroom or solid metal sheets. A lot of benefits: they are durable, easy to care, reliable, durable.

Such a design can stand up to 50 years, if they regularly cover it with an anti-corrosion composition.

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What makes a fence for a parisade: 5 best materials 7843_53

What makes a fence for a parisade: 5 best materials 7843_54


Meet two types. The first: the finished product that is purchased from the manufacturer. And the second option is more creative if you make it with your own hands. You can use some old items, such as bottles. An interesting leisure version for the whole family with a mandatory condition for the presence of good taste.

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The fence may well compete with the metallic for the title of the most durable. Natural breed looks very attractive and able to protect your plot as much eternity. By the way, such a type of fence can be formalized independently. To do this, find suitable stones, prepare a cement solution - and you can safely begin to work. The material can be found independently, which means the cost of such a barrier will be significantly lower than all others. If you do not know how to work with cement, you can construct a mesh box and fall asleep cobblestones into it. Add a decorative openwork forging from above - and get a small piece of construction art.

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What makes a fence for a parisade: 5 best materials 7843_87


Often there are options from a stone base with a metal riding: they look very beautiful and are unlikely to give way to their characteristics to other bursts. Metal gives some ease of construction, and the base of the stone makes the fence more stable and durable. You can add here and wooden details - trust your little and do not be afraid to experiment.

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What makes a fence for a parisade: 5 best materials 7843_97

What kind of choose?

What material should be stopped at? A good option combines the following indicators.

  • Durability
  • Strength
  • Aesthetics
  • Unpretentious
  • Value for money
  • Easy of installation

The most popular fence for the parisade is wooden, but you can often find plastic or metal. The size also happens the most different: from low decorative hedges to a high massive fence. Combined fences or options poured from concrete appetively look. What is better to choose depends on your budget, the conditions in which the fence, climatic indicators will be used and directly the Square Square in front of the house.

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