How to wash a blanket: instructions and useful tips


We give detailed instructions, how to wash in a washing machine blanket from bamboo, wool and wool.

How to wash a blanket: instructions and useful tips 7867_1

How to wash a blanket: instructions and useful tips

Home textiles needs timely cleansing and washing. In order for warm bedding to preserve not only their appearance, a pleasant aroma, but also properties, just shaking the thing is not enough. However, difficulties arise with large and heavy products. We find out whether it is possible to wash the blanket in a washing machine.

Wash the blankets correct

Instructions for washing each type


How to wash the blanket: instruction for each type

Instructions, how to wash a blanket, can be found on a sewn to the product label, or on the liner in the package. On labels, one of the three possible types of cleansing usually indicate:

  • Dry clean
  • Manually
  • Machine wash

However, the first two are not always in & ...

However, the first two are not always possible, since the dry-cleaner may be very expensive, and it will be very difficult to wash your hands because of its weight. Therefore, we advise you to choose a machine washing. Then home cleaning will not be difficult.


But nevertheless, warm bedding can be refreed in a washing machine. The main thing is to know all the subtleties and features of the process.

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It is considered the most unpretentious in care. But still follow a certain axiom needed.

Rules of washing

  • Stop the temperature not more than 40 degrees
  • Equally distribute the cloth in the drum
  • The spin does not hurt the material, so you can set about 800 revolutions
  • Powder is better to use liquid, but if not, the means for children's things is suitable or for delicate cleansing

After the machine completes the work, you will need to spend the product and shake it a couple of times during drying.

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Pooh filler more capricious than synthetics. If you make an error when cleaning, it is welcomed, it does not succeed and acquire a raw unpleasant smell.

Rules of washing

  • Stop the temperature not more than 30 degrees.
  • Powder only liquid.
  • Cleaning mode must be delicate.

Special attention should be done with & ...

Special attention should be paid to the drying of the material. Spread it on the horizontal surface and put the towel or other absorbing tissue. During the entire drying, bedding must be turned over, shake and knead. If the product is quilted, then repent the content of each cell. Exclude direct sunlight.


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Camel's wool

Is it possible to wash a blanket from camel wool? Opinion is different. For a start, look at the label attached to the product. If the machine washing is excluded, the thing will really be better to go into dry cleaning. If not, then you need to adhere to certain rules.

Rules of washing

  • The water temperature may not exceed 30 degrees
  • Cleaning mode is better to choose specifically for wool. With its absence, exhibit delicate.
  • The spin is better excluded, because things from camel wool are quite heavy, and you simply risk overloading the car.

Next is the important process of drying, where one of the main difficulties is a spin. Do not unscrew the product so you can damage its fibers.

Hold it a canopy and wait until the water stalks. For this, it can also be placed in the bath for a while. Then, from top to bottom, press it with light movements. After that, it must be placed on the horizontal surface indoors with constant access of fresh air. The main thing is not to outweigh it and not bend, as this will lead to loss of form.

Nevertheless, we advise you to apply dry cleaning, which is easy to implement with special substances that are foaming. It is applied to all bedspreads and pollution is removed with a brush. Thanks to this method, you do not have to think how to wash the blanket in the washing machine, the machine, and at the same time risk quality of the product.


Such a filler was washed in a typewriter, because it can spoil. If you find a stain on things, then try to remove it with soap solution and foam. Otherwise, contact dry cleaning.

If there is such an opportunity, then remove the silk filling from the case, the cover itself can be cleaned, and then return the filler back.


Wash bamboo blanket like ...

Wash a bamboo blanket, like a sintepon, is quite easy. The fibers of such material are steadyly transferring the spin and exposure to powder. However, do not exhibit a high temperature - 30 degrees will be enough.


After cleaning, lay it on the horizontal surface and let me dry. Also in this case, the processing in a special dryer is allowed.


It is worth noting to note that you can wash your cotton blanket at home, like wool, quite difficult. Watch item with wets will not be just severe, but also assembled into lumps, which will be almost impossible to straighten.

Rules of washing

  • Prepare soap, dissolve a small amount of powder in water.
  • In the resulting solution, soda the location of pollution.
  • After that, a sponge or brush, collect the resulting foam.
  • Excess water remove with a dry sponge.
  • If the product is large, clean it in stages.

It is necessary to dry the thing on the horizontal surface under the sun, while periodically whipping the filler. Please note that the effects of heat from the battery will negatively affect the quality of the material.

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Such material easily places

Such material is easily placed in the machine. The main thing is to choose the right mode. To do this, refer to the label on which the ratio of wool and other components is indicated. The more natural materials, the more delicate there should be a mode.


The recommended temperature usually does not exceed 40 degrees, and send the minimum spin. Do not forget about the air conditioner, it will give the material a special softness and pleasant smell. If the fabric has difficulty spots, then it is better to drain them in advance.

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Useful advice

Despite the fact that some on ...

Despite the fact that some fillers are very unpretentious, during or after cleaning you may encounter some troubles.

  • To avoid the appearance of divorces after dry cleaning, we advise you to pre-cut the thing.
  • It is also better to carry out dry cleaning with the help of special funds that can now be purchased at any store.
  • If after drying from the material began to proceed an unpleasant odor, then the thing will have to be replaced. Most likely, the filler is not drying to the end and accumulated chemicals began to oxidize. It is also possible to appear mold, and this can very adversely affect the health of all family members.
  • Do not exhibit from over 800 revolutions. It can harm things.
  • Consider that when wetting the product becomes twice as much. Pre-stick it or look the weight on the label. If the bedding weighs three kilograms, and the machine withstands only five, then such a cleaning method is not suitable for you.
  • Do not use all sorts of shampoos and detergents for washing dishes instead of liquid powder. They are not intended for technology.

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