Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone


We tell how to lay a house on the site, about the right distances between residential and economic buildings and properly sounding.

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_1

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone

The specified area is quite spacious in order to make a comfortable layout, options and schemes for a portion of 12 acres set on the Internet. But they have a significant minus: the garden will be formed not for your needs. It is better to mark the space yourself by turning on the functionality exactly what you need. In the article share information, how it is better to do and what to take into account.

We decorate 12 acres

Basic principles planning
  • What you need to consider first of all
  • Garden layout

How to make an entrance to the house

Arrangement of a residential complex

  • Distance to construction
  • Advice

Target design

Space for rest


How to plan a portion of 12 acres

What should be considered first?

  • Relief.
  • The form of the site.
  • Presence of communications.
  • Natural light level.
  • Natural landscape nearby.
  • Type of soil.
  • The presence of groundwater and flooding furnishings.

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_3

  • If your section is 2 hectares: 8 functional ideas for arrangement of a small area

How to plan the territory

A competently planned garden playground includes the following objects.

  • Entrance. This is a plot in front of a house or garage, flowerbeds and parisades.
  • Living area: house, veranda and garage. If there is a house for guests, it should also be attributed to this item.
  • Territory for recreation: sports field, mangal, gazebo, swimming pool.
  • Directly garden: breading of landing of different plants, beds and vegetable flower beds, greenhouses.
  • Camers: sheds, storage rooms, cellar, enclosures and animal and birds.
  • Two more points are a mansion - a playground and a bath.

We will analyze the items in more detail.

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_5

  • How to design a landscape design of a 12 hectare site: 8 rules for all

How to make an entrance to the house

Separate couple of acres, some will allocate under the so-called entrance. This is an entrance to the residential house, which is laid out with tiles or stone, rolled up asphalt and decorated with flower beds. This is your dacha business card. From how tidy and harmoniously look like these weaves, the first impression of home and you, as his owners, depends. The most important thing here is to plan convenient access to the house and the garage, as well as eliminate extra noises from the street. To do this, you can plant a live elevation or build a stone fence. Place the coniferous trees along it - they look very neat and do not require serious care.

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_7

Arrangement of residential area

The design of the country house in 12 acres is the layout of the residential area first. Options for ready-made examples Mass are different houses, shapes, height and style of the facade. The only general rule - the height of the country house may be no more than 3 floors. You can order a ready-made project of the house or build an independent one - everything depends on your desire, time and financial capabilities.

There are several ways to locate a country house on a plot. It can be built in the depths so that the whole garden is before our eyes, if you look out from the window. Either put in the hedge itself, but not closer than 3 meters from the road. Then the garden will be reliably fenced not only by the fence but also a residential house, it will make it a completely private territory.

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_8

Tips for the location of the house

  • Residential building should be organized in the shaded part of the garden
  • The windows are better spaced on the eastern or west
  • The veranda is from the south, because in the summer it will protect the room from overheating, and in the cold season from the wind.

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_9
Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_10
Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_11

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_12

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_13

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_14

Minimum distance to household buildings

According to security requirements, it is important to observe the distance between different buildings in the garden. For example, to the chicken coop should be at least 15 meters, to the toilet or barn and more - 20 meters. Try to follow these requirements. And then buildings will be completely safe.

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_15

Zoning garden plot

How to glorify a 12 hectare plot? At this stage, it is important not to overdo it in landings and not turn your future garden into one solid bed. Think the location and amount of planting material. Combine flower beds and beds. Landscape designers recommend organizing simple rectangular beds in the southern part of the country garden. The place must be chosen so that it is not in the shade of buildings, but at the same time securely protected from the wind.

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_16

Bushes and trees, as a rule, are located along the fence, thus enhancing the protection against wind and prying views. If there are still gardens in the neighborhood, then the distance from the tree to the fence on your dacha should not be less than 2 meters - so as not to shade the neighboring beds. In addition to landing, it is important to equip and convenient passages between them, and also consider how it is better to organize watering so that water does not register on another territory.

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_17

Arrangement of the territory for recreation

The most pleasant part of the planning. What can be placed here? Yes, all you want! It is best to transfer this territory to the farthest corner of the garden, in a shady a quiet place away from roads and neighbors. The most popular building here is, of course, the gazebo. When planning, focus on the number of guests and family members, the size and form of construction depends on it. As a rule, a mangal zone is equipped nearby - this is concreted or laid out a piece of land, where there is a brazier, a table and all the necessary grill fixtures. You can add this territory by a pool or decorative pond, put a fountain, divide a couple of small flower beds.

Planning section 12 acres: How to successfully combine the garden, living and gaming zone 7976_18

Planning a playground

If you have children, be sure to arrange your own corner at the cottage. The playground should be in the age and needs of the child, you should not make it on the grow out, it is unsafe. It is better to limit the children's zone - put a small children's fence. It is important that it is as safe as possible, did not have sharp corners. The same goal can serve as a decorative or garden shrub - children will be doubly interesting to play if you can eat delicious berries nearby.

The children's zone should be not far from home and placed so that it is clearly seen from the window or with a recreation area. You can make it yourself or order ready-made complexes with a slide, house, sandbox and swings. For older children, you can make a small soccer platform or hang a basketball ring.

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