7 useful habits that will help stop the accumulation


In order not to think about how to add endless mountains of things, get these useful habits. Psychologists say this is enough for this 21 days.

7 useful habits that will help stop the accumulation 8001_1

7 useful habits that will help stop the accumulation

Let's start with the fact that there is a concept of pathological storage (Plushin syndrome, Slogomania) and relate to nervous disorders, unhealthy obsessive behavior. Our article is not called upon to treat someone. We will talk about a banal bad habit of folding even unnecessary things on the shelves of cabinets, which is regretted "it is expensive as a memory" or "sorry spent money."

1 Start throw away, but slowly

It is not necessary to take care of the work and throw out everything immediately into the garbage container. This can lead to an even greater feeling of regret and inner concern. Select one room and disassemble the accumulated things slowly. For example, for one room, remove one week. So you can remove unnecessary and pause in a relaxed atmosphere, if you need to think about it - throw away or not.

7 useful habits that will help stop the accumulation 8001_3

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2 If you decide to throw, do not delay for later

Take a rule - if you have already decided that you don't need a thing, throw it now, and not tomorrow, in a week or a month later. So you will free the place right now, because for this week or a month of waiting can accumulate even more.

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3 Leave 2-3 things for the collection

If you are tied to things emotionally - this advice is for you. Children's drawings, your school diaries and tables, some old postcards - select 2-3 pieces, leave yourself to the memory, postponing to the folder. And the rest can be thrown away. By the way, children's drawings can be made part of the exposure or decor of the children's room, it is not necessary to occupy boiled paper shelves, and find them use.

7 useful habits that will help stop the accumulation 8001_6

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4 Throw things that "not about you"

If you are a programmer, you have no cottage and you are not going to buy it - then why do you need a book about gardening? Do not save items that do not reflect your lifestyle, you do not need and will not be used. This is the first way to the fact that the shelves will be filled with useless objects.

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5 Pass things into the commission

The opportunity to earn a little - good motivation to get rid of old things. Take into the habit of collecting useless items and give a commission store with a certain regularity. Let's say, every 2-3 months.

7 useful habits that will help stop the accumulation 8001_9

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6 Stop yourself when you want to buy something

The accumulation is the nearest "friend" emotional purchases. Surely you acquaint you: they saw the thing, they felt a momentary desire to buy, bought. They did not analyze if you have a set of clothes to this thing (if it is a wardrobe subject), we did not think over where you will store this item on an ongoing basis. Such actions lead to the creation of a "dimensionless" cabinet and it is incorrect. Try to stop yourself from a rapid purchase. If you liked something in the store, postpone the decision on a day or two.

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7 Organize storage

When you find your place for every thing and take a habit during cleaning to return objects to this very place - it should become easier. You simply do not want to provoke the accumulation of trash.

7 useful habits that will help stop the accumulation 8001_12

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